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Re: Chrizi's Crafty Corner - come chat!

Posted: Feb 11th, '19, 01:12
by Akili Li
I can't help feeling that that's the sort of thing that actually adds value to the world. Farmers, crafters, builders of any stripe, healers, all of those make sense to me.
People whose sole business is tracking projected values of artificial wealth constructs?
I don't get that.

Re: Chrizi's Crafty Corner - come chat!

Posted: Feb 11th, '19, 01:14
by Dream-Baby
Same. They are simply playing make belief in such an intense way the worl actually believes them.

Having tangible goods is of much greater value to me.

Although I really love the ability of internet allowing me to meet more people. :}

Re: Chrizi's Crafty Corner - come chat!

Posted: Feb 11th, '19, 01:24
by Akili Li
yes, the communication field is relatively tangible; you can tell when connections are made. Good point.

Re: Chrizi's Crafty Corner - come chat!

Posted: Feb 11th, '19, 13:59
by jacobgrey
I really need some long boots and thick winter skirts. No money to speak of to spend right now though. The whole of the week from Friday through to Tuesday I need to be out all day in cold weather, and then the weekend after for both days as well. It's getting tough to get by with just two pairs of thermals, which are ugly so I have to basically wear them under jeans. I don't have the right fabric to make a skirt for myself either.

Re: Chrizi's Crafty Corner - come chat!

Posted: Feb 11th, '19, 14:51
by Akili Li
I'm so grateful I don't have to worry too much about how I look. I can wear old stained and fraying layers upon layers as need be.
But it would be nice to have warm winter skirts that actually looked decent. The thought makes me wistful.

Re: Chrizi's Crafty Corner - come chat!

Posted: Feb 11th, '19, 17:05
by Dream-Baby
I actually should have the fabric to make me a few nice ones.
Haven't worn skirts for a while now, being non-binary male and all, but I do love them. :}

Re: Chrizi's Crafty Corner - come chat!

Posted: Feb 11th, '19, 22:00
by Akili Li
I've always felt a little sad that for whatever reason skirts seem to be exclusively the province of women, with a few brave men proving the exception. They're such fun it seems a shame to deprive anyone of them based on something as irrelevant to clothing as gender.

Re: Chrizi's Crafty Corner - come chat!

Posted: Feb 11th, '19, 22:19
by Dream-Baby
Especially if you think that in the past Skirts were for men as it was seen as improper for women's genitals to be 'uncovered' like that. :}

Re: Chrizi's Crafty Corner - come chat!

Posted: Feb 11th, '19, 22:21
by Akili Li
ha ha, very true! Robes and certain gown styles were created for both, after all. Funny how fashion stuff like that changes. Like that whole "women can't wear pink, it's too aggressive a color for the gentle sex!" thing, and now it's seen as the "girl" color.

Re: Chrizi's Crafty Corner - come chat!

Posted: Feb 11th, '19, 22:36
by Dream-Baby
Yeah, and I only last year found out that change was even thanks to Hitler and the nazi camps where gay men were forced to wear a pink insignia to show they liked men.

Still, a man in pink is a bold statement as it is a hard color that is hard to ignore. :}