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Re: ♥ • • Miss Nikki's Hangout • • ♥

Posted: Aug 28th, '18, 22:30
by MissNikki
Death Candy wrote:Yes I got some sleep. Since my daughter's bedtime is 8:00 I just go to sleep then. But then my brain starts working and I can't sleep. XD It's like Why can't I have these really cool ideas when I'm awake?!

How are you doing? And why do you got to get up at 5:30?

I'm okay thanks - have to get up at that time most days for work. Tomorrow I work the late shift though so get to sleep in until 8:30 am. Would rather have to get up early and be off work early though... I hate the late shifts.

Re: ♥ • • Miss Nikki's Hangout • • ♥

Posted: Aug 28th, '18, 22:52
by Death Candy
My dad works the late shift. It seems to work for him right now.

I work the anytime shift. Anytime my daughter or mother needs me I take care of them.

Re: ♥ • • Miss Nikki's Hangout • • ♥

Posted: Aug 29th, '18, 21:16
by Chrizine
Hey there! :)
I'll try introducing myself...
♥ Name: Chrizine (Christiane in RL, Chrizi or Chris for short)
♥ Age: almost 25
♥ Location: Southern Germany / almost Switzerland
♥ Occupation: student of computer science
♥ Interests: reading (mostly fantasy), classical music, writing, sewing, crocheting, dancing, some videogames, good food / cooking, ... I can't think of anything else right now, but I'm sure you'll discover more once we chat that I forgot to mention now
♥ Favorite Colors: reds and greens

DC, that's the hardest shift of them all. I have a lot of respect for you - I had to take care of my mother once for a few months because of some medical issues and the being available all the time really got to me. By the end of that time I had nearly gone crazy. Probably partly thanks to KofK I didn't ;) I discovered this site during that time and it was my way out and getting some communication with other people than only my mom. She was very insecure and worried about being alone, so I couldn't leave her alone for more than an hour or so. But I could go into my room and be on the internet as long as she knew I was there and would hear her if she needed help.

Re: ♥ • • Miss Nikki's Hangout • • ♥

Posted: Aug 29th, '18, 21:28
by Death Candy
Thanks. Chrizine. I'm dealing with a lot of stuff here with my siblings.

Re: ♥ • • Miss Nikki's Hangout • • ♥

Posted: Aug 29th, '18, 21:55
by Chrizine
They should really be supportive of you and grateful that you take care of your mom!

Re: ♥ • • Miss Nikki's Hangout • • ♥

Posted: Aug 29th, '18, 22:25
by Death Candy
Oh they are. I guess I should have made that clear better.

No the issues are: my sister's ex-boyfriend is leaving and now he's getting upset that Alice who is not his daughter is calling her new boyfriend Dad. Because he's being more of a dad than the ex-bf is. And he also has to get a DNA test to find out if her youngest is actually his or not.

And my brother is now getting a divorce from his crazy wife because one: she kicked him out of the house because she was being a bitch and two: she's doing meth. He has proof too. Here in Nebraska you can record someone without their permission, so he has her admitting it. And she's giving him problems. So far he has custody of the kids.

Re: ♥ • • Miss Nikki's Hangout • • ♥

Posted: Aug 29th, '18, 23:21
by Chrizine
Wow, seems like your siblings have bad luck with choosing their partners. But it also sounds like both of them are on the right track to things getting better :)
The new bf being more of a dad to Alice sounds like your sister found a nicer guy :)
Crazy drug-addict wife sounds really bad, but hopefully with proof of that he should be able to keep the custody, right? Would be stupid to give the kids to an addict if they also have a dad who is not crazy and can take better care of them. I hope he'll manage to get the divorce through without too much difficulties and too much stress for the kids.
But I see how all of that must be a stressful time for the whole family, hope things will settle down and get less crazy soon.

Re: ♥ • • Miss Nikki's Hangout • • ♥

Posted: Aug 30th, '18, 06:50
by MissNikki
I'm so sorry you have to deal with all of that Candy :qh: *hugs*
We are always here to listen :mchappy:

Welcome Chrizine and thank you so much for coming to hang out with us :mclaugh: :qh:

Re: ♥ • • Miss Nikki's Hangout • • ♥

Posted: Aug 30th, '18, 09:00
by Death Candy
I just wish my sister waited a bit longer before dating. But she can't live without a guy.

Thanks guys. Yeah it can be stressful.

I feel sorry for Brooklyn. One she's not biologically his, but he's going to work it out with her biological father for custody of her since she calls my brother dad. Two: She told Grandma that she thought her mommy didn't love her anymore. Mom told her her mother did even though she's mad at their dad.

My dad and I are like: Yeah. She loves them alright. Doing drugs with her new boyfriend totally endangering them. That's love. Right. But she's only seven so you don't say that sort of thing to her or the boys.

Re: ♥ • • Miss Nikki's Hangout • • ♥

Posted: Aug 30th, '18, 12:47
by Chrizine
Thanks for the welcome Nikki :)

Awww, poor kids. These kinds of situations are always terrible for kids caught in the middle of it.
Is Brooklyn's biological dad nice or will it be stressful to work that out as well? I'm holding my thumbs that your brother will be able to keep her and give her some stability and love! And yeah, her mother may not be acting in a way that shows she loves her, but probably deep down she still does and in any case, telling a kid she's right about her mother not loving her would be horrible.

Also, seconding what Nikki said, feel free to vent to us whenever you like, sometimes that can help! :)