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Re: The Ethereal Saloon

Posted: Aug 5th, '13, 08:04
by Nankuii
How cute! > w <

I didn't laugh as hard as you did though o__o; Just giggling on how adorable they are.

Re: The Ethereal Saloon

Posted: Aug 5th, '13, 08:08
by goshops
Meh, I find odd things funny I guess~

I think I am distracted and not fully paying attention to Yakitate Japan...

Re: The Ethereal Saloon

Posted: Aug 5th, '13, 08:09
by Nankuii
Why, is something confusing?

Re: The Ethereal Saloon

Posted: Aug 5th, '13, 08:16
by goshops
No, nothings confusing... I just haven't gotten into it yet. I'm about to start the third episode, so we'll see~ So far it's just like the manga! I keep letting things distract me from paying attention to it and getting into it... that's all.

Re: The Ethereal Saloon

Posted: Aug 5th, '13, 08:21
by Nankuii
Oh... I see >.<;

Re: The Ethereal Saloon

Posted: Aug 5th, '13, 08:35
by goshops
Maybe once I get into new material, not what I've read, it'll pick up. But so far, I don't feel it has the same appeal and suspense that Shokugeki no Soma has

Re: The Ethereal Saloon

Posted: Aug 5th, '13, 08:42
by Nankuii
Well, yea .-. You big ecchi lover!! D: *throws salt at you*

Re: The Ethereal Saloon

Posted: Aug 5th, '13, 08:46
by goshops

It's not the ecchi! The story, so far, is just better written and it sucked me right in! It's not happening yet with Yakitate Japan~

Re: The Ethereal Saloon

Posted: Aug 5th, '13, 09:00
by Nankuii
Yes it is :T
*throws salt and salty cookies at you*

Re: The Ethereal Saloon

Posted: Aug 5th, '13, 09:04
by goshops
What? Soma is better than Yakitate? I'll agree~


Oooh, you mean about the ecchi... it's nice but Soma is just better~ More topics than just bread and the imagery and reactions are better and the story is more intense and more focused!