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Re: lets talkl about bat and hunted houses. cuz event says s

Posted: Nov 16th, '22, 17:38
by lunar_eclipse66
Oh no! My father has diabetes too. He had a hard time adjusting to it but my mother really pushed him to fix his diet.

Re: lets talkl about bat and hunted houses. cuz event says s

Posted: Nov 16th, '22, 22:54
by Moi

Yeah, my dad has adjusted well. My mom makes him send her his levels every time he checks them to make sure he's eating right.
He keeps telling me to watch out for Diabetes but when I checked my levels, they were extremely low and his were high.

Re: lets talkl about bat and hunted houses. cuz event says s

Posted: Nov 18th, '22, 23:15
by lunar_eclipse66
I've learned a lot from pharmacy school and one of those things is that diabetes can come on pretty suddenly depending on the state of your pancreas and doesn't necessarily mean that you've had a horrible diet. Some people become insulin resistant and some people at an older age just have a harder time producing insulin. Its kinda terrifying. I know my father has it and my mom was borderline so I'm at risk too.

Re: lets talkl about bat and hunted houses. cuz event says s

Posted: Nov 19th, '22, 22:56
by Moi

Yeah, it seemed like it hit him out of nowhere.
My grandma and aunt have it too so I guess he was destined to also get it.

Re: lets talkl about bat and hunted houses. cuz event says s

Posted: Nov 21st, '22, 00:57
by lunar_eclipse66
Genetics are unfortunate sometimes. Mine are set to be a train wreck.

Re: lets talkl about bat and hunted houses. cuz event says s

Posted: Nov 21st, '22, 23:09
by Moi

I've lost people to cancer and I wonder how many more times it will appear in my life. I wonder if I'll ever get it.

My neighbor is dying from cancer.
My mom's ex-boyfriend recently found out he has cancer and he told her yesterday they told him it has spread to his lymph nodes.

Re: lets talkl about bat and hunted houses. cuz event says s

Posted: Nov 22nd, '22, 18:20
by lunar_eclipse66
I worked in a cancer treatment clinic and after that experience I can say its super common unfortunately. Men are super likely to get prostate cancer if they live long enough and breast cancer is super common and has multiple possible causes. In addition to that there are a lot of cancers that are common just because of old age or environmental/chemical exposures. My clinic saw a lot of lung cancer because we had a high population of smokers in the county.

One success story we have been seeing though has been in cervical cancer. Screenings and the hpv vaccine have been bringing the numbers of cervical cancer and late stage cervical cancer down in more recent generations.

Re: lets talkl about bat and hunted houses. cuz event says s

Posted: Nov 22nd, '22, 23:19
by Moi

My grandparents died from lung cancer.
My grandpa had stopped smoking but it still killed him.
My neighbor has pancreatic cancer which sucks because she's a diabetic too.
I wish there was an actual cure.
Like "Oh, I got cancer. I'll just take this pill and it'll go away u8"

Re: lets talkl about bat and hunted houses. cuz event says s

Posted: Nov 23rd, '22, 03:44
by lunar_eclipse66
Well there are pills, but they are still long and complicated treatments. The real issue is stopping cancer cells without killing good cells.

Re: lets talkl about bat and hunted houses. cuz event says s

Posted: Nov 23rd, '22, 22:37
by Moi

I was in GED class once and this guy asked our teacher "How is it we can put a man on the moon but we can't cure cancer?"
Teacher said "It's genetics."
The guy said "Can't we make a shot or a pill or something?"
The guy next to him said "That's how you make zombies."
I just snickered over in the corner xD