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On parents and OCs:
They have a living mom.  10%  [ 10 ]
They have a living dad.  8%  [ 8 ]
Their dad is dead.  9%  [ 9 ]
Their mom is dead.  6%  [ 6 ]
One of their parents is dying/in a coma, etc.  9%  [ 9 ]
It's all mixed.  25%  [ 25 ]
Mika, your polls are weird. ._.  34%  [ 35 ]
Total votes : 102
 Post subject: Re: U/C
Posted: Apr 10th, '11, 12:32    


Joined: Jul 14th, '10, 15:09
Posts: 1605
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Location: Germany
Mikael Hart wrote:@Mayli: Thanks. :D

That's okay, a writer is a writer, regardless of the language. :D Though you don't even have to be a writer/artist or have an OC to become a member, it's just something nice to have in common, since that's what this thread's about. You could even submit snippets of your stories in German if you like; I won't be able to understand it, of course, but other people might and you would still get points. :) Feel free to send in a form for membership if you're still interested. <3

I read the English translation of The Neverending Story recently, and while I liked it a lot, I was kinda sad because I think I'm missing on the charm of it in its original language (German). Very good story though; creative and purposeful. Have you read it.

Ah, that's cool (about the type of characters you write). As for myself, I'm more comfortable writing male characters --all sorts, actually, though there are some I like more and some that I'm more comfortable with. I can't write about girls very well... probably because of some past issues with female characters and lack of interest. ^^;

What are your girls like? Mind telling me more about them?

first of all, thanks for your reply =3
i'm currently not at home, that's why i don't reply that much currently, but i'll be at home this evening =3
i could send you tons of texts of mine >D i just don't know, if anybody would understand it >D so i kinda feel like i'm bothering someone =)
i do have millions of original characters =3 at least, one book of mine is about .... 10 young people and their story, how they find their powers and fight =3 it's 5 girls and 5 boys, so i had enough time and fun trying around with many different kinds of styles and i allways needed to change the way they where talking =3 that was maybe the most interessting thing for me about that story =)
i'm drifting away >D
yes, i'll send the form in later, when i do have more time to fill everything out =3

of course =3
the first time i've seen it in TV, then i grabbed the book and read it, once, twice... i think i've read it 3 times? it's very good and i do love the whriting style =3
i wish i could do such as well *o*
i allways love the new world authors kidnap you in =3 it gives so much hope and good charm, when you read it, you just slip away and you can dream =3
i think, in this times, it's important for young people to have something, they can dream of =3 and books are a good way to do this =3

when i read a book, people often try to talk to me, but i just don't listen >D i'm so into a book, that they allways need to poke me, that i come back into the real world >D

you are male right?
i do think, it's allways easier to whrite characters you are comfy with =3 like i'm with girls and you with boys =)
you just simply know, what they think, how they feel and how they would react like =)
i am able to whrite boys as well, i just often let them come out way to feminin >D
lost those i dream of =3
you see, it's like this:
girl comes out of the house at the balcony (sorry for my bad english, i just don't know how to express myself >:<) and talkes to him, first of all, he is quite defensive, but at the end, he's allways romantical and says things the girl just wants to hear >D i do love romantical scenes, like this balcony things, with the boy smoking and the smoke is flewing around the 2 characters, making the scene even more covered into dust and smoky *o* sorry, i do love that >D

my books never have the standart happy end. i do love endings whom are spectacular =3
like in my current composition, (what will answer your last question as well) i whrite about a mysterious girl, called annabell and her friend sue (name of a friend of mine on here =3) annabell came out of the ocean, was found by a lonely fishing man and got raised by him and his wife. she lost this family in the past, before the actual plot.
She fights her way through the world, to find the pirats whom killed her family. Becomes friends with sue and her boyfriend. I do whrite her like a tough (?) girl, she's allways quite about her background story, sue will only know more about her at the end, when annabell herself get's to know the real story of herself, before her memory was erased and she was thrown out into the ocean. she cares very much about sue and when sue gets killed at the end, by the same man who killed her 2 familys before, she gets enrage. her special powers she has, get something like a power up and she kills like 10 man at once. Afterwards, she figures, that she lost everything, her first family, her second family and even sue and her boyfriend (who are all dead at the end) and she starts to hate herself, annabell got her revenge, but she knows, it all happend only because of herself, because of the real power behind her, the monster that let her fly out into the world, so she goes back into the ocean and kills herself, with the thought, that she goes back where she came from.
i do think, this is a happy end, but not really that happy =3

mostly i do whrite about girl, who are stereotypical, weak or strong, but it allways has a very good ending, the enemies are killed or defended, the boy get's the girl >D but i wanted to do something different =3
like i said before, i whrote that book about the 10 young people, i tryied to make them all different, i was in need to make myself a list, what they like, what they dislike and how they talk, so that i don't mix them up =3
i think it's funny, if you try to make an OC, that's so not like your normal ones >D
for me that would be a soft guy, talking about his feelings, crying and maybe beeing gay, since this is some kind of no go for me, not because i don't like gay people, only because i can't handle that, i wouldn't know how they would react like >.<

ok, i think i've talked enough >:<
have a nice day ;D and see you later ^^

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 Post subject: Re: ↓ → qυιℓℓ & cαиvαs 【 αи σc нαиgσυт 】 EVENT! ← ↑
Posted: Apr 10th, '11, 17:09    


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kit i envy you D: .

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 Post subject: Re: ↓ → qυιℓℓ & cαиvαs 【 αи σc нαиgσυт 】 EVENT! ← ↑
Posted: Apr 10th, '11, 17:19    

Ha Ru

Joined: Mar 16th, '09, 19:19
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Oh damn~ I don't have an OC.. -.-
I started long time ago a profile using a guide or something xD but i forgot about it....
Can i join although i don't have an OC? I promise to stick to the hangout as much as i can and soon (today or tomorrow) to "make?" and OC! :D heh

I was thinking about an alchemist girl or something.. anyway :D Hello everyone! :D

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 Post subject: Re: ↓ → qυιℓℓ & cαиvαs 【 αи σc нαиgσυт 】 EVENT! ← ↑
Posted: Apr 10th, '11, 18:46    


Joined: Jul 14th, '10, 15:09
Posts: 1605
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Mood: I love my kind Master Aki!! I love my dear Child Miky90!! I love my great sister Crystal Rose !!
Location: Germany
Username: Mayli (but somehow i love to be called Eve ~)
Interests: i like role-playing, WoW, drawing (but i'm not good xD), chatting and my shool =3
Works: you need to click on the single blue dots, those are links to some of my storys =)
OCs: Look into the Single Threads there =3 everything is listed =)
(in there, they are all listed at the end of the page =))

oh and hello all =3

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 Post subject: Re: ↓ → qυιℓℓ & cαиvαs 【 αи σc нαиgσυт 】 EVENT! ← ↑
Posted: Apr 10th, '11, 22:19    


Joined: Feb 19th, '09, 18:40
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@Mikael Hart: You really don't think I'd offer my friends explosive food, do you? *Hurt D8*
Aha, completely, such a shame though.

Also, my entry, just because I wanna do this, sounds fun <3

1. Image Forests: Because elven boys love to climb trees.
2. Image Harmonica: Gift by his father, because, what better a gift than the sound of music?
3. Image Pavan: and his family, the awesomest naga bf friend one could ask for.
4. Image Remedies: He loves to make any kind of antidotes and potions as a son of an herbalist.
5. Image Soursop & Mint cake: To him, the best dessert ever.

The 1st and 2nd images are by me, the 3rd was a commision by Raine Seryn made for Mika, the 4th is from Photobucket and the 5th was a commision by Xaevan.

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 Post subject: Re: ↓ → qυιℓℓ & cαиvαs 【 αи σc нαиgσυт 】 EVENT! ← ↑
Posted: Apr 10th, '11, 23:21    

Mikael Hart

Joined: Apr 16th, '07, 05:34
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Location: Lordship of Wuffel
@Mayli: Oh, that's fine. XD I like to surf KofK when I'm away from home too. I feed my knuffels at school. >>b

Well, there's nothing on the front page right now, so I don't think it'd be so bad if you sent something. XD There is a text limit on the front page though, just so people don't get overwhelmed. It's more like, "quote some favorite passages" than "show off your entire work." :)

Aha, I like superpowers/superheroes too. ^^

Oh, is your movie the same movie as ours? (For "The Neverending Story" ?) It's the American one, right? Yeah, that book was really creative.

I can relate on your love for reading. It's a hobby that becomes an addiction to me, so I haven't picked up a book since last week, in hopes that I could get some homework done. When I'm all caught up again, I know what book I'll be taking from the library though. X3 I've been thinking about it all week.

Yeah, young or old, I do agree that it's good for people to have something they can value or look forward to. I believe that people should be "fans" or "enthusiasts" of things, because it's gives them something to look forward to in life. My mom is a fan of K-pop, oddly. I don't even listen to it, much. *headfloor*

Aha. I'm always absorbed when I read, but I'm pretty willing to put down a book if people want to talk. I used to be super addicted with stuff before, and it really bothered/worried people, so I kinda want to show them that I'm not prioritizing stuff above them now. ^^;

Though it's true that many people write from the perspective of their own genders, many authors also write the opposite. I know SE Hinton, JK Rowling, Avi, and Gerald Morris have all experimented with this. I think it's just a personal preference.

Wow, that's a pretty intense story. Aha, certain parts of it remind me of mythology and religion --I guess it's that whole aspect of being cast into the sea. I remember Jonah being cast into the sea, and Venus being born from the foam in the sea... that kinda thing.

Did you mean that you don't like writing about gay people, or that you don't like gay people in general? O__o

It's fine, I like long posts.

@Ha Ru: Oh, don't worry, you could always fill out the event form for yourself when there are events, and yep, you can join even if you don't have an OC. :) It's just a nice perk to have, but not a necessity.

Aha, alchemy is awesome, but when I look at it, it always seems too complicated for me. *headfloor*

@Mayli (again): Added. >>b

@Ocean: I don't know... I think if you were ever angry enough, you might. XD;

The "Hurt D8" always reminds me of Moi's doodle. XD

Oh, and I'll add your entry in.

Event ends tomorrow, everyone! :3

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 Post subject: Re: ↓ → qυιℓℓ & cαиvαs 【 αи σc нαиgσυт 】 EVENT! ← ↑
Posted: Apr 10th, '11, 23:39    


Joined: Jul 14th, '10, 15:09
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Location: Germany
oh, i was at my parents-in-laws house =3 so ... i wasn't at shool >D
but yea, i'm just like that as well xD

i might just translate annabell (the current character) into english and maybe i could do the same with the prologue? then everybody would understand it >D
but i'll do this tomorrow, since i'm a little sleepy right now (it's kofk time here^^) and i think you wouldn't understand the english-sleepy translated story as well >D

i mostly whrite about teenagers or young people who do have at least one power =3 or whom are skilled with fighting styles =3

hm, i think it is ._. i never thought about that, to be honest ._.

i haven't picked up books from the library lately ._. most of the time, i have stuff to do for shool ._. or i bought the book in a book store (?). wow, i can't even remember the last book i read ._. i think it was some kind of fantasy of a german author ._. *is shocked now*

hehe i think, it's cute that your mom likes K-Pop xD
my parents are allways way more boring ._.
they tell me, that i should read war dramas >.< or books with a "real" plot ... i just simply don't like such books >D so ... i won't ever read them >D except i have to for shool xD

ppl often worried about me as well >D
but it's hard for me to get out of a book, once i'm into it =D
diving around the places, following the character >.<
it's not, that i want to scare somebody or just get rid of them ... i really don't notice it anymore ._.

yes, of course there are ppl, who are really skilled with the other gender as well >D
like i said, i did whrite about boys as well, they just end up ... beeing hard and those types of guys i love >D
and of course, this is just my opinion =)

yes, i do remember some storys with the same background or parts of it =3
i just wanted her to be a curse ._.
to be send from a bigger creature, who sends her out into the world, to kill >.< but it goes wrong, since she gets used to her family, to sue as her friend and so she starts to feel and turn everything around ._.

i don't like whriting about them =3
it's like ... i feel like "they" would allways react different then i think >.<
no, i don't have anything agains gay ppl, i love aki, for example, i did have a very close gay friend, whom suffered from cancer >.< and aids, but he's still alive >.< only problem - i miss him and he wants to be alone Q_Q

ok xD
then it's fine if i talk a little more xD

@Mayli (again): Added. >>b

@mikael (again) thank you ;D
i love to pop in twice ~ xD (not really xD i feel like i'm bothering ppl xD)

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 Post subject: Re: ↓ → qυιℓℓ & cαиvαs 【 αи σc нαиgσυт 】 EVENT! ← ↑
Posted: Apr 10th, '11, 23:45    

Mikael Hart

Joined: Apr 16th, '07, 05:34
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Location: Lordship of Wuffel
@Mayli: Ah, sure. Most of my characters are teens or people in their early to mid 20s. I think most RPers write about people around this age, though some have become interested in the older age group. XD

I'm a book addict; I don't think I could make it if I bought every book that caught my eye. In this month and last month, I must've bought over ten books. *headfloor*

I usually read at night (before bed) or in the morning (right when I get up), so people aren't as affected. However, when I am on a book, I will take it with me everywhere until I finish it. XD

Ohh, you're friends with Aki? Is that Akito or Agriimony? A lot of people go by "Aki" it seems. Kityu did too, but I'm not sure if you know her.

Don't worry about dropping in, it gives me more reason to type. :)

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 Post subject: Re: ↓ → qυιℓℓ & cαиvαs 【 αи σc нαиgσυт 】 EVENT! ← ↑
Posted: Apr 10th, '11, 23:50    


Joined: Jun 17th, '08, 21:48
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My OCs range from 1 - 10,000 B]

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"I'll miss the winter
A world of fragile things
Look for me in the white forest
Hiding in a hollow tree (come find me)
I know you hear me,
I can taste it in your tears."

 Post subject: Re: ↓ → qυιℓℓ & cαиvαs 【 αи σc нαиgσυт 】 EVENT! ← ↑
Posted: Apr 10th, '11, 23:53    


Joined: Jul 14th, '10, 15:09
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Location: Germany
same here ^^
older characters are only sides figures to make the story round >D
like an old witch who sells curses and spells or a whise fairy, i just can't imagine a 16 years old fairy >D

wow >D
10 books is really quite much =)
i often read books more then one or two times >D so i would only need 3 books in this month >D

i can't read at night ._. i can't sleep afterwards >.< and i can't finish, so i would just read the whole night >.<
i don't fall asleep with reading, it keeps me staying awake and IF i do stop reading, i put myself into the plot and try to change everything >D

agriimony =3
i talked to him (wow i even whrote her ...) before he became an admin and no, i don't know those other users, sorry =3
so, no, i really have nothing agains gay ppl, i just can't watch film with such xD like broke back mountain xD my best friend allways wanted to watch it with me, but >.< i wasn't able to watch it 'till the end, since i was in love with heath ledger and this was freaking me off xDD sorry ^^

no problem =3
i'll talk to you, even if you don't want from now on ;D

hi m o i, what does BJ mean? ._. sorry >.-<

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