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Re: lets talkl about bat and hunted houses. cuz event says s

Posted: Nov 3rd, '22, 22:38
by lunar_eclipse66
I'm not a fan of mice and hampsters, despite being fuzzy and cute. They bite a lot.

Re: lets talkl about bat and hunted houses. cuz event says s

Posted: Nov 4th, '22, 22:01
by Moi

But they're so cute u,8
I got bit by a hamster once xD

Re: lets talkl about bat and hunted houses. cuz event says s

Posted: Nov 6th, '22, 20:44
by lunar_eclipse66
I used to work at pet store so i've been bit by many hamsters and mice. I've only been bitten by one rat and he was super freaked out so I don't hold that against him.

Re: lets talkl about bat and hunted houses. cuz event says s

Posted: Nov 6th, '22, 23:26
by Moi

Awww poor little bby rat 8,u
I'd bite if I was scared too <<

Re: lets talkl about bat and hunted houses. cuz event says s

Posted: Nov 7th, '22, 00:17
by lunar_eclipse66
Same. That's why I wasn't mad. Mice just bite so I'm not a fan.

Re: lets talkl about bat and hunted houses. cuz event says s

Posted: Nov 7th, '22, 23:01
by Moi

Well, maybe they're all scared too u,8

Re: lets talkl about bat and hunted houses. cuz event says s

Posted: Nov 8th, '22, 02:41
by lunar_eclipse66
Maybe, although I had one bite me through a hole in a box once. I didn't even know it was there. I had my hand over the hole and thing just jumped out and bit my palm.

Re: lets talkl about bat and hunted houses. cuz event says s

Posted: Nov 8th, '22, 22:40
by Moi

Well, to be fair I'd probably bite too u8

Re: lets talkl about bat and hunted houses. cuz event says s

Posted: Nov 9th, '22, 01:10
by lunar_eclipse66
But as a surprise attack? That was horrifying. A rat would never do that to me.

Re: lets talkl about bat and hunted houses. cuz event says s

Posted: Nov 9th, '22, 22:45
by Moi

Maybe it was tired of taking crap from humans >8u
I'm the exact same u8<