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 Post subject: Re: A Home For Shadows
Posted: May 23rd, '14, 23:00    


Joined: Mar 9th, '14, 00:09
Posts: 380
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Softly in my disappearing heart, a dream is shining...

    omg maybe you can help me xD I'm so lost everytime we start a new unit ugh. Today, we were doing some sort of formula about energy and mass and stuff and I zonked out for like half the period.. I mean I guess it's my fault I don't get it at first but it's just really frustrating, lol.

    Anyway, I think Cow resents me for naming him that but it's cute so no regrets xD And I totally get what you mean about scheduled affection D: Cow decides to love me when it's meal time and he has to suck up to get more food.. I know he's doing it but I can't help myself either way >:c Continuing, that is soo awesome omg xD I'd love to have my own pet, in a way! My parents are mad about the fur issue though so we only have Cow ;w; I wonder if he's lonely sometimes because I read somewhere that cats like to live in pairs.

    Also, Maine Coon Cats are sooo cute. And fluffy! ugh, I just love cats ;w; and dogs but I never really had one so I guess I'm biased? I reaaally want a hedgehog though, omg. I follow this hedgehog blog on tumblr and I die of cuteness everytime she posts something xD

    Oooh that is soo awesome xD You can speak Italian then? o: I've always wanted to visit Florence. And Milan xD And Rome, of course ;w; and Sicilyyy. Plus, I always wanted to eat Italian food too *Q* my dad doesn't like the fact that I like Italy so much that I want to learn the language and the customs though xD He's always like "Italian isn't gonna help you >:C learn Chinese!!" but you know, I didn't listen to him x'D no regrets!

    Anywaaay, I got started with K-pop when I was iiin... 7th grade? I never really liked it though and all the girls were like "zomggg BIG BANGGGG soo hot" and I'm like "ok" lmao. But like last month I really got into SNSD/Girl's Generation?? and like, I really love them. a lot it's borderline obsession, LOL. I can't recognize Yuri/Yoona yet but I got the other 7 pat down and I just really really like them as a group. Gonna expand my horizons soon though because all my old K-pop fans are 500% ready to recommend me some groups xD

    I do like J-pop but that's usually with anime openings and endings xD I think I know like 1 group? but I don't really follow up on them as much as I should o:

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Merchant Mule for Mir!

 Post subject: Re: A Home For Shadows
Posted: May 23rd, '14, 23:03    


Joined: Sep 17th, '08, 13:05
Posts: 2102
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Website: http://veronikashairandmakeup.blogspot.co.uk/
Location: Hogwarts, England
LieutenantTwitch wrote:
    @Jinxy -
    I loved being a tutor. It's one of the things I miss the most about college. There's nothing quite like tutoring in a college environment.
    I know! D: Even now I still get creeped out, even though it doesn't scare me anymore. The idea of murderous dolls will always be creepy, I think.
    Really, I don't think I've ever met anyone who actually likes clown. How have they managed to stick around for so long, I wonder.
    You're right! You gain their favor and they'll do your bidding! (Theoretically.) Classic move.

Whimsical wrote:
Softly in my disappearing heart, a dream is shining...

    Hi! Thanks for the luck, I needed it on that day xD Your avatar is also nice btw owo Idk, I like looking at it? haha I'm weird. Anyway, how are you today? o:

Shadorilia wrote:@Jinxy
Hair styling sounds quite difficult. ;u; The farthest I went was cutting my own bangs. I don't ever do fancy things with my hair. D:

Oh dear...
I seemed to have missed a bit while I was working hahaha.

@Lieu: That makes me feel a little more comfortable about being a tutor,
I've been a little worried as I'm not a very confident person.
Killer dolls don't seem to bother me just killer clowns!
However if there happened to be a killer doll in my house I think I would poop myself lol.
Yeah I don't known how they have stuck around either!
Hahaha yes!
I shall be the doll queen!

@Whim: You're welcome,
when do you find out your results?
Thank you!
Although I have no doubt changed it again...
I sometimes change it two times a day... >.<
I'm fine thank you how about you?

@Shadow: I was really scared when I first started,
when I worked on a person for the first time I almost had a panic attack.
The tutor ended up helping me out.
I've done my own hair loads that never bothers me.

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 Post subject: Re: A Home For Shadows
Posted: May 23rd, '14, 23:13    


Joined: Mar 9th, '14, 00:09
Posts: 380
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Softly in my disappearing heart, a dream is shining...

    Welcome back! 8D And uh I think I find out my results in.. July? I don't wanna think about it because when I do I want to slap myself for all the silly mistakes I know I made xD I also have 2 more papers to write so yeaah..

    Anyway, np! I totally understand about changing though, haha. On Gaia where I actually have more than 1 possible outfit, I change like 40 times a day x-x On KofK it's harder since I don't have as much but I still find ways xD

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Merchant Mule for Mir!

 Post subject: Re: A Home For Shadows
Posted: May 23rd, '14, 23:37    


Joined: Apr 7th, '14, 02:15
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    @Whimsy -
    Lol. I would be willing to try. I would hope I'd be able to help out with the basic stuff at this point. It's one of those subjects where you have to really pay attention and put the practice in. Otherwise you'll be lost forever, since everything just builds on top of something else.

    To be honest, I'd be a little resentful if I had an owner who named me Cow, too. xD See, cats know exactly what they're doing. They know they're cute enough to get what they want. I guess it makes sense that they like to live in pairs too. Tiger's the only cat we have but he has plenty of doggy siblings. Do those count? Probably not, but at least he's got company. Anyway, yeah, I can understand your parents not liking the fur. It does have the habit of getting everywhere. I know my dad gets fed up with our animals when it's time for them to shed. But there are a good number of breeds that don't shed or shed very little, so there's something.

    Cats are a lot easier to maintain than dogs, that's for sure, but I love them both. Hedgehogs are cute too! I really want one but you can't have them here, which makes me sad.

    @Jinxy -
    I'm the same way, really. At least when it comes to academic subjects. You gain confidence the more you tutor, especially since teaching others will solidify all the information for you.
    Lol. If there was a killer anything in my house, I'd do the same.
    When you become the queen, will you promise to spare me from any potential murderous doll rampages? D:

(0) (0)

'It doesn't happen all at once,' said the Skin Horse. 'You become. It takes a long time. That's why it doesn't happen often to people who break easily, or have sharp edges, or who have to be carefully kept.
Generally, by the time you are Real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in the joints and very shabby.
But these things don't matter at all, because once you are Real you can't be ugly, except to people who don't understand.'

Color Me Happy (An LGBTQIA hangout) - come check it out!

 Post subject: Re: A Home For Shadows
Posted: May 23rd, '14, 23:42    


Joined: Sep 17th, '08, 13:05
Posts: 2102
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Mood: Frabjous
Website: http://veronikashairandmakeup.blogspot.co.uk/
Location: Hogwarts, England
Thank you!
I'm off for the weekend now so I'll have a little more time.
Well if the kids let me get a bit of time haha.
Oh dear that's a long time to wait!
I hate waiting ages to results,
I'm glad that in college you find out at the latest 4 days after you hand it in.
I think the online texts give you the answers there and then,
I didn't need to do any of them this year though.
I think I have 4 next year so that will be fun.

Awww *hugs*
Sorry for bringing it up and I bet you did fine though!
We all make mistakes from time to time.
>.< Oh dear! Good luck with your papers.
The end of the school year always sucks.

Oh I have tons of items on here hahaha.
I'm always buying more,
got a long wish list still as well.
Think there is just under 300 items on their.
I use to go on Gaia,
I never really liked it though,
I like here much better.

@Lieu: Yeah that makes sense about gaining more the longer you do it.
I see my tutors and I wonder what it was like for them when they started.
I'll have to ask them for some tips hehe.
I guess because the students are older it would be a little easier also,
as they want to be there.
Also teaching on subject that I really like will help also.
Hahaha yeah,
I run when I see a bee!
I end up shouting for my husband if I see spiders also,
and they do not kill hahaha.
Of course I will!
I wouldn't kill the nice people. ^_^
I would be a nice queen!

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 Post subject: Re: A Home For Shadows
Posted: May 23rd, '14, 23:48    


Joined: Apr 22nd, '11, 20:03
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Thank you! I'm also sure we will figure it out, but as of right now it feels like you never will. :mcheh:

I can speak some Italian...you are probably better than me since you said you have been learning since 6th grade was it? sorry the post where you mentioned it isn't in the topic review below so I can't check...
I have only started freshman year of highschool, took 3 years. Was suppose to get a 4th year but they canceled on us...I do have rosetta stone though so I have been trying to refresh and learn more on that...

Haha that reminds me of my parents with South Korean...they do not approve very much so i'm learning the language on my own...I'm hoping someday I can pay for the rosetta stone.
Why does your dad want you to learn Chinese so much? If you don't mind me asking...

Haha I like Big Bang but not enough to do that...Shinee is my absolute favorite group and I am a Shawol. They are the only the only ones where I will go "Omg they look so good in this pic" or "that was cute" but I have never spazzed about it lol.
I like SNSD but my favorite girls group is 2ne1. I don't know if our tastes are the same but if you like, when you want to expand your horizons, just let me know and I will recommend some to you! :mccute:

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 Post subject: Re: A Home For Shadows
Posted: May 23rd, '14, 23:50    


Joined: May 17th, '14, 20:53
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I shall call you Mouse until I find a new nickname I like. OuO Your personality doesn't seem mousy though.

It an avatar site with forums and all that. It's pretty new—around a few months since it released. It has notifications! *-* Here's a link to it:
Do join~ ;u;

I'm not a very big fan of shooting games—I guess I lean a little towards strategy. :O Shooting games scare me. (I did try playing CoD once... I died when I was playing against bots. EASY bots.

Surprisingly, I'm not. X3 Wearing the same thing helps me blend into the crowds and not get noticed from a far. I find that thought a little comforting for some reason. Either way, if we were given the right to choose our own clothes, I'd be wearing clothes that look more or less like uniforms anyway.

...how is it that you can talk with everyone? XD I'm probably the worst person ever when it comes to human contact. Humans. Humen. Why aren't humans spelled humen? >:I


I hope you enjoy your stay here~ ;u;

I'm guess I can sort of qualify as one, since I don't really go out unless I have a reason to go somewhere (otherwise, I'll be stuck at home doing really meaningless things). Plus, traveling helps me take my mind off things, and helps me gain more experience. :O

And seriously though... any country is normal. That's quite rude of her. :C Do whatever makes you happy in the long-term, and don't let anyone get in your way!

Me too! Usually after a few months, I start liking new names—although my current one seems to match the current me a lot so... we are so a like in this sense. ;u; Gaw... thank you.

Let's sink in our awe and fantasy together, and admire other's masterpieces~ I have a friend who can draw really amazing 5 minute sketches. It takes me twenty minutes to do something half as decent as what she draws. -flutters around aimlessly-

(I'm eavesdropping on all of your convos... TTuTT) I like that name. OuO I;m never creative with naming my pets. I seem to just... well... unconsciously call to them. That didn't make any sense. I haven't even thought of naming my pets until my friends were questioning why I didn't have a name for them. So, I called my hen "Chicken," and my goldfish "Fish." Creativity at its best.

It all ended well, though~! :D

I find it strange that I've never truly had a panic attack before... minor freak outs, yes, but never a full on feeling of fear. I'm not even sure if I can call it "fear" since I don't know how it feels. D: Either way, I still do have a long way to go in life.

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INFP | ♀ | Explorer of the Universe

Back from the dead hangout!

 Post subject: Re: A Home For Shadows
Posted: May 24th, '14, 01:13    


Joined: Apr 7th, '14, 02:15
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Mood: Every day is a chance for a new start.
Location: Approximately 1 AU away from the sun.
    @Jinxy -
    I wondered the same thing when I first started college. All of the tutors seemed to be the perfect college students who had their stuff together all of the time. Of course, then I hung around and realized they were just normal students who freaked out about exams the same way everyone else did. Lol. Anyway, I can't speak for anyone else of course, but for me, I was mostly nervous when I first started. Always worried if I was doing a good job and whether I was getting all of the information correct and so on. But then I relaxed more and things fell into place better. And it does help to be tutoring people that are actually interested in what they're learning.

    Lol. I don't mind bugs and insects too much. Except this one time, my older brother smashed a spider in our kitchen and as soon as he did, all of its babies burst out of its stomach and scattered. We had to scurry to kill them all. I still shudder when I think about it and I've refused to kill a spider ever since then.

    All hail the merciful queen! xD

    @Shadow -
    I'm glad my personality doesn't come off as mousy! It works as a nickname for now, though. ;x

    I checked it out and it seems really cute. I created an account and everything. :3 It looks like it has mass potential, especially for being how it is less than three months after its creation.

    I love shooting games. They're just about my favorite. But I also love strategy. Turn-based strategy, that is. I'm not very good at real time strategy. ^^; I pretty much like every genre except for sports, wrestling, fighting (unless it's something like Super Smash Brothers), and.. uh.. button-smashing, for lack of a better term for it.

    I can understand that. I don't mind being part of the crowd, either. I tend to like wearing jackets and hoodies a lot anyway, so my outfits really don't vary much any time other than the summer.

    Humen sounds weird compared to human. Annnnd then there'd be a problem because people would think that includes men only? Also, I'm just... talking? xD You're talking to a lot of people too!

(0) (0)

'It doesn't happen all at once,' said the Skin Horse. 'You become. It takes a long time. That's why it doesn't happen often to people who break easily, or have sharp edges, or who have to be carefully kept.
Generally, by the time you are Real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in the joints and very shabby.
But these things don't matter at all, because once you are Real you can't be ugly, except to people who don't understand.'

Color Me Happy (An LGBTQIA hangout) - come check it out!

 Post subject: Re: A Home For Shadows
Posted: May 24th, '14, 03:58    


Joined: Apr 22nd, '11, 20:03
Posts: 147
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Thank you! I appreciate your welcome and your support!

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 Post subject: Re: A Home For Shadows
Posted: May 28th, '14, 01:01    


Joined: May 17th, '14, 20:53
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Location: Planet Earth
LieutenantTwitch wrote:

    @Shadow -
    I'm glad my personality doesn't come off as mousy! It works as a nickname for now, though. ;x

    I checked it out and it seems really cute. I created an account and everything. :3 It looks like it has mass potential, especially for being how it is less than three months after its creation.

    I love shooting games. They're just about my favorite. But I also love strategy. Turn-based strategy, that is. I'm not very good at real time strategy. ^^; I pretty much like every genre except for sports, wrestling, fighting (unless it's something like Super Smash Brothers), and.. uh.. button-smashing, for lack of a better term for it.

    I can understand that. I don't mind being part of the crowd, either. I tend to like wearing jackets and hoodies a lot anyway, so my outfits really don't vary much any time other than the summer.

    Humen sounds weird compared to human. Annnnd then there'd be a problem because people would think that includes men only? Also, I'm just... talking? xD You're talking to a lot of people too!

I'm like in love with the place. >___<
Except for the fact that I don't know who to talk to. People are very scary creatures.
I was accepted for my very first RP there too. I always wanted to have one, but I didn't know who to find. Luckily, this person just came up to me and decided to start one. :O I have no idea why this is even relevant to what we're talking about. I love reading RPs.

I must get you hooked there. Or not. Maybe. I find it harder to stay in conversation there. The only place that I seem to dwell in is the one million page thread, since conversation is actually supported. Otherwise, it's more like a "post what you want and leave" thing.

Button smashing, ha! XD I find that oddly amusing. Maybe it's because I haven't really tried the other types of games. I... just like games with story lines. Something that has a background built on top of all the fighting and strategic blah. And I usually favor those with deeper story lines—even if they have the worst graphics ever.

Today was terribly humid. I died a little inside my hood. O_O; Then it rained. Hard. Like, it just suddenly came. It was as if someone had dumped a bucket of water over where I live. Long story short, I'm sad hoodies are out of the picture now. I'm still wearing long sleeves and pants, while everyone has stripped down to t-shirts and shorts. Ug.

Human. But there's already a man in human. >u< Wouldn't hurt to make the plural version "humen." I don't know... it doesn't seem very offensive to me.

Probably just in virtual worlds... reality—not so much. XD

Talking about talking, I have no idea why I am rambling today. Yup.

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INFP | ♀ | Explorer of the Universe

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