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Re: Silver Eclipse Teahouse

Posted: Jul 20th, '15, 10:13
by mercu
i'm glad you're happy to see me xD haha

Re: Silver Eclipse Teahouse

Posted: Jul 20th, '15, 10:15
by Aisil Basil
Haha xD I'm always happy to talk to you.~

So how's your day going? c:

Re: Silver Eclipse Teahouse

Posted: Jul 20th, '15, 10:18
by mercu
good i suppose, although i'm going to have to have to go to cancel an appointment i have with an eye doctor for tomorrow soon :qoops:

Re: Silver Eclipse Teahouse

Posted: Jul 20th, '15, 10:25
by Aisil Basil
Aww. An eye doctor? Well, make sure you do, don't procrastinate like I've done all day. c:

One part of my hair is starting to curl! Noo! I didn't want this! Please don't curl to bad! xD

Re: Silver Eclipse Teahouse

Posted: Jul 20th, '15, 10:33
by mercu
yeah, i should get going xD
bye for now ;3

just... one part? o.O

Re: Silver Eclipse Teahouse

Posted: Jul 20th, '15, 10:40
by Aisil Basil
Like um, one side of my hair. Since I have short hair, its sticking up in places, but theres just one curl and I'm like "uhhh!" I don't like curly hair, but I have naturally curly hair so I've been really happy when it hasn't been curling that much. xD

And I might still be on >.> maybe. It's like 2 am here. So if I don't reply when you get back, I'm probably passed out xD I have work tomorrow too!

Re: Silver Eclipse Teahouse

Posted: Jul 20th, '15, 12:16
by mercu
i'm back o:

one part curly hair sounds so funny :'o
aw i see.
my hair is mostly straight (it waves a slight bit) and i like it the way it is.

Re: Silver Eclipse Teahouse

Posted: Jul 20th, '15, 20:41
by Aisil Basil
Yeah, its not that bad, its just starting to curl. If I keep brushing it down it'll be alright for a little while! xD Sometimes I like when it curls, but only if it curls in a good way. Lol c: So many people have to ask if my curls are real. XD

Re: Silver Eclipse Teahouse

Posted: Jul 20th, '15, 21:04
by VEE
my hair is just like whatever

if i grew it out long it would be curly everywhere like alalalala but its just kinda wavyish since its short idk . the back curls a bit sometimes

Re: Silver Eclipse Teahouse

Posted: Jul 21st, '15, 03:55
by Aisil Basil
That's what I'm talking about! When its short its like that, but when it grows out it just gets curly! Sorry shouting >.> hehe c: