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Re: Raine's Wild Knuffel

Posted: Dec 1st, '17, 05:33
by KimiLavender
Congrats mem! That sounds awesome!

Re: Raine's Wild Knuffel

Posted: Dec 1st, '17, 08:56
by Raine Seryn
Yeah my goal lately is to do some kinda low-level workouts a few times a week to help. I usually end up doing it once a week, but I managed 2 so far this week! My goal is 3. Then I'll try to work up from there.
I haven't been sick yet, and I think the feeling has passed. *crosses fingers*...
or well like my tummy has been upset, but I'm not sick with a cold so it's manageable. (and ginger ale has helped).

Yuck, I hate hail. >_< There was some intense hail here last year. A lot of it was golfball sized and larger and a friend's windshield actually got cracked and broken from it. The hail damage repair shops were so busy lol.
Thankfully it doesn't hail much at least.

Snow doesn't usually stick around here too long. But in front of my house we're at just the right angle with our hill that ice forms on the street and stays there forever. =_= We've had many people slide into our front yard over the years.

@ mem- ahhh congrats on the job stuffs! ;u; It seems like you're interested in the translating one so I hope it goes well! <3

Re: Raine's Wild Knuffel

Posted: Dec 1st, '17, 13:17
by memoriam
Thanks guys. I'm really excited about the translator position, I really hope I can get it. Of course the mean voice in my head keeps saying I'm not good enough :qstr: *kicks the voice*

Wow, golfball hail x.x It had snowed all day and night yesterday and today it is still here although it's slowly melting away. My guess is it'll stick for 3 days max, unless we get another snow fall :qwhee:

Re: Raine's Wild Knuffel

Posted: Dec 1st, '17, 17:26
by Raine Seryn
Good luck mem! Don't listen to the voice. it's usually wrong ;p

Right? We don't get hail often, but that was scary!

We don't have snow here right now. It's been suuuuuper cold tho. Cold enough that the heater turned on! @_@ (at least now I'm toasty lol)

>_< I've been drawing all night and now my back hurts. But I'm trying to ride the art wave as long as it'll take me since I didn't draw last week.

Re: Raine's Wild Knuffel

Posted: Dec 1st, '17, 17:47
by memoriam
I'm trying not to. I try to ride the excitement and eagerness I have. Like, I've never had anything like that feeling in the whole process of job searching, ever. I actualy felt stoned or something, I was so giggly XD And I actually grinned while reading the samples the first time. How crazy am I? XD Ugh, I'll be so upset if I don't get the job x.x Oh no, that voice again! *kicks it again, harder this time*

With such hail I'd be afraid to even be home, that could fall into your living space any moment xD;

Stretch out your back! Or just do a few stretches every hour, for 5 minutes, that should help ^^
That reminds me, I wanted to try and continue that wildling of mine... Or just draw something in general... Later tho, not important now x.x

Re: Raine's Wild Knuffel

Posted: Dec 1st, '17, 19:03
by Raine Seryn
Yesss ride the excitement! Positive thoughts bring positive things! <3 ;u;

Right? I heard a lot of people's roofs needed repairs after it. We have a huge tree that covers most of our roof and hovers over the street so we had some protection. The poor tree lost many leaves tho. ;__; But it's a trooper. It's been struck by lightning and it's still going strong. (my dad was sitting right there when it happened too. knocked him out of his chair lol. and now there's a big crack down the trunk of the tree).

I should. =A= I have a huge knot in my back that I keep having kyle work out a little at a time. It gets so painful if I sit for too long... or stand too long... =_= it's just a pain. I even had dreams of him trying to massage it out. XD

Well I am going to force myself to stop for now. I've been drawing for about 12 hours straight now. @_@

Re: Raine's Wild Knuffel

Posted: Dec 1st, '17, 23:20
by memoriam
Hopefully <3

Wow, that's a sturdy tree O.O I wonder when it's gonna give out tho, it has to have its limits, right? ;>_>

Loool, even in dreams! XD Try to stretch during the next hour-streak of drawing ^-^

12hrs??? Did you at least nap sometime? >///>

Re: Raine's Wild Knuffel

Posted: Dec 3rd, '17, 09:44
by Sunlight
memoriam wrote:@Zia: What's a crunch week??? :mcblush:
I had final projects, assignments and presentations due all in one week. So basically, I had to work super hard. It's over now, but I still need to study for finals.

Wow, scary! What amazing tree.

I want to be a translator! Good luck!

Re: Raine's Wild Knuffel

Posted: Dec 3rd, '17, 12:30
by Raine Seryn
Haha I hope the tree doesn't give out. I love it ;u; <3 it's so pretty

LOL I do try to get up every now and then to stretch and refill water/ get food.
But no, I didn't take a nap. ^^; I got a nap in today at least, but now it's back to work. @_@

I made some adoptables that I put a ton of time into because the species is detailed.. but there's not much interest in them and I'm feeling really down for doing so much work and getting almost nothing in return. I should have just listed them flat price instead of taking a risk on an auction. =_= now I am lucky to get $35 for them and one doesn't even had a bid. ;_;
I always forget that this time of year is rough for making money on art. >_<

Re: Raine's Wild Knuffel

Posted: Dec 3rd, '17, 17:49
by memoriam
@Zia: Ooh, okay, I think I get it :qsml:

Yeah, being a translator sounds awesome! :mcglee:

@Raine: Remember to sleep, Raine x.x And drink and eat. And stretch as well. Otherwise I'm afraid you'll turn into a drawing gargoyle statue :mclol:

Aww, sorry it's a bad time for selling adoptables :qf: The time around Xmas seems to be very bad for any business actually :mcsweat: