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How long can you usually wait for art?
few days  14%  [ 11 ]
week  7%  [ 6 ]
few weeks  15%  [ 12 ]
month  17%  [ 14 ]
few months  16%  [ 13 ]
YEARSSSSSSS  31%  [ 25 ]
Total votes : 81
 Post subject: Re: ł nan's art ł [CLOSED]
Posted: Aug 5th, '19, 19:27    


Joined: Jul 17th, '08, 06:15
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Audriella - Breadsticks are delicious. Are they garlic flavored?

Oh yah. I have gotten the inspirational comment one day when I was out in my wheelchair just chilling. I was like, uhhh thanks? I'm just living my life. lol.

I cannot work at all. lol. Unless I could find a job that would let me work for 10 minutes and then take a 30 minute to an hour break. lol. I feel like they ain't gonna do that.

We never have more that like 700 in the checking account at once. All our money goes to bills and trying to buy food. And we only have one bank account because I had to close mine. They kept charging me for not having enough money in the account so it just cost me a bunch.

That's so dumb. Disability needs a severe overhaul.

What is 'fair rent'? I don't think I've heard of that. Our mortgage is going to be like 710 a month according to the mortgage lady. I hope it's a little lower.

This really makes me think that everyone getting a basic income would be good. Like where everyone gets enough to survive every month? I've heard really good things about that. Like the government will often save money? I'm not sure. I need to do more research on the subject.

I haven't had any major operations yet, but I probably will as my disease progresses. Fun fun.

He is lovable. And annoying. lol. Like most pets. He's just so big. It's hard to deal with.

Nan- It's often difficult to explain an illness. I have a hard time telling people about mine too.

Both - I'm finally in my new house. We have a lot of unpacking to do. I'm sure it's going to take forever. lol. We also need to get our fridge moved in. But Kevin decided he didn't want to do it on Sunday so I have no idea when we're going to be able to get it in. His brother is supposed to help him but he works 9-5 and Kevin works 3-midnight. Soooo. I guess we gonna be using just the mini fridge for the week. Ugh.

I might be able to get him to do it on my birthday, the 8th, because Kevin asked for that day off.

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They/Them pronouns, please.

Call me Moss.

 Post subject: Re: ł nan's art ł [CLOSED]
Posted: Aug 5th, '19, 19:59    


Joined: Feb 21st, '19, 01:13
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light; first of all, HAPPY ALMOST BIRTHDAY!!!

I have two flavors, garlic and mozzarella!

It’s a terrible consolation prize tbh.

Work may include your perler business. They are SUPER picky. It’s annoying.

Your situation and mine are different, since you own a house! I think if you own it and/or are paying mortgage, ssi won’t hassle you about rent. However, be mindful ssi max is $753 this year. (SSDI is considerably higher and also doesn’t care.)

Check the fine print! I’d get charged for my checking account, except my checks get direct deposited and that exempts me. I just don’t know the technicalities of you and Kevin having a joint account and him working. The law is so complicated.

Yeah, I support basic income, too. As long as health care isn’t axed.

Yay wishy! So cute. I’m just picturing a big happy dog. :D

Congrats on moving in! That’s a big step. Hope the fridge moves in with you. Food is kinda important. :P

Nan; it is difficult to explain health things, and it’s super awesome you’re curious and listen. :D

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 Post subject: Re: ł nan's art ł [CLOSED]
Posted: Aug 5th, '19, 22:46    


Joined: Jul 17th, '08, 06:15
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Aw, thank you so much! I'm gonna be 29. Oh snap.

Sounds good. I love both garlic and mozzarella. And they are delicious together as well!

Well, I haven't made more than like 15 bucks from my perler business for like a year or two. Soooo I doubt that's gonna do anything. lol.

I really don't know how ANYONE thinks that someone could live on 753 a month. Like, it's rent and a week's worth of food at most. Politicians are awful.
I don't know how any of this works. I remember I got SSDI (I think) when I was in school for my veteran dad dying of lung cancer and it was a little over 900 a month. That my mom gouged 500 a month from for 'rent' even though I was only 16. And she made me pay for all of my stuff besides food. I have a rough relationship with her.

Well only his name is currently on the account. Our saving's account is joint I think? I'm not positive. It's all so complicated.

Yeah, basic income and free healthcare. That would make life a lot better for a lot of people.

He is a big ole happy doggo. I need to get a good picture of him. All the ones I have suck because my camera is awful. And because he keeps moving. lol.

Thank you! We have a mini fridge. It holds a bit of food. It's kind of sad but like 80% of the 'food' in the fridge is condiments. Like ketchup, sauces, mustard. Things like that. We have not been able to afford much food lately. And Kevin still refuses to go to a food bank.

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They/Them pronouns, please.

Call me Moss.

 Post subject: Re: ł nan's art ł [CLOSED]
Posted: Aug 5th, '19, 23:21    


Joined: Feb 21st, '19, 01:13
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Excuse my excessive glee.

SSI won’t count the first $65 you earn.

I only make ends meet because my parents let me live with them, so rent is controlled. My mom also made calls so my Medicaid or Medicare is decent (there are different types of Medicaid, apparently, and I’m dual eligible.)

I remember reading about a lady who lived on a really tight budget. But I don’t think she was as disabled as we are? Like I get the impression you can’t cook, grow seeds, and shop at a variety of places.

I think you may have qualified for ssdi based on your disability but on your dad’s income credits. I’m guessing that you hadn’t worked enough because if you had, you’d still be on it.

SSDI is a program for 65+ and the disabled, based on how much income tax you paid in. SSI is for the poor disabled.

After two years of SSDI, disabled people get Medicare. SSI recipients automatically get Medicaid. It’s so complicated. I hope I’m not mixing anything up.

I’m sorry about your relationship with your mom. That sucks.

Once you get approved, you may need to open a checkings if you want your checks direct deposited. I use Wells Fargo and can attest they won’t give you low balance fees if you’re getting ssi/ssdi checks of at least $500/mo.

Sadly, it doesn’t feel like politicians are in the business of making life better for people.

Maybe he thinks you’re taking a video, lol.

I really wish i had practical suggestions. If you guys could afford a bread machine, making bread is cheap, and there are lots of recipes online. I think you can even bake apples into it somehow.

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 Post subject: Re: ł nan's art ł [CLOSED]
Posted: Aug 6th, '19, 02:12    


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Audriella: Haha it's ok c:

Unles you're younger than 22, I'll be younger than BOTH of you foreverrrrr >D

light: Ah, I feel. I didn't even notice the bank getting money out of my checking account for now having the minimum, I mean better late than never :T

Yeah, I noticed :c But thanks for opening up, nonetheless

And you're like the 4th person I know whose birthday is on 8/8 :o

753 a month... it's doable, just that rent payments get pretty much most, if not all, of it. So imagining without the rent... sounds nicer

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 Post subject: Re: ł nan's art ł [CLOSED]
Posted: Aug 6th, '19, 02:26    


Joined: Feb 21st, '19, 01:13
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Nan; unless a person flat out owns a house, they have to pay rent/mortgage. They gave me grief over that.

Oh, and food.

Can’t get help there either. It’s irritating.

Don’t forget being disabled costs money!

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 Post subject: Re: ł nan's art ł [CLOSED]
Posted: Aug 6th, '19, 02:30    


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Yep, and I was thinking just about food lol sorry! But yes, being disabled would cost even more money. 753 just on food, oh my.

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 Post subject: Re: ł nan's art ł [CLOSED]
Posted: Aug 6th, '19, 04:04    


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There’s also utilities and property taxes if you own a house!

Honestly it’s so exhausting for anyone.

It’s nice to explain to you because you don’t judge. C:

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 Post subject: Re: ł nan's art ł [CLOSED]
Posted: Aug 6th, '19, 09:19    


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Yes and yes :'c Expensive just to live sigh ><

Have you experienced being judged for something like this before? That's so sad, for them, goodness.

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 Post subject: Re: ł nan's art ł [CLOSED]
Posted: Aug 6th, '19, 21:48    


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Not personally, thankfully, but I’ve come across a lot of terrible beliefs about people like me. The internet doesn’t help.

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