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Re: How do you pick a book?

Posted: Aug 9th, '15, 09:48
by Mikael Hart
I pick a book through several different means. More often than not, I have many favorite authors, and I'll loyally purchase books they've written.

Other than that, I go by recommendations, and sometimes I will look at a cover, read the summary, and then read a bit of the first chapter to see how I feel about it.

I've bought books I've both enjoyed and regret, aha. ^^;

Re: How do you pick a book?

Posted: Sep 11th, '15, 09:11
by Khalessii
I personally pick books that falls into Young Adult category with good recommendations online or high ranking in New York Times Bestseller. I also like fantasy, the mainstream ones so, I'll surely never (or seldom) regret having brought it. and lastly, I'm also into Lifestyle and inspirational books, depending on their contents.

Re: How do you pick a book?

Posted: Oct 20th, '15, 07:49
by jadepanda-ai
it depends, some I pick out based on the love I have for the author or I read the description on the inner fold/on the back of the book or if it was highly recommended by a fellow book-loving friend

Re: How do you pick a book?

Posted: Mar 1st, '16, 09:57
by Nagisa Furukawa
i do these read the summary on it's back or inside cover and skim it

Re: How do you pick a book?

Posted: Mar 31st, '16, 03:39
by starcookie
Typically, I'll look for familiar authors, but if I'm just browsing the spine is what catches my eye first. If the title is interesting, I'll pull it out and read the back and occasionally the blurb at the front of the book. When I am shopping online, I'm usually after a specific series, but I also follow those 'customers also bought' things.

Re: How do you pick a book?

Posted: Mar 31st, '16, 12:42
by CycloneKira
I judge a book by its cover. Okay, kidding.

I usually look for a familiar author, or an interesting sounding title. Or if it's a famous book that every one says is a must-read, and I haven't read it, I go for that.

Re: How do you pick a book?

Posted: Mar 31st, '16, 21:08
by Lilyse
if i'm browsing a bookstore? the font. :mctongue: i've found that it tends to be the most accurate indicator for me on whether i'd enjoy the book or not - for example, garth nix's 'ragwitch' had an edition with a terrible generic horror cover, but the font was more of a dark fantasy. :bat: i gave it a try, and it was fabulous. (...i should read it again, actually.)

if i'm looking for something specific, either new books by favorite authors or books recommended by favorite authors - i follow a lot of my faves on twitter. :mclove:

...that is really only for fiction, though. :x nonfiction, i'd have to think~

Re: How do you pick a book?

Posted: Apr 2nd, '16, 05:32
by wintrydaze
If the title/spine/cover appeals to me, I'll read the summary. Otherwise, friends' recommendations or books that have high ratings online and looked interesting.

Re: How do you pick a book?

Posted: Apr 2nd, '16, 07:41
by Akili Li
Wow, the font? That's so cool! I have to pay attention to that now....

Have you figured out the names of the styles of fonts that you like?

Re: How do you pick a book?

Posted: Apr 2nd, '16, 09:16
by VioletSparkle
I look at the cover then check out the summery If I don't care for it, I just go on to the next book.