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Re: ł nan's one of many places to hang ł

Posted: Jan 23rd, '20, 02:43
by Moi

We had a place called "Books A Million" or something and they had SO MUCH MANGA.
Like I could have spent hours just picking one out.
They closed.

Nan: That's true. We've had some shadyass businesses around here xD
But my dad has called my neighborhood a ghetto so 8u

Speaking of my dad, he might be moving to Ohio because he can't find a place to live here.
He has family in Ohio that offered to take him in.
That's so far from Texas and he was already gone for like 4 years and now he might leave again =_=

Re: ł nan's one of many places to hang ł

Posted: Jan 23rd, '20, 07:33
by Nankuii
Kit: Aw :( How did it compare to Barnes and Noble?

Moi: Aw man... that sucks :( What do you mean can't find a place to live there?

Re: ł nan's one of many places to hang ł

Posted: Jan 23rd, '20, 09:27
by Kitalpha Hart
It's been well over ten years, so, uh...
Iirc we preferred Borders cuz the people were friendlier? Or something like that? Also convenient location in proximity to HOT FRESH DONUTS
The two buildings weren't attached, but the doors to both were close to each other that you could walk a very short distance and be to the other

Re: ł nan's one of many places to hang ł

Posted: Jan 23rd, '20, 21:50
by Moi

He either can't afford a place or people don't want to let him rent/buy.
He's been trying for a long time and there's so many places for sale/rent too.

We have Borders in Texas, but I never went to one.
I'd see them as we were going out of town, but no one wants to go anywhere >Bu

We got a B&N with a Starbucks in it. We used to buy books and drink coffee.
That's shit's way too expensive now xD

Re: ł nan's one of many places to hang ł

Posted: Jan 25th, '20, 11:23
by Nankuii
Kit: Oh x'D That sounds nice uwu

Moi: Oh.. :c Sorry to hear that. Ohio's so far though uxu

Don't a lot of Barnes and Noble have Starbucks in it?

Re: ł nan's one of many places to hang ł

Posted: Jan 25th, '20, 14:17
by Kitalpha Hart
The closest one has an independent cafe
I think starbucks is if they can't get an independent group in

Re: ł nan's one of many places to hang ł

Posted: Jan 26th, '20, 02:39
by Moi

I know. I've never even been to Ohio >8u
I hope he can find a place here.

I wouldn't know because I've only been to a single B&N 8,u

I loved going to Starbucks. My mom and I would get coffee and my sister would get a cup of whipped cream.
I always got just a plain mocha frappuccino.
I remember ordering one once and they called it out so I went to grab it and this guy said "That one's mine xD" and I never wanted to go there ever again 8u

Re: ł nan's one of many places to hang ł

Posted: Jan 26th, '20, 06:20
by Nankuii
Moi: x'D Now's the time? hehe

OH LOL yeah, I don't know about all, but definitely the ones I've been to.

Awww haha

Kit: Ahhhh
Idk, hearing the words independent cafe is so weird...

Re: ł nan's one of many places to hang ł

Posted: Jan 26th, '20, 10:28
by Kitalpha Hart
It's been some years since I've been there and I always shoot to the manga section so I'm not 100% on it being indie or chain tho
I think it's indie

Re: ł nan's one of many places to hang ł

Posted: Jan 27th, '20, 01:52
by Moi

I always go straight to manga 8u
My blinders be on everything else be damned u8

My bestie lives in Ohio. I always wanted to go visit her. But we're not as close so it'd be weird to pop up 8u

But his happiness matters most right now. They're dicking him around so much and it's really pissing me off.
He's had a lot of health problems and needs doctors and he said this one worker doesn't like it because they have to pay for it.
Well, I'm so fucking sorry you have to take care of someone in your care.
One day I'm going to snap and go down there and throw the biggest bitchfit they've ever seen 8u