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Re: BonBons with Cookies & Tea

Posted: Aug 9th, '17, 18:39
by jacobgrey
I can't bear talking about wedding dresses, I found my dream designer and all of his stuff is about three zeros more expensive than I can afford X.X I'm sort of hoping we will win the lottery before we get married? Or one of our parents will?

Re: BonBons with Cookies & Tea

Posted: Aug 10th, '17, 11:18
by memoriam
@Haze: Lol, canary XD

but the skirts were so pretty :qsob: I noticed that since I'm broadening the color variety in my KofK wardrobe, I'm also more likely to try new colors IRL :qlol: Kofk has good influence on me, lol :qt:

@jacob: Which designer? (sounds like I know something about any designer, lol XD)
I just want my wedding dress to be sewn by my mom... We'd pick the material, she'd make it exactly like I want it and nothing could go wrong. Unless she's too busy, then I may not get any dress until 5 minutes before the wedding XD she once was sewing herself a dress for someone's wedding, and she couldn't find time to finish it. She was finishing it last minute and was late in the end :qhehe: But the dress was pretty. Knowing her, it's only about that the dress was for her, not for someone else. If it would be for someone else, she'd be quicker about it :qt: *pats mom*

Re: BonBons with Cookies & Tea

Posted: Aug 10th, '17, 11:36
by Haze
Trying new colors is great, I usually go for the ones I always wear just because I already know that these colors look good on me and won't have to search much.

Re: BonBons with Cookies & Tea

Posted: Aug 10th, '17, 11:57
by jacobgrey
Zuhair Murad is the designer. Although I also recently discovered some similar designers, who of course are all the same kind of price range so that doesn't help me at all XD His dresses are like a fairytale.

Re: BonBons with Cookies & Tea

Posted: Aug 10th, '17, 14:26
by Poshi
The government/council should still be responsible for organising controlled burns to get rid of all the (I forgot what it's called) stuffintheforestthatcanaccidentallysetalight. That stuff. I'll remember later. Then you won't unexpectedly not see the sky for a week :3

That was so long ago. Hmmm, I think 4 years now since my first bf but we're good friends now. Yes I'm dating someone new and I'm totally smitten. It's been over a year and a half already and we always sound like we're planning our forever lives together =A=; I disgust myself sometimes. Of course, I'll have to wait and see how serious we are after the honey moon phase passes. Hopefully this works out as we get a long really well and he puts up with my antics. I do appreciate that I can be very eccentric around him and not have him leave me ;-;

Maybe he's hoping you'll love him enough to change your mind. Well you'll never know unless you get inside their heads.

Haha, thank you. I saw. I ended up dropping that mug but Goose got me another as a surprise. That was kind of him. I haven't updated since my trip in Japan. My life is too boring anyway.

I can't address any of the heavy stuff today. I'm absolutely exhausted. I was at uni 5 days a week and I have so many meetings and so much research ;3; I'll come back later.

Re: BonBons with Cookies & Tea

Posted: Aug 10th, '17, 21:42
by memoriam
@Haze: Yeah, trying new colors is great, but then you buy them and have nothing to wear them with XD

@jacob: I just had to ask, didn't I? :qsweat: They're too pretty Q3Q

@Poshi: That's alright, good luck with the research and take some rest *hugs*

I'm tired as well (almost typed 'ass well' :qsweat: ), it's too hot and the air is too still, I can't breathe at all TTATT And someone is smoking every freaking hour and the smoke gets into our room :mcangry:
Trying to decide where to go for vacation with bf is a nightmare. Too many options, I'm dizzy x.x

Re: BonBons with Cookies & Tea

Posted: Aug 10th, '17, 22:22
by Haze
But you can always go with black or jeans and such so it's okay c:

Re: BonBons with Cookies & Tea

Posted: Aug 11th, '17, 11:44
by memoriam
Not is it's a skirt in pastel pink and there's nothing in my wardrobe to wear it with :') a blouse wouldn't be so troublesome XD

Re: BonBons with Cookies & Tea

Posted: Aug 11th, '17, 12:04
by Haze
Well, a plain white t-shirt or a crop top (depends on the style of the skirt) ?

Re: BonBons with Cookies & Tea

Posted: Aug 11th, '17, 13:50
by memoriam
It's a really nie, delicate, flowy skirt, more elegant, so t-shirt's a big no no xD I have to hunt some nice blouse or a top... in some color that goes nice with it... ah well, may take years xD