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Re: Wisteria Gardens Quest Thread. Welcome!

Posted: Aug 15th, '15, 19:42
by Chrizine
Well hormones have a lot of influence on all parts of the body, so it could very well be them. But as long as you're relaxed about it, waiting until it fixes itself sounds good to me.

Well, the kind of shampoo you use alone can make quite a difference. I regularly oil my hair and do some deep conditioning with oil/conditioner/coconutmilk/aloe vera or a mix of them before washing sometimes. A good conditioner can also work wonders.

But as long as you're happy with the state of your hair and don't have problems with breakage and stuff, it's probably a good idea to just not do so much at all. It did help my hair a lot because it was really dried out from using bad shampoo before.

Re: Wisteria Gardens Quest Thread. Welcome!

Posted: Aug 15th, '15, 19:58
by Vineda
Mine was dried a lot when I stopped colouring it, but that already fixed itself. And I dislike using conditioners and all that, cause it makes my hair end up greasy after a day or so and overshampooing or washing your hair too much is really bad for it (and for your skin) so I'd rather avoid that since I have naturally oily hair already...

And I'm pretty relaxed about it indeed. It's no use trying to rush it, it's 'only' hair and it's not something you can make happen faster than it wants to happen. So I don't see the point of rushing. I'd like my hair to grow faster, but there's plenty of things worse than hair that doesn't immediately grow...

Re: Wisteria Gardens Quest Thread. Welcome!

Posted: Aug 15th, '15, 20:09
by Chrizine
Yeah, if it leads to you having to wash more often, it's definitely a bad idea. I'm happy that I actually have to wash less often with my current shampoo than before (or rather, I wash as often but I don't look slightly greasy the last two days before washing anymore :D).
When I use products I usually only put them on the ends and middle parts of my hair, since close to the scalp the natural oil from the scalp is enough and I don't want to disturb my scalp by applying too many things to it (it likes to freak out and start itching, I'm happy to have found a shampoo it likes). Only exception is oil an hour or so before washing and some spray I mixed myself to calm my scalp when it's itchy.

And yes, I agree, there's many things worse than slow hairgrowth... You don't even have to look away from hair to other life or health issues (where you can find plenty of real problems far more severe), already hairloss can be far more disturbing and frustrating than slow growth. I had problems with that last year after a lot of emotional stress while caring for my mother and I'm so happy it fixed itself, since then everything my hair does is fine with me, as long as it stays on my head!

Re: Wisteria Gardens Quest Thread. Welcome!

Posted: Aug 15th, '15, 20:36
by Vineda
ah. hairloss is something I have a lot of, but I don't really need to worry about that cause the women in my family grow hair back far longer than normal (and sometimes faster) it's just a bit of an unfortunate condition if you start shaving... :mcheh:

Re: Wisteria Gardens Quest Thread. Welcome!

Posted: Aug 15th, '15, 20:41
by redk5
Vineda wrote:Thanks Amura

red: same here. And when I do get the colour I want, I usually get it twice :mcheh:
It's why most people trade for the colours they want. It's really difficult to put a value on WK items so most people just trade them along rather than sell them.
Most traders find each other via Amura's Useffel, but if you'd rather trade without a useffel account, most buyers/sellers in the forum here have a 'wild knuffel items' part of their shop or mention that they're willing to trade the items for other colours upon demand.

So I'd suggest looking through the options and which ones you want and then either use the 'find seller' option in useffel (if you have the items in your wishlist)or make a salelist of them and find buyers (or just wait till someone comes along) or just go through the forum for the colour you're looking for...
I never do that but maybe I should instead of selling them

Re: Wisteria Gardens Quest Thread. Welcome!

Posted: Aug 15th, '15, 20:43
by Chrizine
I normally don't have it and it's not a question of age for me yet (I'm only in my twenties), but it was very disturbing because I noticed my braid getting thinner and in some points my scalp would start to show a little more... It was never really bad because it stopped again before it was really noticeable for people other than me, but since it was such a huge difference from normal it was freaking me out.

Re: Wisteria Gardens Quest Thread. Welcome!

Posted: Aug 15th, '15, 21:52
by Vineda
That's scary indeed... I'm in my twenties myself and lose a hand of hair a day, but it never shows since the hair in our family really is constantly growing back... I'd get really scared if I could suddenly see my scalp... Is it ok now? *worried fussing*

red: it's quite handy. Since the prices are so different depending on the colour of a certain item it really ends up being easier to trade than sell...

Re: Wisteria Gardens Quest Thread. Welcome!

Posted: Aug 15th, '15, 21:55
by Chrizine
Yeah, everything's fine now. I just have a lot of shorter hair that has regrown that will stick out of any hairstyle I do now :D But that's okay, at least I can see that it is growing back :)

Re: Wisteria Gardens Quest Thread. Welcome!

Posted: Aug 16th, '15, 17:37
by Vineda
That's great Chrizine!!!!

(Edit: updated again. Just keeping track of this... )

Re: Wisteria Gardens Quest Thread. Welcome!

Posted: Aug 16th, '15, 17:41
by Chrizine
Did you get some new item?