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Re: Kitsune's Haven *private*

Posted: Jan 14th, '23, 03:40
by AutobotDen
oof. bet that was interesting...

I mainly get mods for things like clothing, hair, makeup, and things to decorate houses with, though I also look for interesting lots. would love to one day have all the expansion packs, if only to make it so I can use a small chunk of the mods I do have.

Re: Kitsune's Haven *private*

Posted: Jan 16th, '23, 20:43
by Tam I am
She's a young black lady who's used to keeping track of a bad rabbit named Stella, so she saw him right away and went to get him.

So the expansion packs would give you more room?

Re: Kitsune's Haven *private*

Posted: Jan 19th, '23, 00:45
by AutobotDen
Heh, at least there's that...

Naw, they'd enable me to use content that relies on the expansion pack to function. basically it'd be like adding a new set of tools to the toolbox

Re: Kitsune's Haven *private*

Posted: Jan 20th, '23, 22:54
by Tam I am
...Or more toys in the toybox?

Re: Kitsune's Haven *private*

Posted: Jan 22nd, '23, 02:29
by AutobotDen
That, too. lol

Re: Kitsune's Haven *private*

Posted: Jan 23rd, '23, 22:55
by Tam I am

Walked downtown and ate a bowl of pho with money a friend gave me for Christmas. Didn't make the headache feel better, but it was nice to go and nice to have pho.

Re: Kitsune's Haven *private*

Posted: Jan 25th, '23, 01:34
by AutobotDen
I had another ingrown toenail dealt with yesterday. this one was the toe next to the big toe. instead of just cutting off the corner like with the big nail, this time, the entire nail was removed, because otherwise there'd be barely any toenail left anyway, so best bet was to just take the whole thing.

Soaked it today, and now my toe is angry at me. it doesn't look bad, just very ow.

Re: Kitsune's Haven *private*

Posted: Jan 29th, '23, 03:40
by Tam I am
Awwww. I'm still regrowing the nail I kicked against concrete, so I have much sympathy!

Oh, did you see the last update on DW? About just how dumb the management of LJ has gotten?

Re: Kitsune's Haven *private*

Posted: Jan 30th, '23, 03:10
by AutobotDen
I haven't. I've been too busy focusing on things related to Dungeons & Dragons.

Re: Kitsune's Haven *private*

Posted: Jan 30th, '23, 03:54
by Tam I am
Okay. You need to go make sure that none of your DW passwords were ever used on LJ, because LJ let a big breach happen and has been lying about it.

Galeas says hi, and do you want honey cake.