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Re: cyanForest - Habitat for countless Knuffel

Posted: May 12th, '12, 20:11
by cyan
Just finished and submitted my shark ... D:

It's hard to think of something typical European for me. Maybe because it's not really special, I have Europe all around all the time :>
So if you want Victorian say Victorian, because yes, say European and my mind is all blank. (Okay maybe European flag. But this doesn't suit a magpie xD)

Re: cyanForest - Habitat for countless Knuffel

Posted: May 12th, '12, 20:13
by Merrymaking
....I ain't painting yellow stars on a magpie tail, thank you very much. x'D

Re: cyanForest - Habitat for countless Knuffel

Posted: May 12th, '12, 20:22
by cyan
Stars are shiny, so magpie will steal them! ... Oh that sounds good xD

Re: cyanForest - Habitat for countless Knuffel

Posted: May 12th, '12, 20:27
by Merrymaking
Why would they steal them if the stars are already on their tail. Silly. ;D

Re: cyanForest - Habitat for countless Knuffel

Posted: May 12th, '12, 20:29
by cyan
Then my magpie steals your magpies tail :P

Re: cyanForest - Habitat for countless Knuffel

Posted: May 12th, '12, 20:30
by Merrymaking
Wait, since when do you have a maggie? :mcconf:
Doesn't matter. I'll just steal your mags. <3

Re: cyanForest - Habitat for countless Knuffel

Posted: May 12th, '12, 20:40
by cyan
I thought we were talking about magpie Knuffel.

Well I have a black&white cat, he'd be a good spy. The bird would never ever see the difference.

Re: cyanForest - Habitat for countless Knuffel

Posted: May 12th, '12, 20:44
by Merrymaking
Yeah well you know I can drift off a little with magpies. :mctongue:

Hahaha x'D
* imagines a cat acting like he's a magpie because he's black and white *

Re: cyanForest - Habitat for countless Knuffel

Posted: May 12th, '12, 23:42
by FlowerRuby
@cyan: Yea...keep forgetting you are in Europe. TO American Europe is like fancy stuff (usually clothing) like car and wine. Europe is a big deal since we imagine it all fancy and pretty. :qhehe: We have a lot of Europe around us from Greek pole on our post office to Roman arches on our court. We see Italiano wine, pasta, and car in movie and in store. So I can imagine a lot of Europe theme.

Nice rainbow shark, I like the scarf and hair.

@Merrymaking: Forgot to add yea for cherry tree from earlier. I love the idea cuz it got the pretty flower, fruit, and leaf. So much to work with.

I am working on my Mongolia Tree knuffel stage 5 but it not in the editing stage yet so a lot can change. I might not submit too since I get tired/lazy when it editing time.

Re: cyanForest - Habitat for countless Knuffel

Posted: May 13th, '12, 00:06
by Merrymaking
To us, Europe is nothing like that.
There's nothing fancy in real life really. We're not romantic, we don't walk around with baguettes under our arms, don't have wine during our lunches and I do not walk on wooden shoes, live in a mill or eat tulip bulbs. x'D
Europe is not pretty, it looks practically the same as America, just smaller.

Thanks, glad you like the idea! I think I've got some ideas, but nothing concrete yet.

Cute Knuffel, she's going somewhere :)