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 Post subject: Re: ☾ •̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚Take My Boredom。・:*˚:✧。 [Weekly FC Giveaway
Posted: May 13th, '22, 06:08    


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Genetics sucks, what can you do QAQ
It was actually funny because when I went the hygenist even commented that I was brushing and flossing well, just... my teeth are weak QAQ

Apparently it's mercury retrograde right now XD I personally don't believe in astrology that much but it is interesting to consider, especially with how most people are having slow and dreary times atm... (or it can just be the changing seasons and muggy weather, hm)

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 Post subject: Re: ☾ •̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚Take My Boredom。・:*˚:✧。 [Weekly FC Giveaway
Posted: May 13th, '22, 06:38    


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I haven’t been to a dentist in years. 8U no insurance for it, I’d have to pay out of pocket. I also have what is called a gummy smile lol. My gums cover the tops of my teeth so you see more gums than teeth lol.

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 Post subject: Re: ☾ •̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚Take My Boredom。・:*˚:✧。 [Weekly FC Giveaway
Posted: May 13th, '22, 08:02    


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natsu: at least you know you did all you can x'D

hotarla: lol i feel you, also no insurance. that's how i know my dental fees were and is so expensive
gummy smile! that sounds cute c:

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 Post subject: Re: ☾ •̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚Take My Boredom。・:*˚:✧。 [Weekly FC Giveaway
Posted: May 13th, '22, 08:38    


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I totally agree with Nan, gummy smiles are cute! :D

But for going to the dentist I can see how that can be an issue, the cleaning and stuff would really irritate them eh D:

Insurance makes a big difference yeah... I'm fortunate enough to have partial coverage from my university right now, but I am crossing my fingers for better work coverage down the line so I can get some more complicated procedures done >___<
(But I still procrastinate seeing the dentist because I'm terrified of them ...)

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 Post subject: Re: ☾ •̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚Take My Boredom。・:*˚:✧。 [Weekly FC Giveaway
Posted: May 13th, '22, 14:41    


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Yeahh….i need to get them washed…8U our usual dentist will call every once in awhile, maybe like once a year or something. My parents and sister have insurance but since i don’t…8U so maybe the next time they get a call, i can get my teeth washed too….i’d have to pay but better to have a checkup than none.

Yeah i remember a dentist say to me some years ago that i have what is called a gummy smile. There’s a procedure where they can get rid of the excess gums and reveal the rest of my teeth but $$$. 8U

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 Post subject: Re: ☾ •̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚Take My Boredom。・:*˚:✧。 [Weekly FC Giveaway
Posted: May 13th, '22, 20:51    


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I pay for my yearly check-up. Well, maybe not yearly, maybe every year and a half, or two years, but because I tend to forget about it.
In my case, not doing it ends up being way more expensive. Because then I need to do serious stuff.

I remember every mom telling my I was nuts because I washed my son's teeth ever since they showed up in his little mouth.
"Oh, this young they don't need it". Oh, they do, believe me, I had cavities as a toddler, and you don't want to make fillings to a toddler, you really don't.

When we moved here, we started looking for a place to leave, so the little one spent the mornings with the grandparents - perfect arrangement for everyone involved.
They enjoyed going to a cafe together, and the little one had a juice (he has never been into soda). Of course he would not brush his teeth afterwards.
Results? Four cavities at the young age of 3.
They developed in less than a month! v_v

So he goes to his regular check-ups too.
This Thursday did one, the dentist mentioned his molars are growing and that when they are all out it would be convenient to give them some layer of extra protection.
That's gonna cost money, but it's more likely to save us the money of more fillings. So I'm definetely gonna pay for it.

And are the gummy smiles uncomfortable or they mean any issue for the mouth health?
I will pay for anything health related, but I never cared to pay for aesthetical procedures...

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 Post subject: Re: ☾ •̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚Take My Boredom。・:*˚:✧。 [Weekly FC Giveaway
Posted: May 14th, '22, 02:22    


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no? i have no issues with my gums lol. i dunno if its better for mouth health to get rid of the excess gums so...xD;;

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 Post subject: Re: ☾ •̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚Take My Boredom。・:*˚:✧。 [Weekly FC Giveaway
Posted: May 14th, '22, 05:24    


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natsu: man, i really miss my time as a college student for those benefits lol

hotarla: once in a while hopefully won't hurt the wallet... no one said it had to be a once a year though >>;;

i could understand if the extra gums were to be harmful later on, i don't know any scientific reason, but still, understandable. but if it isn't.. i think it's cute and something unique to have! :o

amura: this whole dental thing is an experience he'll never forget xD and hopefully will pass down the traditions of having good dental hygiene!

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 Post subject: Re: ☾ •̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚Take My Boredom。・:*˚:✧。 [Weekly FC Giveaway
Posted: May 14th, '22, 05:32    


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@Hotarla: If you have no issues with them then I think they should be fine~ A lot of what dentists recommend are preventative measures for potential future concerns @_@ which may or may not come to pass, so I think at the end of the day it comes down to yourself.

For me I've recently paid for Invisalign treatments because my teeth had shifted in the years since I've taken off braces. While I have no issues with daily function, the shift does contribute to things like grinding and bite and whatnot that can lead to issues later on @_@ Ultimately I decided on the procedure because how my teeth looked bugged me for ages, and I had just finished these huge projects at work and got super nice bonuses so it was like a reward for myself~

YES toddlers and dentists do not mix!!! My life long phobia of dentists stems from being carted off to get cavities filled when I was super super young. It was terrifying to go to a strange place and have drills go into your mouth >__<

Yeaaaah I missed my uni benefits a lot after I graduated. Right now I'm doing this year long post-graduate BEd program so yay I'll have coverage for another year~! Fingers crossed that I can get into a public school quickly afterwards, teachers' health and dental benefits are quite good *___*

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 Post subject: Re: ☾ •̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚Take My Boredom。・:*˚:✧。 [Weekly FC Giveaway
Posted: May 14th, '22, 05:48    


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Nan: yeah I think the dentist calls once a year but I could be wrong. So yeah next time they call, I’ll get a way overdue clean up lol.

Natsu: they also like to tell you alot of the time that you need braces lol. Like srsly, we can’t all be born with perfectly shaped teeth with perfect alignment lol.

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