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Re: [Helping Hand] ~ Summer raffle closed ♥

Posted: Aug 22nd, '19, 22:15
by Chrizine
Ugh, hope it doesn't turn out too stressful, Popo!
Did you have a nice vacation?

Re: [Helping Hand] ~ Summer raffle closed ♥

Posted: Aug 23rd, '19, 10:27
by Popodoki
its pretty annoying, mostly means overtime for me...

My boss also kind of let me know that they're never going to let me and my colleague who also works full-time take a vacation at the same time. Pretty much because the 2 part-timers couldn't keep up/made lil mistakes/etc. I was away from work for 5 days and it was enough for her to miss me c'':

flattering but also big sigh cause now ofc some of my set vacations/conventions are in danger cause unlike my colleague I can't pick my own dates, the convention dates are all set. If she decides to take her vacation at the same time next year its no convention for me :/

Re: [Helping Hand] ~ Summer raffle closed ♥

Posted: Aug 25th, '19, 11:52
by Chrizine
Overtime doesn't sound like fun. Do you at least get paid well for the overtime to sweeten the deal?

Hm, I hope it works out with your vacation plans. Can you maybe talk to your coworker about it? If she can pick her dates more freely, maybe she'd be willing to plan around the dates that are most important to you? In general, I mean, if you both want vacation at the same time, it's not immediately clear that you'd have to be the one to reschedule. Especially if you have an event and she doesn't have any constraints about when to take the vacation.

Re: [Helping Hand] ~ Summer raffle closed ♥

Posted: Aug 28th, '19, 23:14
by light_sucks
In the US you get paid 1.5x for overtime. I wonder if it's different in other places.

How y'all doing today?

Re: [Helping Hand] ~ Summer raffle closed ♥

Posted: Aug 29th, '19, 20:32
by Popodoki
ugh I'm sorry I'm so absent, this isn't my norm :'c

at my job I don't get paid extra for overtime, we just write all the hours down and can take them back some other time. We do get paid extra for holidays, and one really nice thing is that everyone gets paid for a holiday even when we don't work that day. Personally don't get why but I'm not complaining haha

sadly though some of my coworkers are those kind of people that get really particular about their vacations and 'fairness' in rescheduling etc and imo they're so bent on making shift changes/reschedulings/vacations fair for everyone that they're actually making it more restricting and even get the result that one of the part-timers is afraid to ask for someone to switch a shift because 'oh no I have already asked once this month' and things like that...

me I'm always up to cover anyone's shift or do some overtime etc cause if it doesn't inconvenience me why not?? I'm easy-going, if I can do it I will and if I can't then 'sorry' the thing is I rarely can't cause I don't really make a lot of plans haha

of course in the end though I'm left quite tired. It's Thursday now and I have 2 more workdays to go, I'm at 30h of my supposed 38h/week.

Hope everyone is having a good week <3

Re: [Helping Hand] ~ Summer raffle closed ♥

Posted: Aug 30th, '19, 00:28
by light_sucks
No worries hun.

Do you get salary then?

At all of my old jobs I was very strict with making sure I got all my mandated breaks and stuff. Like they were all big corporations so I wasn't worried about hurting a small business by doing it. If I worked at a smaller business I think that I would probably be more lenient with it, but if they kept trying to not give me breaks and such I would talk to them about it.

And I was always too tired to work extra shifts. I think in all of the time I've worked I've worked extra shifts, like 12 times maybe?

I always wondered how people managed to work AND do other stuff too. I always got home and laid down, too exhausted to do anything else. Then I found out about my chronic fatigue.

Well remember that you need to worry about your health as well. Too much work is bad for you. Don't overexert yourself.

It's going okay for me. I'm super tired again. And I can't remember where I packed my art supplies or video games. lol.

Re: [Helping Hand] ~ Summer raffle closed ♥

Posted: Sep 10th, '19, 16:29
by Death Candy
*plops* I'm tired. How is everyone?

Re: [Helping Hand] ~ Summer raffle closed ♥

Posted: Sep 11th, '19, 00:42
by light_sucks
I am also tired. Constantly exhausted pigeon. lol.

How are you besides tired?

Re: [Helping Hand] ~ Summer raffle closed ♥

Posted: Sep 13th, '19, 10:30
by Popodoki
Joining the tired club! c':

I haven't been home at a decent hour in over a week, its been work+commitments+hell happening everywhere and I already can't wait for september to be over ~

I don't have the time for a raffle this month, as you might have noticed haha

but there'll be an extra big one next month to make up for it!

Re: [Helping Hand] ~ Summer raffle closed ♥

Posted: Sep 22nd, '19, 14:41
by Chrizine
Sorry for poofing!

I've been busy with finishing my master thesis and then a bit of vacation. Now I just have a presentation of the thesis on thursday left and then I'll be done with the student life!