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Re: Raine's Hangout- <3

Posted: Dec 16th, '17, 03:32
by Hotarla
cooking is just a way of survival so its a skill that's much needed. i just think in terms of that lol.
me, i'd rather boil the water to make a hot drink rather than drink something cold lol. so its always tea...xP i'll only drink colder drinks during special occasions or when i'm out since i have no choice.....or when its really hot lol.

yeah i told my sister later and she's like 'well that sucks, i heard it was one of the better places to eat around this area'...xD;;

it didn't, not really...i just lay in bed for a few hours playing on my itouch before it felt better...xD
yesss, its always nice to have a hot shower...xP

Re: Raine's Hangout- <3

Posted: Dec 24th, '17, 12:19
by Raine Seryn
I like cooking because it's creative for me. I like to make it look pretty. ;u;
Speaking of I just baked for almost 6 hours straight today to make holiday goodies boxes. @_@ So many cookies. *dies*

I prefer cold drinks if I had to pick. For some reason my body rejects warm drinks and I can't get myself to swallow them. So it's either cold or it has to be hot (like sipping temperature).

:( boo. all that sucks tho.

Re: Raine's Hangout- <3

Posted: Jan 1st, '18, 02:57
by Moi

Sorry I disappeared. I hope you guys had a good holiday 8u/

I've started getting addicted to McDonald's frappes xD
They don't make me sick like Starbucks does sometimes.

Re: Raine's Hangout- <3

Posted: Jan 5th, '18, 05:39
by Raine Seryn
It's ok ;u;
I've been super busy from the holidays @_@ I didn't think I would be since I don't really talk to anyone, but somehow it was hectic.

Ohhh ^^ I'm glad they don't make you sick! I've been mostly drinking tea lately.
Like I think about 6 cups a day. >/////> I need to drink more water again,
but it's so cold and the tea is so warm haha.

How was your holiday?

Re: Raine's Hangout- <3

Posted: Jan 5th, '18, 21:39
by Hotarla
A belated New Years to you all!
Has everyone seen the new Knuffel? C:

Re: Raine's Hangout- <3

Posted: Jan 5th, '18, 22:29
by Moi

Hotarla: YUP 8U
I need to level her >__>
Happy belated New Year 8u/

Raine: But but....isn't tea water? Does it not count U8
Mine was okay. My mom may come home soon, so she should be here next Christmas u8

Apparently this is the year of the dog.
My sister was born in the year of the dog.
Maybe this will be a good year for her 8u

I was born in the year of the dragon u8

Re: Raine's Hangout- <3

Posted: Jan 6th, '18, 01:16
by Hotarla
Ive been leveling her up and posting the stages in the Knuffel thread...c: she’s turning out well!

Re: Raine's Hangout- <3

Posted: Jan 6th, '18, 02:36
by Moi

Can't wait to see 8u

I need to make more.
I was going to make holiday ones, but I was pretty down.

Re: Raine's Hangout- <3

Posted: Jan 6th, '18, 04:44
by Hotarla
lol its at the new knuffel thread, i'm like the only one who posts up the images.

DRAGONS UNITE. maybe you're the same age as me? 88 baby? xD;;

ohhhhh my sister and mom are both born in the year of the dog too. its gonna be baaaaaad luck for them, probably. don't you know Moi? on the zodiac animal year you're born in, it's astrologically a bad year for you, its known as Fan Tai Sui (犯太歲). hmmmmm, i just checked, its bad for dragons too.......geh time to take out my gold rooster medallion to wear lol.

Re: Raine's Hangout- <3

Posted: Jan 6th, '18, 22:25
by Moi

Aww D:

Yup 8u
October 15th 1988.

I did NOT know that DX<
Well with my family's kind of luck...
Our luck isn't horrible, but it's not good >__>

Like if the winning numbers are 8 17 22 30 50
I'd have picked 9 16 21 29 51
Or like how I bought a game and there was a 50% off sell the day after.
I once walked under a ladder and got good luck xD