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Re: The 2021 Reading Challenge

Posted: Oct 13th, '21, 15:59
by memoriam
Omg, what a cute baby! :mclove: Are you preparing them for life in wilderness or will they be raised in captivity? Also, do you do this for a living? I'm jealous XD

Re: The 2021 Reading Challenge

Posted: Oct 13th, '21, 21:53
by Sanssouci
They'll be released back into the wild in the spring. She looks very tame and good natured in that picture, but they actually hiss at me and are starting to bite now too! I don't need to handle them as much as I did when they were younger, but I still need to sometimes (you have to weigh them a lot because their diet changes with their weight), and I have to wear thick gloves now.

I don't know how it works in other places, but in the US we have to apply, get interviewed, and get licensed through the DEC and then continue to report to the DEC, but it's an unpaid volunteer position that is incredibly time consuming and expensive. But if anyone is interested in being a rehabber, definitely look into it because there are not enough of us and the more there are, then the more the workload and expenses can be split!

Re: The 2021 Reading Challenge

Posted: Oct 14th, '21, 11:52
by memoriam
Hah, opossums are temperamental, aren't they? :mcheh:

Dang, I'd love to get into that someday. I've always wanted to help animals like that, but I don't know anyone would qualify me as good material for such a task. I'm quite skittish XD

Re: The 2021 Reading Challenge

Posted: Oct 14th, '21, 17:03
by Sanssouci
I'm skittish too. I'm terrified of being bitten by most things. An injured baby bunny was in my driveway a few months ago, and I was too skittish to catch it. My husband had to catch it so we could bring it to another rehabber. But for some reason the opossums don't scare me, so they are the only animal I am working with lol.

Re: The 2021 Reading Challenge

Posted: Oct 15th, '21, 14:59
by memoriam
How are you not terrified of opossums? XD

My problem is I think anything is cute until it tries to bite me :mcheh:
Oh, wait, that's a lie. My mom's cat is viscious and hates my guts, but I still think she's cute :mcargh: But if I had to tace care of her, like take her on my lap or anything, I'd have to take some crazy safety measures, like buying some thick gloves or something.
Approaching a animal that isn't friendly is terrifying.

Re: The 2021 Reading Challenge

Posted: Oct 15th, '21, 17:20
by Sanssouci
My mother's cat is pretty scary too. I had to babysit her a couple years ago. She would sit on my lap but then bite me if I moved even the tiniest little bit. I couldn't wait to give her back lol.

Re: The 2021 Reading Challenge

Posted: Oct 15th, '21, 20:09
by memoriam
Haha, that's one sassy cat :mclaugh:

Re: The 2021 Reading Challenge

Posted: Dec 7th, '21, 20:45
by Sanssouci
I'm definitely not making my reading goal this year. I didn't read for quite a while. Now I'm getting back into it, but it's still going to be too little too late for my goal!

Re: The 2021 Reading Challenge

Posted: Dec 18th, '21, 05:38
by Akili Li
At this point, forget my original 2021 reading goal, I'll just be happy if I can finish the books I'm currently in the middle of, before the end of the year!

Re: The 2021 Reading Challenge

Posted: Dec 18th, '21, 09:47
by Amura
Hahaha, that's a neat adaptation.

I guess I have to start thinking about my next year challenge already.
I suppose I gotta up the game a bit.

Anyway, checking my GoodReads stats I noticed I've read more books... but less pages!
So apparently this year I've chosen shorter books - not that I had read much more than other years.