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Re: Chrizi's Crafty Corner - come chat!

Posted: Jul 19th, '19, 16:55
by jacobgrey
Yes, just the stitches. Thankfully (?) it was pretty cheaply made haha, so the stitches just fell right out. I'll admit my repair job is not up to a professional standard but since it was cheap anyway it's not so easy to tell unless you look close XD the lining fabric is pretty nasty. That thin polyester type stuff that just looks awful if you can see it.

Re: Chrizi's Crafty Corner - come chat!

Posted: Jul 20th, '19, 00:02
by Dream-Baby
I've had shirts come apart at the seams sometimes too. Cheap stitches have a tendency to do that. :}

Re: Chrizi's Crafty Corner - come chat!

Posted: Jul 20th, '19, 11:27
by Chrizine
In this case I guess it's really lucky that it was cheap stitching :D
Ripped fabric is much harder to deal with.

And I'm sure your repair work is good enough, who would look closely at the stitches of your skirt anyway? As long as it's not glaringly off or you managed to mess up the cut of the garment by stitching it in the wrong place, nobody will notice.

Re: Chrizi's Crafty Corner - come chat!

Posted: Jul 21st, '19, 16:37
by jacobgrey
Haha, true, if someone is looking at my butt that closely I have other problems with it XD

Re: Chrizi's Crafty Corner - come chat!

Posted: Jul 21st, '19, 17:10
by Chrizine
Yes, sounds like you have your priorities straight ;) :D

Re: Chrizi's Crafty Corner - come chat!

Posted: Aug 5th, '19, 06:15
by Ashiya
Anyone make any pompoms? xD I tried but had bad results, so my mom made one for me. It was for the tail of this bunny I finished recently->
We used an old pompom maker but now we bought some new fancy ones that seem more complicated. Also just got a lot of new yarn from an online store :qlov: I love seeing all the different yarn colors, it's like looking at a colored pencil case or marker set haha They were a gift from my mom so yay I didn't have to pay, lol
My mother also helped me with the bunny by making the fabric bow for it.

Oh also, wondering if you ever sell anything crafty online? I had an etsy store a while ago but never sold anything, and decided to list some things again. Will probably give up in a few months though. I think I have more chances of selling locally online. I've sold some used items online before, but nothing I've actually made .-.

Re: Chrizi's Crafty Corner - come chat!

Posted: Aug 5th, '19, 13:50
by jacobgrey
I have an Etsy store which I've had open for years but only sold a small number of things through it. I ended up taking most of the listings down because it was costing me a fortune just to pay the listing fees every 3 months. It's still going but I haven't made a sale in a long time.
I've had pretty bad results at other places as well. I tried one, can't even remember what it's called now, and got zero sales there. And never anything through Instagram or Facebook either. I got pretty disheartened and that's partly why I slowed down on crafting so much (but also kind of why I was crafting so much in the first place if that makes sense, when I thought I might be able to sell things).

I just finished two pieces right after the other! I've suddenly got into the groove again, probably because I have a little extra mental headspace. I finished my green sampler and my sunflower girl, and now I'm starting on a new jewellery piece.

Re: Chrizi's Crafty Corner - come chat!

Posted: Aug 5th, '19, 18:50
by Audriella
Everything looks great, guys. The bunny is super cute! I love the vibrancy of the samplers, and jewelry is exciting!

I read most Etsy sellers don’t make more than $65/month, and frequently less than that, even.

Re: Chrizi's Crafty Corner - come chat!

Posted: Aug 5th, '19, 19:23
by jacobgrey
Thanks :) yeah, that doesn't surprise me. I wish I knew of a place to sell crafts where they are appreciated for their actual value - like a place where you could sell jewellery to people who know and understand how much it takes to make it - instead of this kind of open marketplace where it's a race to provide the lowest price.
Anyway, I suppose this could become some long rant about capitalism :') this is the way things are, I guess. I envy those people who have that marketing/appeal knack and who are there on tons of orders a month. An artist I have followed for a long time (and bought stuff from, too) has over 1000 sales at around $325 each for the most part, so she's making a lot, but not when I then consider the fact that this is her only source of income (plus Instagram commissions).

Re: Chrizi's Crafty Corner - come chat!

Posted: Aug 6th, '19, 00:12
by Dream-Baby
I wish I could help you out, but I really have no idea where to go.
a year ago I would have suggested Tictail, but it no longer even exists. :}