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Re: ?Collector's Corner? Now Open!

Posted: Jul 10th, '09, 23:49
by CharstarWishes
I remember about the genetics lab, but I wish it were just free like the mouth styles area. I don't mind them selling fun creative styles. I was just hoping the base styles and stuff would be free or something.

I do love we can change it all up... did you see the thread where you could post how much stuff you had, OMG I couldn't believe I have over 400 items..
I am a collector.

I definitely like your style Meepy. What color and style are you eyes?

Re: ?Collector's Corner? Now Open!

Posted: Jul 11th, '09, 00:19
by Merrymaking
Still room for an all-items-on-KofK-quester ? ^_^;;

Re: ?Collector's Corner? Now Open!

Posted: Jul 11th, '09, 00:38
by Meepy
CharstarWishes wrote:I remember about the genetics lab, but I wish it were just free like the mouth styles area. I don't mind them selling fun creative styles. I was just hoping the base styles and stuff would be free or something.

I do love we can change it all up... did you see the thread where you could post how much stuff you had, OMG I couldn't believe I have over 400 items..
I am a collector.

I definitely like your style Meepy. What color and style are you eyes?

Ah, I see. xD
To me, changing skin colour, eye colour and style sounds like something you'd have to pay for. Kind of like how you have to pay for contacts and surgery in real life.

Yeah, I posted in that thread too. xD On this account I have 228 items at the moment, and around 15 on my mule. But I didn't count my mule's items.
You have so much! :O

Oh, I'll take off my Vampire eyes for today so you can see my eyes.

Re: ?Collector's Corner? Now Open!

Posted: Jul 11th, '09, 00:48
by StarWishes
Welcome Merrymaking!
Of course there still room for an all-items-on kofk-quester!

Meepy* I think everything cost too much as is. i'm always broke, I guess you can tell I like shopping. What's sad is there are so many more items I am wanting.
I haven't even bothered to make a quest thread. Maybe I will one day.

I'm posting on my mule, to show you her eyes, my mules eyes are closer to yours , but a little different I think. Thanks for showing me. :qstar:

Re: ?Collector's Corner? Now Open!

Posted: Jul 11th, '09, 01:04
by Meepy
Things seem to be inflating really badly now...
The recent sales of past sets are just... Whoa.
I almost never spend food. D8

I don't bother with a quest thread since... I don't really need one, because I'm only after Monthly Sets.

You're welcome. xD
No one really has my eyes.

Re: ?Collector's Corner? Now Open!

Posted: Jul 11th, '09, 01:13
by CharstarWishes
I do like your eyes!
I love green eyes & blue eyes the best, sometimes I want the black eyes.

I'm starting to think we need to beg them to increase the fp from posting.
The only time I was able to save up a lot of fp at one time was the first month I was here I saved up 25K for the angel set , which I thought was over priced at the time.
I've been lucky and used past items to win a few items I wanted, but I have traded away most of the older items thou for a summer yukata.

Re: ?Collector's Corner? Now Open!

Posted: Jul 11th, '09, 01:30
by koren
Thank you for adding me as a member :)

I rarely stray out of the Buying/selling threads , so I'd love a pm if you need any info from me or anything of the sort <3

Re: ?Collector's Corner? Now Open!

Posted: Jul 11th, '09, 01:40
by CharstarWishes
Your welcome Koren... No problem at all;
well when it's quiet in those threads, stop by.
I lurk a lot in those threads I just don't know where to chime in at so it usually just pass them by, But I am always looking for older items I can't afford.

Will do, I'm happy to PM.

Maybe check in every now and then thou,

I'm going to try and hold a few contests with items we own, after the banner contest.
I'm hoping to get other folks to sponsor different weeks offer a prize with different themes and then judge that weeks contest.
So we can do more dress up contests and things like that.
Or maybe have theme week like tacky day, spirit day, clown day, darkness day..
things like that.

Re: ?Collector's Corner? Now Open!

Posted: Jul 11th, '09, 01:43
by koren
I'm one of those people that the saying "Out of site, out of mind!" applies to very much xD

So , I don't mean not to stop by , but I'll forget :<

You can always yell at me to come chat though due to the fact that I'm around A LOT of the time ;P

What older items are you looking for the most?

Re: ?Collector's Corner? Now Open!

Posted: Jul 11th, '09, 01:53
by CharstarWishes
Oh mostly the items in my signature, but I own very very few of last summer things, but I really can't afford them anymore as the prices have skyrocketed. There were a few auctions that were affordable back in April but I was broke then too, I have most things put on hold and work toward them.

I'm currently saving up for 13 :fc: to get all the new TT items.
I have three items already, 3 :fc: in the bank and am spamming for 2 more.
I have some Real life $ money put aside to buy the last 8 :fc: , but I want to save up to make a large donation to the site.
I have never made a large donation, just lots of little ones.
So I may have to wait till next month to donate. But if my plan works I will have one of all the new TT items buy the beginning of next month.