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Re: A New Kind of Death

Posted: Dec 8th, '16, 09:36
by CycloneKira
Kira looked at her brother and Chaos as they seemed to be talking about something, but she couldn't really make out what they were saying. She turned back to Ruby, knowing that if it was something important, the guys would tell her about it. At any rate, Kayo would when they got home.

When Kayo spoke up, she nodded. "Chaos is right, Ruby," she said. "Take some rest, and we'll come and get you at the end of the day, okay?"

Kayo raised his eyebrows. "Who's we?" he asked. "If you think you're coming to class like this, you're seriously mistaken, both of you." He turned to Chaos to show that he was referring to him too. After all, Kira shouldn't have to attend class right after being possessed by a crazy witch and he didn't know if Chaos was completely okay after what Delia had done to him.

This one witch had managed to do so much damage to three people that he cared about more than anything else in the world. But he was torn between the desire to get back at her and the wish to keep his friends safe. He was angry about it, but he made sure it didn't show on his face.

Re: A New Kind of Death

Posted: Dec 10th, '16, 04:30
by XnovaX
Ruby honestly felt like a child, but she couldn't help but giggle when Kayo turned serious on the two of her friends. Kira and Chaos were being told to rest as well. Lucky for the four of them, Delia hadn't really had much time to seriously injure her weapon partner. "Kayo, calm down.." Ruby murmured. They were in one piece after all.

Chaos rolled his eyes and shook his head. "I'm going to class, if Stein thought otherwise he would've said something." He said with a smirk, then began to leave the infirmary.

Ruby sighed and laid down in the bed. She'd be a good little scythe wielder and rest like her friends wanted.

Re: A New Kind of Death

Posted: Dec 10th, '16, 15:11
by CycloneKira
Kayo heard Ruby telling him to calm down, but he ignored it, mainly because he really was concerned about his friend's and his sister's condition, both physical and mental, and there was also the fact that his anger was making him react more than he usually would. But Chaos and Kira seemed to be taking none of it.

"Kayo, the two of us are fine," she said calmly before turning back to Ruby and smiling. "We'll come back for you at the end of the day, okay?" She gave her friend a last hug and pulled the guys out the door by their respective sleeves. "See you later!" she said, trying to sound as chipper as possible.

Re: A New Kind of Death

Posted: Dec 11th, '16, 03:56
by XnovaX
Ruby sighed as the room became empty once again and she stared at the ceiling tiles. Why did her friends have to be so stubborn? She could understand Kayo's frustration. As she lied in the bed, her mind began to wander back to the situation she had found herself in with Delia and she curled up under the sheets. Even if Stein managed to keep Lord Death from dealing with that witch..surely this wouldn't be the last time they have to face her. She knew about Chaos..that's what scared her the most.

Chaos stuffed his hands in his pockets as he walked down the hallway to Sid's classroom. Yes, Sid was the meister who taught the Weapon Training class.

Re: A New Kind of Death

Posted: Dec 12th, '16, 10:03
by CycloneKira
Kayo sighed a little and just walked with his sister and friend to Sid Barrett's class. Kira was chattering on and on about random things, and he knew it was because she was nervous and wanted to distract herself. The only person who could make her go quiet was probably Chaos. He had some weird power over Kira that Kayo himself didn't.

This was a theory that Kayo had thought of since a couple of weeks, but he could almost swear that Kira had a thing for Chaos. Of course, he would never ask his sister outright if that was the case, and he was sure that even if he asked, she would deny it.

((Thought I'd introduce the romance part with this XD And unless you have something in mind for Sid's class, wanna make a time skip to the end of the day, or when they go home?))

Re: A New Kind of Death

Posted: Dec 12th, '16, 21:03
by XnovaX
((Lol, and I don't mind time-skipping to the end of the day :p maybe lord death could call them? Since stein chewed him out xD))

Chaos didn't mind listening to Kira babble his ear off. It made him feel like he was still normal. He knew Kira liked to talk when she was nervous or just needed to talk. When they got about half way to the classroom, he sighed and glanced at Kira. "Kira, you're gonna need to focus- we're sparring today and he's already picked partners for everyone. Are you up for it?" He voiced, trying to quiet her since their class was close.

Re: A New Kind of Death

Posted: Dec 13th, '16, 13:08
by CycloneKira
As soon as Chaos spoke, Kira's head snapped towards him, her chatter coming to an abrupt halt. "Yeah, I'm fine," she said, and walked on with her eyes fixed on her feet. She took a deep breath to calm herself. She had to put the incident with Delia behind her for now and concentrate on her classes. She'd think about what to do to get stronger later.
~At the end of the day~
Kayo waited for the other two to come out of class, feeling a little apprehensive. The expressions he'd seen on Kira's and Chaos' faces told him that they more or less felt the same. When the other two finally rejoined him outside, he said, "Let's go get Ruby and go to Lord Death's office."

Re: A New Kind of Death

Posted: Dec 23rd, '16, 22:40
by XnovaX
After attending all of his classes, this weapon was feeling a little exhausted. More so then usual. But he shrugged it off and thought nothing of it as more than he was just worried about his meister. He met up with Kira and walked with her to meet her brother, so they could all go pick up Ruby. He really didn't say much since his mind was elsewhere.


Ruby was a good girl and stayed in the infirmary as Stein watched over her. She mostly starred up at the ceiling until she dozed off. She couldn't wait for her friends to come get her.

Re: A New Kind of Death

Posted: Dec 25th, '16, 08:25
by CycloneKira
As if the anxiety of being called to Death's office was not enough, Kira was now a little worried about Chaos too. For some reason, he didn't seem like himself. But she didn't have time to say anything about it to him because they had rejoined her brother. So she simply nodded at her brother and they started walking to the infirmary.

When they reached, Kayo knocked on the door before pushing it open and smiling at Ruby, who'd dozed off. He watched as his sister went over and gently woke her up. "Hey Ruby," he greeted her. "How you feeling?"

Re: A New Kind of Death

Posted: Dec 30th, '16, 20:25
by XnovaX
Chaos noticed Kira acting a little weird..was she worried about him? Nah. The thought soon left his head as they met up with Kayo and headed to the infirmary. He just kind of leaned against the doorway as the twins greeted Ruby.

Ruby rubbed her eyes when Kira woke her, and she smiled at her bestie. "Alright I guess.." She murmured quietly.