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Re: Limikkin's Art Sanctuary

Posted: Apr 14th, '19, 23:30
by Limikkin
That means you are probably a lot better at coloring than me. I should hand you my lines :mccool:

Re: Limikkin's Art Sanctuary

Posted: Apr 15th, '19, 03:35
by MissNikki
I don't know about that, but I am pretty good about staying in the lines. LoL

Re: Limikkin's Art Sanctuary

Posted: Apr 16th, '19, 08:03
by Limikkin
That's a good thing already xD
(Except if you want to turn going over the lines into an art style :mcsquee: )
What coloring books are you using? Around here we have like fantasy ones, animal ones, some full of flowers.

And are there things you are looking for in a coloring book?

Re: Limikkin's Art Sanctuary

Posted: Apr 16th, '19, 08:52
by MissNikki
I have almost all the coloring books that Johanna Basford has published. I love hers because they are intricate drawings. I love ones that are nature related, usually. I also like coloring mandalas and eastern designs. :mcheh: Because it is not something I do everyday, I will have these for years before they are complete. I also have tons of random adult coloring books - I have a big box just for all of them :mcheh:

Re: Limikkin's Art Sanctuary

Posted: Apr 16th, '19, 08:59
by Limikkin
I googled her and I think I have seen coloring books made by her around here already. They are insanely detailed.

Okay, I cannot compare with that xD
Gonna give up the adult coloring pages idea :P
Going back to children coloring pages :mcgrin:

Re: Limikkin's Art Sanctuary

Posted: Apr 16th, '19, 15:29
by Limikkin

HA! I made it, I finished another piece of art. But... I am two days late. I wanted to finish it last week xD

Re: Limikkin's Art Sanctuary

Posted: Apr 17th, '19, 04:55
by MissNikki
Ohhh she is gorgeous!! :qh:

I also like kids coloring books too, so I'm totally fine with coloring those if you make some, hehe. :mcheh: :qh:

Re: Limikkin's Art Sanctuary

Posted: Apr 17th, '19, 10:56
by Limikkin
Thank you so much!!

Awesome! Then I can turn you into my test person for coloring pages xD

Re: Limikkin's Art Sanctuary

Posted: Apr 17th, '19, 20:21
by MissNikki
Less detail would be better actually cuz I may be able to color those faster LoL

Re: Limikkin's Art Sanctuary

Posted: Apr 17th, '19, 20:47
by Lycanthus
oh wow! The detail in the hair looks amazing! great job!