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Re: ♡ Kowai Desu ♡ (Everyone Is Welcome!)

Posted: May 15th, '21, 14:22
by Demonskid
So glad my sisters and I were raised a state apart and I don't have to deal with them. o-o, I can't stand sleeping in the same room as someone let alone the same bed >A<

Re: ♡ Kowai Desu ♡ (Everyone Is Welcome!)

Posted: May 15th, '21, 19:23
by Hotarla
We were a bit close when we were younger. But I became the black sheep of the family while my sister is all put together and our relationship just cooled lol.

Re: ♡ Kowai Desu ♡ (Everyone Is Welcome!)

Posted: May 15th, '21, 21:09
by Moi

Hotarla: Yeah, she has her own bed, but has never slept in it.
She used to sleep with our mom in her bed, but since my mom left, my sister started sleeping in my bed and since our mom came back, she hasn't switched back xD
My room is so small there's no room to walk hardly.

DK: I didn't even have a sister until I turned 18 u8
So she's kinda just been with me her whole life xD

Re: ♡ Kowai Desu ♡ (Everyone Is Welcome!)

Posted: May 15th, '21, 21:30
by Strawberry
I cleaned my room today :mclaugh:

What are you up to tonight?

Re: ♡ Kowai Desu ♡ (Everyone Is Welcome!)

Posted: May 15th, '21, 21:38
by Hotarla
yeahhhhhh, my room seems pretty small with two beds together like this. xD;;

Re: ♡ Kowai Desu ♡ (Everyone Is Welcome!)

Posted: May 16th, '21, 02:17
by Moi

Strawberry: Congrats on cleaning 8u

I had to mow the yards on short notice.
So I'm worn out 8,u

Hotarla: I got a desk, a big tv stand, a long dresser, a shorter dresser, a queen size bed, and a table next to my desk.
There's nearly no room to do anything - I constantly ram into other stuff xD

Re: ♡ Kowai Desu ♡ (Everyone Is Welcome!)

Posted: May 16th, '21, 03:18
by Hotarla
we don't have a tv in our room lol. we have to wardrobes, one for my clothes, the other for random crap and stuff. my sisters wardrobes and dressers (in the PLURAL mind you) are all in my parent's/master bedroom. we also have a sliding door closet on the opposite end of the balcony but its mainly filled with jackets and random crap. like literally just stuffing stuff in there to get it out of the way lol, where if you open the sliding door, everything will probably fall out lol. then there's the two beds, my table and a storage trunk on my sister's side which is also filled with junk. recently, my sister stuffed ANOTHER container of clothes in our room and i'm like DON'T PUT IT IN OUR ROOM, WE HAVE NO MORE ROOM.

I'm gonna remind her again tonight. she SAID she was going to remove it this weekend but.......¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Re: ♡ Kowai Desu ♡ (Everyone Is Welcome!)

Posted: May 16th, '21, 20:51
by Moi

Our closet is similar xD
I mean...I do have clothes in there but they're pretty much unused and I have a lot of junk in there 8u

Try setting it on fire u8
That'll teach her >8u/
I mean don't set it on fire in the house u8

Re: ♡ Kowai Desu ♡ (Everyone Is Welcome!)

Posted: May 16th, '21, 22:38
by Hotarla
Well one closet/wardrobe IS filled with clothes. The other was supposed to be for other stuff but we just started randomly stuffing stuff inside. I did manage to organize them in the end lol.

I just told her today. Twice. I hope she does move it or I’m kicking it to the curb lol.

Got my first vaccine shot today. 8U

Re: ♡ Kowai Desu ♡ (Everyone Is Welcome!)

Posted: May 17th, '21, 02:09
by Moi

I....My desk is full of like 50 empty medicine bottles 8u;
I keep trying to hide it but someone's going to find it eventually xD;
And then we're going to throw them all out and people are going to be like "HOLY S**T 8U"

Kick it to the curb then burn it >8u

How did it go?