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Re: what's the weather like where you are?

Posted: Sep 12th, '23, 12:20
by chuunibyou
the rains should have finished last month but it continues to rain here. i'd made plans with friends to go out to parks and things but now we have to figure out indoor things to do together.

Re: what's the weather like where you are?

Posted: Sep 13th, '23, 02:44
by Hotarla
it rained a bit today. which is good for the plants. no need to lug around watering cans lol. xD

Re: what's the weather like where you are?

Posted: Sep 14th, '23, 18:24
by lunar_eclipse66
No rain today but we have some gentle sun and wind.

Re: what's the weather like where you are?

Posted: Sep 15th, '23, 01:08
by Hotarla
Yeah it was nice out today. Nice breeze, not too hot or cold, just very nice.

Re: what's the weather like where you are?

Posted: Sep 18th, '23, 19:11
by AsheSkyler
It got into the 50s last night and I'm so excited! First hoodie snuggles outside on the porch at night with my boyfriend since we started dating. I'm looking forward to autumn and winter, and the equinox being a few days away is making me more giddy.

Re: what's the weather like where you are?

Posted: Sep 19th, '23, 02:05
by Hotarla
yeah the temps are getting nice. like no more heat woooh. although i hear that it might get warmer again cuz el nino.

Re: what's the weather like where you are?

Posted: Sep 24th, '23, 18:21
by lunar_eclipse66
Its a rainy weekend here!

Re: what's the weather like where you are?

Posted: Sep 24th, '23, 19:40
by Hotarla
i wish for rain. 8u only so that i don't have to water plants lol.

my mom cut off all the blooms for my black eyed susans lol. cuz all the previous wind and rain had just made them all snap and wilt and fall over so it was all very ugly looking. but a few have started to grow and i even have one thats got a few buds already. xD all the previous blooms my mom tried to throw away, i buried them all back in the soil lol. xD

Re: what's the weather like where you are?

Posted: Sep 28th, '23, 19:01
by lunar_eclipse66
well I hope you get rain soon, we keep bouncing between light rain and sun. Its kind of nice.

Re: what's the weather like where you are?

Posted: Sep 29th, '23, 00:54
by Hotarla
nope still no rain lol. but at least its mostly cooler now.