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 Post subject: Re: Silver Eclipse Teahouse
Posted: Jul 9th, '15, 04:53    


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YOURE SO CUTE !! there is nothing wrong with not having too many crushes on real people. people are jerks sometimes!! D< people can hurt you. :P anime characters cant ahaha. i totally have crushes on anime characters. basically all of them. aha. but yeah dude i bet you are a lot less awkward than you think you are. (: usually thats how it works~

yeah i use a personal tumblr as a journal now. but i still have like ..7 or 8 written journals i think from when i was younger. but i started using blogger in middle/high school and then went to tumblr sometime lateee high school like 12th grade prolly. id go back to writing but its SO TEDIOUS. i type like a MANIAC everyone is always like vittoria wtf why are you smashing your keys and im just like :mcargh: TYPINGGG TO PEOPLEEE i get really excited too so i tend to type super fast. also ive been typing and using computers since like. 6th grade. how old are people in 6th grade. idk but its prolly been like HALF MY LIFE so im hella speedy

but i have feelings for everyone omg i dont even write it all down anymore, because its too common. and usually i dont want to act on my feelings, i love being friends with people. but jeez i wanna kiss everyone !! im a kissing maniac ahahaa but not really interested in anything further. just kissing lol. see thats what i learned by being a crazy person ahaha

but whoo!! that sounds pretty neat. yeah , with romance its like. i feel like in roleplays a lot of people focus on that and its so forced and just... really unrealistic and i know that roleplays are not even supposed to be realistic like THATS THE POINT ahahaha but idk how else to describe it.. it just seems fake to me sometimes. :P but ive been in plenty of roleplays where ive seen other people or have participated in pretty good romance stuffs. my thoughts are, if its gonna happen, itll happen and it will flow and be natural and if its just not right, then it wont work and it wont happen and thats cool too. ~ idk man, im just a chill person who goes with the flow ahaha

but yeah we can totally work on that if you would like! what sort of character would you prefer to start off with? im gonna reiterate : im really chill haha and ill take whatever. :3

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 Post subject: Re: Silver Eclipse Teahouse
Posted: Jul 9th, '15, 05:10    

Aisil Basil

Joined: Jun 17th, '15, 09:24
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Hah c: Thank you ~ I know I'm cute c; hahaha xD

And I can see how you get excited. Lol C: Its making me in a good mood. And usually my little sister especially, but in my family, if you hear me typing away. Because I'm pretty fast at typing, but since I use my phone most of the time, I've slowed down, but if they hear me they know I'm roleplaying~ lol c:

And I had like a crush on every anime character, and my step-dad mentioned it once, and I was like "okay, the next crush I'll have will be the last!" And it kinda was. I mean I stalked him and everything for 4-5 years. So that's pretty long, but I had small anime crushes from then. Now I'm in love with Miroku and Sesshomaru from Inuyasha at the moment. xD

And I'm not really the most affectionate type at first. I have to get to know the person and get to it on my own time, and my ex/fwb/gf, idk what she is right now, but she had trouble with that because I was so slow with showing my feelings compared to her. xp so I start to like cuddling first and then get to kissing xD lol but I wasn't even really a cuddly person until I met her. xD

And yeah, some does sound forced. But I'm used to romance in mine, so I'll try not to make it too much, but I can focus on the fighting and everything else, to keep my mind off it. Lol c:

And I'm just wondering who wants to be the demon? I can play a stubborn and loud character, that likes to fight. Idk, and then later on, maybe I can play as a more calm character, that likes to laugh a lot, as the other one. Idk if that made any sense. xD

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 Post subject: Re: Silver Eclipse Teahouse
Posted: Jul 10th, '15, 18:09    


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YES knowing youre cute is a great step in confidence and self esteem, that is so good to know that YOU KNOW ! :D i know im cute too :3

yess typing is great, but its why im really bad at smart phones but i dont have one anyways lol i cant type fast on them at all! i can type faster on my phone that i have cause there are actual buttons and i use my nails lol so it takes longer on touch screens cause i gotta .. not use my nails but they are THERE haha

i have a crush on everyone in real life and in fiction hahaha. man my partner let me create a character on final fantasy 14 last night and she was like this dragon girl and so SO PRETTY i mean i made her that way but omg i so had a crush on her xDD i wanna hold hands with my dragon girl. >.< i also tried to make her as androgynous as possible cause you can change the 'bust' size lol but the lowest was still like a B cup i was like SRSLY

yeah for me it really changes a lot, sometimes im not in the mood to be touchy AT ALL and i really dont like pda, i mean i dont mind if other people are being cuddly or kissing or anything it doesnt bother me but personally i dont really feel comfortable being touchy with someone around other people. :P idk why i just dont. i like privacy, intimacy . but yeah sometimes i can be really cuddly and smooochy lol . but everyone feels differently about showing affection! so people should be understanding if someone takes it slower ^~^ it doesnt necessarily mean they dont like the person, sometimes it just takes longer to get comfortable ~~

yeah when i was younger i did a lot of romance-y rps, especially boy x boy lololol. and again theres nothing wrong with romance in rps! i do enjoy it sometimes. i just think its boring to focus on it instead of the story and character progression. :P

hahaha id be down with playing the demon or the human. or it could be any sort of race really, doesnt have to be human - hobbit, elf, animal-hybrid types like cat people and such. THE SKY IS THE LIMIT. we can build our world however we want, we can make up races even! I was in a really good rp once where the creator had just MADE UP a few races and it was really interesting.

I will share one of them with you. This was his decription for a race based on merpeople.

Was-erfalk Or Mermen are the most eye-turning of the commonfolk. Beauty equal or even surpassing that of elves, but different for they look a lot like lizards that live underwater. Large intelligent eyes with sharp pupils, smooth flawless skin like a dolphin's and a blunt dog-like snout with two slits as a nose. Their features such as fins may vary or not exist at all, hands maybe webbed or perhaps claws. Sometimes like humans'. Some bear a tail and some don't, most variance in shades of colour and ability to breathe both on land and underwater. They don't posses much physical prowess on land so they resort to studying arts of all kinds, magician guilds want to teach them, only rare few want to learn magic.

and this was my character of that race

Player name: Squiggle
Character name: Kelioni [KEY-lee-OH-nee]
Gender: Male
Species: Was-erfalk
Major skills: A keen sense of direction. Very good social skills, therefore he can sometimes get away with certain things that others can't. Can use a knife rather well.
Special abilities: Extremely good at climbing and swimming. Very small magical ability, but it exists.
Profession: Odd jobs, here and there. Because he loves to travel and explore, Kelioni picks up work where he can.
Appearance: Kelioni has darkish peach colored skin, a color that resembles that of a tanned human. It is toned differently in certain areas, but he appears to be the same color all over. Without counting the fin that sits on top of his head, he stands about 5'11". His head-fin has six points with thick webbing in between and could seem like a sort of fin-mohawk. His eyes are large and a sea-foam green color, but with big black pupils. His ears have three points; one is at the top, middle, and bottom, and they also look like fins. He possesses gills on each side of his long neck that close and appear to be scratches while he is on land. His build is small but very lean. On his torso he only wears a brown corset which half-laces up the front and laces all the way in the back with lighter brown string. He wears short pants of a light-green mint color which cut off before his knees. On top of these he has a brown leather cross belt, which makes a sort of 'x' in front of his crotch. He keeps random hidden tools and other findings in the inside of this belt. On his left arm he wears a long brown armband which is held to his arm by straps. He carries his knife in a secret pocket sewn into this armband. His hands are very webbed but do not keep him from accomplishing the same tasks that humans can. His feet are rather webbed as well, but they are covered by worn dark brown leather boots that come up a few inches above his ankle. His tail is about three feet long and although its base is thick, it becomes thin quickly and ends in a point. His legs and tail are very strong, despite his appearance and thin frame.
History: Kelioni left home at a young age. His family had been good to him, but he felt caged while living in the same place his whole life and being dependent on his family. Although he adored life underwater, he wanted to travel and explore places on land and in water all over the world. Since leaving he has done exactly what he wanted without having to overcome too many obstacles. Sometimes work is scarce or difficult, but he somehow manages. He has learned many random skills by travelling so many places, even a bit of magic. Lately, he has been bored with exploring repetitive aspects of the present, and wishes instead to learn of the treasures the past holds.
Optional: While underwater, Kelioni does not wear any clothing. He instead packs all of his belongings into a small bag so that he can swim much more efficiently.

but yeah that was on a different site where my username was squiggle. :P ANYWAYS my point is we can do anything lol. and I would be down with playing the demon or human-ish character. and like you suggested, we could make multiple characters and have ours meet up with another set of demon + partner if we are interested in doing that . so both of us could theoretically play demons and humanishs lol. but ill leave first pick up to you ^~^ because i like both options! and dont feel like because i mentioned other races you have to do that or something, if you want to be the partner as your first character you can totally be human if thats what you want! i was just giving you other options too ~~ because im totally down with just letting imaginations go everywhere ! lol

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 Post subject: Re: Silver Eclipse Teahouse
Posted: Jul 10th, '15, 19:21    

Aisil Basil

Joined: Jun 17th, '15, 09:24
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I like that character. ~ Actually a lot. Maybe you can use that! And I think I can make my first character human, then I can make my own demon character, I think she could probably be...hmm..maybe just a half -demon cat? That sounds really cliché though. I'll think about what I'll make them. xD

And I wasn't so self-confident before I went through everything with my partner. c:

You remind me of one of my friends. She's in love with everybody, a whole bunch of anime characters and real life people. Lol c: but she's fun, I love her. xD

And I remember when my older sister would play video games that you had to make your character, like skyrim, she would make a character, bug it took her so long. Like hours and then she would play a little but before she's like "I don't like him/her" and she would start over. I got so frustrated with her. c:

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 Post subject: Re: Silver Eclipse Teahouse
Posted: Jul 12th, '15, 05:45    


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thanks! i love that character a lot too, one of my favorites ~ got someone to make art of him too ^~^ looks awesome


idk know if I would use him, we will see. :3 but yeah cool ! i will make a demon then~ and like I said, you do whatever you want! who cares about cliches. if you want a demon cat then DO IT lol thats what roleplaying is all about!

so what sort of world should we have for the setting? :3

hahah character creation is the greatest !!

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 Post subject: Re: Silver Eclipse Teahouse
Posted: Jul 12th, '15, 08:19    

Aisil Basil

Joined: Jun 17th, '15, 09:24
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Okay, and aww I wish I was good at drawing! o.o I have my days. But I seem to either loose or forget my good drawings somewhere. Lol its sucks. xD I'm better if I have a picture to go off things. So I used to remake some parts in mangas. c:

And the setting? Um well we could always do like a medieval or maybe fuedal Japan? Lol sometime when demons are a thing. Modern doesn't sound to good for that. xD

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 Post subject: Re: Silver Eclipse Teahouse
Posted: Jul 13th, '15, 17:57    


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yeah im not very good at art lol but i have tried.

maybe i will use that character later, he is one of my favs and its a shame i havent used him again~

yeah i dont often do a modern world setting lol unless its something like a magic school. that would be interesting to have a world based off feudal japan. honestly i cant say i know a whole lot about that time period, only a bit so i think it would be better to create a new world but using elements of these sorts of things. like, our world would have a lot of different races of people as well as spirits and all sorts of beings. but there should be some conflict going on, perhaps between peoples or between areas in the world. so that our characters can have a cause to come together.

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 Post subject: Re: Silver Eclipse Teahouse
Posted: Jul 14th, '15, 04:42    

Aisil Basil

Joined: Jun 17th, '15, 09:24
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Okay, how about a sacred object(haven't thought of what it is) and its very important to the land, has been stolen by like a group of (whatever we fight mostly) and a few people get sent to kill them, in secret, while they have others looking for it, and a long the way find other people to join them.

But the people that look for it in secret, are stronger than the others and have a better chance at getting it back, and that could be our first two characters and then they meet up with the others along the way?

And I like the idea of a new world, hehe just go with whatever~

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 Post subject: Re: Silver Eclipse Teahouse
Posted: Jul 15th, '15, 06:34    


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so, do you mean we are the ones looking for it in secret?

hmm . maybe like a sacred sort of spell book. that could create chaos if the wrong person were to use it. ... or a sacred cat XD or a sacred plant or tree or something

lol imagining someone stealing a tree

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 Post subject: Re: Silver Eclipse Teahouse
Posted: Jul 16th, '15, 03:08    

Aisil Basil

Joined: Jun 17th, '15, 09:24
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Yeah~ I hope what I said made sense. Lol and yeah, a tree. Perfect. Jk xD I like the thought of a spell book. Sounds nice. c: Okay I think I have an idea on that, but we should leave that to when we actually start the roleplay. xD When will that be? And who wants to start it? I don't what we would call it, and I think I'll just go along with the cat character~

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