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Re: The Ethereal Saloon

Posted: Sep 12th, '20, 07:42
by Nankuii
hi altica!!!! :O thank you so so so much for the gift :'c

there are mods... but probably the forum is better? not sure

Re: The Ethereal Saloon

Posted: Sep 18th, '20, 15:16
by Luluannabell
I'm so proud of your dentist appointment. I can't do that.

I don't know what the issue is with the error. Maybe it's hard to fix? It's been known for a while now.

Re: The Ethereal Saloon

Posted: Sep 21st, '20, 04:02
by Nankuii
i feel you, lulu.
i only had to book mine because i was away from home (during college), and my parents don't speak english lol

Re: The Ethereal Saloon

Posted: Sep 24th, '20, 05:45
by jadepanda-ai
hi, Alti! welcome back~!
sorta poofed again here lol :mcheh:

KofK is giving errors now? hopefully it gets cleared up.

I should really set up a dr appointment too :mcsweat:
but money... dentist stuff is SO EXPENSIVE :mcomg: :mcdead:

sorry I vanished again though, been trying to be more active socially and doing a really poor job at it :mcheh: :mcheh: :mcsweat: :mcsweat:

edit: woah! I didn't even get to an error page it just went white and didn't load anything :mcomg:
was worried it didn't even accept my post :mcomg:

Re: The Ethereal Saloon

Posted: Sep 24th, '20, 08:08
by Luluannabell
What stops me from making dentist appointments is not money but a crippling fear of dentists.

Oh crap. Is the error just spreading across kofk now? It was in other threads, but it seems to affect more and more threads as time goes on.

Re: The Ethereal Saloon

Posted: Sep 25th, '20, 00:40
by jadepanda-ai
ah, I hear you there. I'm usually held back with dentists just 'cause it's too much. like, last time I went in they said I needed fillings that would cost $600 :mcomg: and that was on this family plan thing my mom managed to get me on. I think that plan is over now, and I've no idea how much just getting fillings would cost off of it :mcomg: but, like, I could buy a used car for that much! it's nuts! :mcdead:

I hope they get it fixed soon :mcgasp:
I like chatting with you guys... and Idk how to get in touch if KofK stopped working from an error

Re: The Ethereal Saloon

Posted: Oct 1st, '20, 13:59
by Luluannabell
I couldn't imagine living in the US... taking care of your health would be too expensive.

I don't think kofk will stop working from this error, but dang it's annoying

Re: The Ethereal Saloon

Posted: Oct 2nd, '20, 07:05
by Nankuii
lulu: give me your money and i'll take your crippling fear of dentists 8u
my childhood is just bad decisions of sugary snacks, ain't afraid of a man with a driller no more

jade: i don't think kofk will completely stop working any time soon c:

Re: The Ethereal Saloon

Posted: Oct 2nd, '20, 12:45
by Luluannabell
I don't have that much money tho :mcdead:

How are you doing, Nan? What's going on with you?

Re: The Ethereal Saloon

Posted: Oct 5th, '20, 01:29
by jadepanda-ai
yeah, I'm hoping we pick up the healthcare system other places have. I mean, luckily there's financial assistance if you can get on it, but yikes :mcomg:

hopefully it's fixed soon (unless it's fixed now, I vanished again for a bit lol )
they probably know about the issue, I'd think?

may keep vanishing though :mcheh:
been sucked into a new game called Genshin Impact and it's spooky season in Animal Crossing :mcsquee:
my life = gone

Lulu! I love your spooky avi!