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Re: The Ethereal Saloon

Posted: Nov 7th, '20, 09:05
by Nankuii
lulu: thanks for your input xD i decided to not buy it, or at least wait some more

sadly, some people believe covid isn't as serious to even put on the mask :l

jade: i find that games like these hit too close to another episode of black mirror

oooh i've been getting into animes recently!! what anime is it?

did you miss any item from the halloween event? i can send you some (if i have it lol)

Re: The Ethereal Saloon

Posted: Nov 7th, '20, 22:35
by jadepanda-ai
yeah :mcsad:
I'm related to someone who's pretty anti-mask, he'll only wear it because it's required to go into places.
he's given me these whole rants about how covid isn't that bad, but when I turned it around on him and if he were to be asymptomatic and accidentally gave it to me how he'd feel, and he just went quiet. which... if you really don't think it's that bad, why go quiet when asked how you'd feel about giving it to someone you're close to?

omg! I love Black Mirror!
I feel like 2020 has been like Black Mirror mixed with some Jumanji lol

Higurashi :mcsquee:
I've been super excited for the remake, but it's like.. it's like they're doing a remake and a continuation all at the same time!
I love Higurashi so much :mcsquee:

I missed a bit I think :mcheh:
I think I got all the purple items, but I haven't seen a list of all there was to get :mcsweat: the 'post and gather 10 items' thing got me :mcsweat: :mcheh:

(omg, I haven't been able to catch it on photo yet, but Waffles and Mousse sometimes do this thing where they push their mouths together and just stand there for a bit. it's crazy cute~!)

Re: The Ethereal Saloon

Posted: Nov 11th, '20, 07:52
by Nankuii
some people just need to hear the affected side's perspectives.

2020 is definitely going to be some sort of black mirror episode in the future

i love that anime too! i was soooo happy to hear the remake xD i haven't gotten to it (mostly because i forget it already came out), but i'll watch it soon ><

well once you know which items you're missing, tell me and i'll send them if i have it ^^

like, kissing? :o

Re: The Ethereal Saloon

Posted: Nov 11th, '20, 23:25
by jadepanda-ai
yeah :mcsad:
and look at the science behind it and not the "political-side". the person I know keeps going off of the "political side" which doesn't make sense to me... like... go off of what doctors say, trusted doctors, and go off of the science. there shouldn't be anything political about how to act when having a virus. :mcsleepy: :mcconf:

what if we're actually in a Black Mirror episode! this is just the huge live-live version of the newest season! :mcgasp: :mcomg:

I'll have to check it out, I'm pretty sure I have all of the purple set.
I keep getting distracted by Genshin :mcheh: (and they just had an update with more story, so my life = gone lol)

yeah! like kissing! it's so cute! :mcsquee:

edit: going through really quick
looks like I'm missing the purple background, pink eyes, purple wings, and the pink hair (though, not a fan of the hair this round. kinda wish they had shorter hair along with the longer hair)

Re: The Ethereal Saloon

Posted: Nov 12th, '20, 07:23
by Nankuii
a live version to the aliens? xD or... the government....

well i could only give you the purple bg lol sending it your way ~

Re: The Ethereal Saloon

Posted: Nov 17th, '20, 00:30
by jadepanda-ai
it'll just be, like, new years will hit and instead of having the ball drop as usual with the countdown it'll be. "Thank you for joining us on our world-wide real-world edition of Black Mirror. Please join us next season~!"

omg! thank you! :mcsquee:
should I send something back in return?

Re: The Ethereal Saloon

Posted: Nov 20th, '20, 04:56
by Nankuii
frankly though, i'd understand if that was said. at least it explains everything.

of course not ^^

Re: The Ethereal Saloon

Posted: Nov 20th, '20, 20:47
by jadepanda-ai
I'd be pretty mad if this whole thing was just a show, even if it was Black Mirror, but also really relieved at the same time :mcheh:

thanks :mcsquee:
the backgrounds were my top wanted items for the event :mcglee:
I still really wish they had different hair types, like the long but also a shorter one to get as well

Re: The Ethereal Saloon

Posted: Nov 21st, '20, 20:56
by memoriam
Hi! :qstar: Sorry to barge in out of nowhere and not actually joining here for discussion, but I'd like to invite you all to my charity thread (please don't take this message as spam, it's just a desperate advertisement :mcargh: :mcheh: ). You can get free items, there are no requirements or limits. I just want them to be used and not just sit in my wardrobe. Please take a look in your spare time. Thank you! :qh:

Re: The Ethereal Saloon

Posted: Nov 22nd, '20, 09:47
by Nankuii
relieved... in a strange way, right?

a short hair would have definitely been cute... i really like the colors, thats why lol

LOL mem! i'll check it out again :mccool: