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Re: 「sotano 」 - ye olde potato bar

Posted: Sep 11th, '17, 05:04
by Lady River
It's spring now but it does still feel like winter at times.

thank you :)

Re: 「sotano 」 - ye olde potato bar

Posted: Sep 11th, '17, 05:11
by Tora_Fujimoto
I wish it was spring v.v It's gonna be fall soon and it's gonna get colder. I'm gonna love it at first and then I'm gonna hate how cold it is because we can't use the heater all the time. xD

I'm trying to clean but I want to be on here and try to get FP so I can buy things xD lol

Re: 「sotano 」 - ye olde potato bar

Posted: Sep 11th, '17, 05:12
by Lady River
I only use the heater when I'm the only one here...cause I get cold easily but I find I don't need it quite as early as when I have others here

Re: 「sotano 」 - ye olde potato bar

Posted: Sep 11th, '17, 05:24
by Tora_Fujimoto
Yeah I say my gf is my heater because she stays so warm xD So we try to use the comforter and each other to keep warm before we use the heater.

I get really cold usually but lately I've been hot so much I'd really like the cold weather. Have you been hearing about all the fires and hurricanes in the US?
It's so crazy. It's kind of scary.

Re: 「sotano 」 - ye olde potato bar

Posted: Sep 11th, '17, 05:31
by Lady River
-nods- Peter works nights soo kinda need heater on xD

Those fires sound scary :( I did hear about them.

We're slowly preparing for bushfire season here. I know there has been backburning happening.

Re: 「sotano 」 - ye olde potato bar

Posted: Sep 11th, '17, 05:48
by Tora_Fujimoto
Yeah I would understand that. Without my Renee, I would die of coldness xD lol

Yeah I know a building close to where I live burned down o.o And there's been a lot around but it's worse in other places. The hurricanes scare me the most because I heard there's more, even after Irma.

Re: 「sotano 」 - ye olde potato bar

Posted: Sep 11th, '17, 07:53
by Lady River
I'm no where near the areas that get cyclones here in Australia. But where I live is rural and therefore a lot of bushland. Soo yeah.

I know a few years ago there were bad bushfires near one of the highways.

Hell I don't know when cyclone season is going to be now, it used to be early January.. but not sure even this year got any. =/ I get rather forgetful tbh

Re: 「sotano 」 - ye olde potato bar

Posted: Sep 11th, '17, 08:10
by Tora_Fujimoto
I dont really pay attention to those kinds of things but since its been happening one after the other you kind of have to because you dont know if its going to be in your area next xD

Re: 「sotano 」 - ye olde potato bar

Posted: Sep 11th, '17, 08:15
by Lady River
I do follow quite a few facebook pages for things like rural fire brigade and road accidents.. etc

That said I'm not in a spot that would get cyclones unless for some strange reason they start attacking the lower states which would be rather weird.

Re: 「sotano 」 - ye olde potato bar

Posted: Sep 11th, '17, 18:24
by Tora_Fujimoto
Maybe I should follow some. Usually how I found out about things is the news when I was at work.
xD I dont usually watch the news on tv at my place.