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Re: The 2020 Reading Challenge

Posted: Jan 28th, '20, 17:11
by Sanssouci
I started The Scarlet Pimpernel. I've actually never read it, or watched the movie, or anything before, so I don't know anything about it.

Re: The 2020 Reading Challenge

Posted: Jan 29th, '20, 16:08
by Rubie
Done with book two out of fifteen. First time I read two books in under a month in years. I might start my next book I have planned tonight since I'll be sitting on a gym floor for an hour. I just won't take an hour or so before bed to read like I have been doing.

Re: The 2020 Reading Challenge

Posted: Jan 30th, '20, 00:00
by memoriam
With your guys's progress I'm getting discouraged, haha XD

Re: The 2020 Reading Challenge

Posted: Jan 30th, '20, 00:09
by Rubie
Give me another month or two and I'll slow down. Just been making a point go read an hour or so before bed every night. I have a designated area with just bookcases, a chair, a light, and a little end table so I have absolutely no distractions (besides my dogs who are noisy when they play or one gets in my face when she wants pets)

Re: The 2020 Reading Challenge

Posted: Jan 30th, '20, 13:52
by memoriam
I'd kill for love to get a dog QuQ
Your 1 hour is already twice the time I have for reading, so that's probably why I'm so slow. But now that I got sick, I have at least 2 days to catch up with some chapters :mclaugh:
Also after every reading session I write down what went on in the main plot of the book. When I finish reading, I'll try to condensate the plot plan to the most important points. I want to do it because I'm writing my own novel and I feel I need a plan because I don't know where I'm going and I have no idea how to make such a plan (I know in theory, but in practice it's hard xD). I've tried remembering the plot of a few books before that but every time I get too sucked into the story and then I forget everything in a blink of an eye :mcheh: So this time I decided to just write stuff down as I read so I could analyze it and hopefully get the gist of making a plot plan.

Re: The 2020 Reading Challenge

Posted: Jan 30th, '20, 16:41
by Rubie
That is actually pretty smart! I am always amazed when the author has foreshadowing books ahead of when something will happen! My brain don't think that far in advance when I write.

Re: The 2020 Reading Challenge

Posted: Jan 30th, '20, 16:47
by jacobgrey
Mem, do you want me to share how I plot out my books? I can DM if you want.

Re: The 2020 Reading Challenge

Posted: Jan 30th, '20, 21:15
by memoriam
@Rubie: I'm glad I'm not the only one. I need some foreshadowing and I'm oblivious to how to do it XD

@jacob: :mcgasp: Would you? That'd be helpful! I know the different theories but then I try it for myself and I get stuck every time :mcsweat:

Re: The 2020 Reading Challenge

Posted: Jan 30th, '20, 23:50
by Sanssouci
My reading will probably slow down once the weather gets nice again!

Re: The 2020 Reading Challenge

Posted: Jan 31st, '20, 10:12
by LittleJulez
I started my first (non-research-related) book of the year.