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Re: Vertigo {Tinker Bell & Ambarsariya}

Posted: May 19th, '17, 18:11
by Tinker Bell
The whole photo shoot, Tae had been distracted. So much so that the photographer and their manager had to call him out on it. At least three times. Of course Tae apologized profusely every time.

He would try really hard before his mind would drift to Lain. Sometimes someone would say something to remind him of the fact that the other was sick. The photo shoot finished and Tae stood on the outside of the group of people look at the photos.

He didn't think he entirely fit the concept this time, but the lights in his hair made it better. Made him look more innocent. The innocent ones seemed to work best for him.

He was distracted again as Ju-Kan walked up to him. He gasped quietly when his hyung spoke.

"O-Okay..." He mumbled, looking down after a moment. "H-He's gonna be okay, right hyung?" He asked, his voice quiet. He was clearly worried about Lain, but he could not be too obvious about it. Unless he wanted others to find out. He especially didn't want their manager to side with Ju-Kan and Haneul and think something was going on.

Re: Vertigo {Tinker Bell & Ambarsariya}

Posted: May 22nd, '17, 09:40
by chuunibyou
Ju-Kan ruffled Tae's hair gently, careful not to mess up the wreath. "He'll be fine. He's the 'mom' of the group, remember? How would he take care of all of us if he couldn't take care of himself?"

The manager came over and whispered to Ju-Kan, "Glad to see you're taking care of him. He was rather out of it today."

Ju-Kan nodded, and as she went off to continue talking to the designer he went "Dawww," and ruffled Tae's hair again. He had to sigh. It was so much fun getting mushy over Laintae. Looked like Tae was pining as well! And Lain denying that he was pining this morning was cute too, in a tsundere sort of way. Too bad Ju-Kan's position was such that he had to interfere instead of just standing by and fanboying internally.
Lain hadn't felt like eating all day, after he had the yarrow tea he'd made himself some soup for lunch. It was drawing on evening, however, and he felt better- after lolling around in PJs all day, he thought it'd be funny if he didn't- so he made porridge. After he'd fortified himself with some as an early supper, he made a substantial amount for when the members came back to the dorm. Of course they might have something outside or get takeaway on the way back, but the shoot wasn't supposed to last that late so he hoped they'd come straight home.

Re: Vertigo {Tinker Bell & Ambarsariya}

Posted: May 22nd, '17, 10:50
by Tinker Bell
Tae closed his eyes when Ju-Kan ruffled his hair. After a moment, he started to absently fix it. Mostly so the stylist wouldn't yell at him for ruining his hair. Ju-Kan said that Lain would be fine, that he could take care of himself.

"Okay." He still wasn't sure, though. Sometimes people couldn't take care of themselves when they were sick. What if he didn't eat? Or didn't drink? That would be bad. "Thanks, hyung..." Maybe Lain would be fine after all.

Their manager came over and Tae heard something about him being distracted. He looked down and mumbled an apology to their manager before she walked away.

Then it seemed like Ju-Kan got the wrong idea about why he was distracted. At least the wrong motivation behind Tae's thinking about Lain. It made Tae blush, probably enough to be seen through the makeup.

"H-Hyung~" Tae whined quietly, not liking that he messed up his hair again, or that he thought Tae liked Lain. Right now he was pretty sure he felt something close to hate. At least severe anger, but that didn't mean he wouldn't worry about him.

Re: Vertigo {Tinker Bell & Ambarsariya}

Posted: May 22nd, '17, 11:33
by chuunibyou
Ju-Kan misunderstood Tae whining. "What, you don't like it when I find you cute? Well you can't help being cute so you'll have to get over it," he grinned. Although, maybe it was his noogies Tae didn't like. "I won't muss your hair again from now on, when I find you cute," he said and patted his head gently rather than giving him a noogie so he wouldn't have to fix it again.

"Hyung! We're going back to the dorm." Haneul called at them.
"Coming." Ju-Kan put his arm lightly around Tae's shoulders and walked out of the garage to the van.

Re: Vertigo {Tinker Bell & Ambarsariya}

Posted: May 22nd, '17, 11:40
by Tinker Bell
Tae's cheeks stained darker when Ju-Kan called him cute. Although he should have expected it, everyone called him cute. Ju-Kan then agreed not to mess up his hair anymore. At least he'd figured out half of it. "Thanks, hyung." He mumbled.

He heard Haneul and suddenly wished they needed to take more pictures. He didn't want to go back and have to face Lain. He couldn't do it. Either he would have to pretend like everything was okay in front of Ju-Kan and Haneul or he would have to be alone with Lain. He didn't like either option.

Ju-Kan's hand was around his shoulders, so he had no choice. He started to walk towards the van with him. Soon they were at the van and Tae got in the back like always. He pulled his legs to his chest and looked out the window.

Re: Vertigo {Tinker Bell & Ambarsariya}

Posted: May 27th, '17, 17:22
by chuunibyou
On their way to the dorm, Ju-Kan glanced once in a while at Tae in the rearview mirror. He looked zoned out, but like was pretty normal for him.

"Lain certainly got ill at a lucky time for him," commented Haneul. "He hates photo shoots the most since they pile on the makeup so much more than usual."

Ju-Kan grunted. "It's no more fun being ill."

"True," acceded Haneul.
The members and manager had spare keys to the dorm, but Lain listened for their approach and opened the door when he heard their footsteps in the corridor.
"How're you feeling?" said Ju-Kan.
"Better," said Lain, stepping back for them to enter, "how was your day?"
"You got out of a photo shoot," said Haneul. "Bet that cheers you up. Now since we need some cheering up too, let's order pizza!"
"I made you all porridge though," said Lain. "And I've set the table." He was studiously not looking at Tae. "Um. I already ate, so I guess I'll sleep now." He turned to make his way back to the couch, that was all lumpy by now thanks to him.

Re: Vertigo {Tinker Bell & Ambarsariya}

Posted: May 27th, '17, 19:52
by Tinker Bell
When they got back to the dorm, Tae tried not to look at Lain either. Although he looked up once to see how he looked. He looked a little bit better than he had this morning. That was good. He said he even made them food?

He shouldn't have done that. He should be resting, so he could get better. "Thanks, hyung..." He mumbled. He was standing next to their manager and if he was even remotely 'rude', she would lecture him. He didn't want to deal with a lecture, even if he'd rather ignore the other right now.

He walked in after they all did and glanced at Lain going back to the couch. He bit his lip as he sat down at the table. He wasn't sure he was hungry anymore, though. Despite not having eaten anything but an apple this morning.

Re: Vertigo {Tinker Bell & Ambarsariya}

Posted: Jun 4th, '17, 15:34
by chuunibyou
Lain curled up with a blanket on the couch. "You shouldn't have gone out of the way to make dinner when you've just barely recovered," said the manager in a gently chiding tone, tucking in with the rest of them. Lain waved an airy hand in her general direction.

He shut his eyes, wishing he could distinguish the clink of Tae's spoon among the others. He fell asleep pretty quick though because though he wasn't aware of it, making dinner had been a bit of an exertion, and his body was tired.

Re: Vertigo {Tinker Bell & Ambarsariya}

Posted: Jun 4th, '17, 20:32
by Tinker Bell
Tae ate the meal quietly. He kept glancing over at Lain, trying to be subtle about it. He didn't want the others to think anything of it. He did notice Lain had fallen asleep again and felt bad. He really shouldn't have made them dinner. Finally he was finished eating. He excused himself and took care of his dishes.

He took a quick shower. When he was out, he changed into comfier clothes. He walked back out to the living room and thought he should wake Lain and have him go to the bedroom. Sleeping on a couch wasn't good. But would doing that cause suspicion?

Re: Vertigo {Tinker Bell & Ambarsariya}

Posted: Jun 15th, '17, 17:56
by chuunibyou
Lain stirred a little in his sleep when there was the sound of chairs scraping back. He curled up and brought a cushion close, hugging it. That was followed by the sound of water running in the kitchen. It didn't really wake him up though. He dimly realized after a while that it was now quiet. No more clinking, the hum of voices, or anything.

He felt thirsty, and woke up, slowly sitting up, then forced himself to stand and make his way around the couch even though his eyelids and limbs were heavy from sleep. Then he saw Tae standing there, and was startled. He stumbled back and mumbled something indistinct, blinking at him groggily. He cleared his throat and repeated, 'You scared me. Almost thought you were a ghost or robber or something before I saw that it was you.'

Then he remembered that they weren't exactly on speaking terms; his sleepy brain had failed him. He scratched his ear and blinked at the floor, embarrassed. He wanted to go to the kitchen to get water, but that would mean going past Tae... and he just felt awkward right now.

If he'd already talked to Tae it didn't matter if he said more, right? 'Um... good night,' he said, going back to the couch. He'd wait till Tae went to bed and then go have some water. He knew he was being childish and really oversensitive but he didn't care. This was easier.