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Re: Lulu's Minion Gathering!

Posted: May 3rd, '18, 13:11
by jacobgrey
This is all true. But also, if you truly love something, and you work hard at it because you love it, you can still make a lot of money that way. Look at people like J K Rowling, or Steve Jobs, or Bill Gates, or any of the top people in their fields in the creative arts. They were basically just nerds who dreamed of creating something, not for money, but because they felt a need and a passion to create it. Bill Gates would build computers and programs in his bedroom for fun. But that passion and drive is what got them all to where they are today.

Re: Lulu's Minion Gathering!

Posted: May 4th, '18, 03:00
by Nankuii
Yeah that's simply amazing :D I don't know the whole backstory, but I can't imagine pursuing art for my whole life.. although drawing is a passion haha A... side passion.

Re: Lulu's Minion Gathering!

Posted: May 7th, '18, 13:05
by jacobgrey
I really recommend reading up on people like that, it's so inspiring. Also I like to read statistics about people who didn't really get into their job until they were older, like actors who didn't start until they were in their 30s or 40s and now they're considered A-listers. It makes me feel like things are possible.

Re: Lulu's Minion Gathering!

Posted: May 10th, '18, 06:49
by Nankuii
Yeah, there are quite a few on instagram ;u;

For acting... I just can't imagine myself as one xD Although. *cough* Possible.

Re: Lulu's Minion Gathering!

Posted: May 10th, '18, 12:22
by jacobgrey
I would have loved to be an actor, but I guess my life just went in a different direction! I always see casting calls for extras and I'm so tempted, but my life is already busy enough without trying to add something like that.

Re: Lulu's Minion Gathering!

Posted: May 11th, '18, 07:01
by Nankuii
Interesting! Since when?

Re: Lulu's Minion Gathering!

Posted: May 11th, '18, 13:10
by jacobgrey
Since when what? XD I was going to attempt an answer until I realised there were multiple possibilities for what you could mean :P

Re: Lulu's Minion Gathering!

Posted: May 11th, '18, 21:06
by Nankuii
Since when you thought of becoming an actor haha

Re: Lulu's Minion Gathering!

Posted: May 14th, '18, 11:33
by jacobgrey
Since I can remember, I guess? XD

Re: Lulu's Minion Gathering!

Posted: May 19th, '18, 10:22
by Nankuii
Oh :o

I really should get back to drawing lol I'm making someone wait for more than a month... sigh