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Re: Yokuutsu/Disaster private rp

Posted: Dec 19th, '20, 09:40
by Beautiful Disaster
((Yes, and that's actually where I got his name XD))

"I'm enjoying it so far."
Cal answered, making casual conversation while he rung up the order. He had to admit, the customer was pleasant to look at, which normally would have made talking to him a little more difficult, but he was also somehow easy to talk to. He told the customer the total.
"Your order will be out momentarily. Will you be taking it to go, or eating in?"

Re: Yokuutsu/Disaster private rp

Posted: Dec 19th, '20, 18:23
by Yokuutsu
"I have to ask....have you even seen Howl's Moving Castle?" Tony couldn't hold it back anymore and the man's name just makes him think of 'May all your bacon burn". "I'll be eating in, thank you." The thank you is automatic.

Calcifer seems really nice and kind of familiar, though he knows he's never met him before. He hopes he sticks around and likes the job.

Re: Yokuutsu/Disaster private rp

Posted: Dec 21st, '20, 09:18
by Beautiful Disaster
Ah, there it was. Cal had wondered how long it would be before someone recognized his name. He smiled sheepishly.
"Yeah, I have. A lot, actually. I bet you can guess my favorite character."
He half joked.
"You can take a seat if you'd like, I'll bring your order to your table as soon as it's ready."

Re: Yokuutsu/Disaster private rp

Posted: Dec 21st, '20, 10:55
by Yokuutsu
Tony really likes the movie so it came to him fairly quickly. He laughs a bit. "Calcifer is fun in general." Calcifer is probably his favorite, though Sophie is a close second, unless you get into the books.

"Ah, thank you." He chirps before sitting down nearby, starting to do his people watching for the moment.

Re: Yokuutsu/Disaster private rp

Posted: Dec 22nd, '20, 08:15
by Beautiful Disaster
Cal waved politely and proceeded to take the next customer. When the order was ready, he brought it to Tony's table. He had placed an extra treat along with the order.
"Here you go! And a cookie, on me. Please enjoy."

Re: Yokuutsu/Disaster private rp

Posted: Dec 22nd, '20, 08:46
by Yokuutsu
"Thank you." tony says when Cal brings his order to him, but he brightens up considerably when he sees the cookie. "Thank you! Are you sure that's fine though?" Some places are anal and he doesn't think this place would be like that, but behind the scenes? Who knows?

Re: Yokuutsu/Disaster private rp

Posted: Dec 24th, '20, 07:16
by Beautiful Disaster
Cal smiled and waved a hand as if to dismiss any worries.
"It's fine, they don't mind as long as someone pays for it. Doesn't matter who. A lot of food gets thrown out at the end of the day, anyway."

Re: Yokuutsu/Disaster private rp

Posted: Jan 4th, '21, 07:10
by Yokuutsu
Tony just smiles back. "Thank you....I do appreciate it...." He says. "Little things can just improve everything." He feels like he's met Cal before. "This is going to sound weird, but I feel like I've met you before? But I have no clue how."

(I thought I had replied. I'm sorry D:)

Re: Yokuutsu/Disaster private rp

Posted: Jan 5th, '21, 06:25
by Beautiful Disaster
Cal tilted his head slightly in thought- a strangely familiar gesture.
"You know that's interesting. I thought you looked familiar too, but I don't recall us meeting before."

((You're ok!))

Re: Yokuutsu/Disaster private rp

Posted: Jan 7th, '21, 11:01
by Yokuutsu
"You just seem familiar..." Tony says before shaking his head a bit. "Maybe we met in a different life or something." He says, not believing or disbelieving in the potential for previous lives and all.