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Re: Sudden Burst of Knuffel Levels?

Posted: Feb 4th, '17, 02:23
by Errisa
ugh I hvent been on for 6 months now?
And I never clicked on her and here she is with so much exp:

Re: Sudden Burst of Knuffel Levels?

Posted: Jul 10th, '17, 00:16
by Firn
Starkad still has not been able to pin down the cause of this problem. So a request to anyone who has a Knuffel doing this, please keep reporting it here with as many details as possible. Link to the Knuffel and every bit of information might help, like what level the Knuffel was before and is now, when exactly did this happen, when was the last time you checkec the Knuffel befire this happened, do you dig with your Knuffel, do you use the daycare, functional room items, has this happenend with the same Knuffel before, etc.

Usually it's little use to us if people keep reporting the same problem, but here we need as many reports with as many details as possible.

Thank you!

Re: Sudden Burst of Knuffel Levels?

Posted: Jul 10th, '17, 07:20
by Espy
One of my Knuffels just did the thing -- I've been on hiatus for a while and just came back yesterday. Nothing weird happened before today. Alighieri was level...18 or 19, I think, before the level jump, and went up to 34, I think? And then I continued feeding the rest of my Knuffels, refreshed the page, and fed Ali again. And I noticed that he needed to level up. /Again/. And that jump brought him to 43.

I used all my digging turns before the jumps, and then got three more turns after the first jump and used those.

I don't use the daycare; even if I had and somehow didn't remember, the first three options don't give anywhere near the required exp for him to make that sort of jump.

I've no functional room items, and he's the first Knuffel this has happened to.

Re: Sudden Burst of Knuffel Levels?

Posted: Jul 10th, '17, 09:02
by Sunlight
This girl recently had a jump. It happened yesterday around 7AM server time. I do believe I had leveled her a few days prior. She was around level 10 and now she's just under level 30. I do dig with her but she's such a low level that I doubt that was enough to make her level 20 times. I only feed and play with her prior to digging. I do not use any functional items on her, nor have I used daycare on her. She's rather new so she hasn't done that before.

There are no feeders or players on this Knuffel other than this account, around 100 times in total.

Re: Sudden Burst of Knuffel Levels?

Posted: Jul 14th, '17, 08:17
by Sunlight
Same girl as above just almost doubled her experience points just now. Before digging, her experience points were below 4784. I know because I just fed her and it was timer instead of level-up message as usual.
And then after digging I check on my Knuffel and WHAM. 9287 exp. I dug in her element so even though she did succeed quite a bit it shouldn't have given her that much exp. I also dug by holding the enter key. But this is the first time I tried that method on this Knuffel (she doesn't have a lot of digs so it's usually not that time-saving) and this is the first time she had the burst in exp.

Re: Sudden Burst of Knuffel Levels?

Posted: Jul 15th, '17, 13:12
by OokamiKyuu
It only affects your 1st knuffel in alphabetical order
(and yes,by changing your knuffels name you can take advange of this problem to easily level up :mcshock: )

In my case,it usually happens after digging. I've had it happen a few times,even if i don't understand how and why :mcheh:

I've had days when:
- it didn't happen
- it happened once after digging
- it happenned twice after digging with the first half of my knuffels and then the second 1/2 later

Re: Sudden Burst of Knuffel Levels?

Posted: Jul 15th, '17, 13:28
by jacobgrey
I don't think that's true. I double-checked and I had a knuffel whose name begins with 'O' glitch all the way to 100. Meanwhile I have a knuffel whose name begins with 'A' who has never glitched at all.

Re: Sudden Burst of Knuffel Levels?

Posted: Jul 16th, '17, 03:24
by KimiLavender
Definitely not true for me. I've even had several knuffel glitching at the same time.

Re: Sudden Burst of Knuffel Levels?

Posted: Jul 16th, '17, 04:42
by Kiwi Cannoli
Oddly enough I think its true for me. :mcheh: The only knuffel to glitch on me was the first alphabetically. The same goes for my mule [Luxa], on that account Adel was glitching too.
But my knuffel Abner was the first regular knuffel alphabetically, I do have a wild knuffel that Ive had for years that I've never had a problem with.

Also, I dont know if it will help but I made a list of knuffel Gens that were reported so far. (Its kinda incomplete, some people had already deleted the knuffel they posted about and I started to get a major headache with doing this.)

1: Air Gen 2
1: Darkness Gen 2
1: Darkness Gen 6
1: Darkness Gen 8
1: Darkness Knuffel Generation 12
1: Light Knuffel Generation 12
1: Fire Gen 12
1: Water Knuffel Generation 12
1: Air Gen 14
1: Water Knuffel Generation 14
2: Fire Knuffel Generation 14
1: Air Gen 14
3: Light Gen 15
1: Darkness Gen 16
1: Earth Gen 16
1: Darkness Gen 17
1: Darkness Gen 18
2: Summer Knuffel 2013
1: Anniversary Knuffel 2017

Re: Sudden Burst of Knuffel Levels?

Posted: Jul 17th, '17, 01:05
by OokamiKyuu
That's strange :mcshock: ...the glitch must have different ways of "working" i guess :o ... but, i said,in my case i can "choose" wich knuffel will benefit from that problem and get extra XP just by changing its name so that he/she's first in alphabetical order, it has always happened to the 1st so far (and i tried it on 5 or 6 differents knuffels,it always only affects the 1st)... never happened to a wild knuffel though

(...and yeah,just look at some of the other's people posts you can clearly see that the name has something to do with the crazy leveling)