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Re: ł nan's one of many places to hang ł

Posted: Feb 2nd, '20, 10:05
by Nankuii
Kit: Same, straight to the mangas hehe

Moi: Ah.. I could see why that's awk lol When's the last time you guys talked? :o

make sure no one gets hurt but otherwise YOU GO GIRL

Re: ł nan's one of many places to hang ł

Posted: Feb 3rd, '20, 03:09
by Moi

Hmmmm....late last year 8u
We used to be really close, but she got a life and I didn't 8,u

I called and said I wanted to speak to the administrator.
They told me she was out, so I had to leave a message.
Then my dad called later and said he was being sent to the ER.
So I guess I just need to call them when they don't do something xD

Re: ł nan's one of many places to hang ł

Posted: Feb 17th, '20, 07:08
by Nankuii
Oh yikes. I see :o Call em up, girl

Btw, loving your avatar :D

Re: ł nan's one of many places to hang ł

Posted: Feb 20th, '20, 02:45
by Moi

Thank you x3

Well, my dad left the place and was feeling better but now he has to go back =_=

Re: ł nan's one of many places to hang ł

Posted: Feb 24th, '20, 23:26
by ashabellanar
hello nan <3

Re: ł nan's one of many places to hang ł

Posted: Feb 28th, '20, 22:29
by Moi

I'm not Nan, but in her place - hello 8u

Re: ł nan's one of many places to hang ł

Posted: Mar 24th, '20, 05:54
by Nankuii
Moi: Ah, yikes :( How's you dealing with it? Or any other stuff?

Hi asha :)))))))))))

Re: ł nan's one of many places to hang ł

Posted: Mar 24th, '20, 20:24
by Moi

He got himself a duplex and is doing good.
He had to go get his gallbladder removed right after he got the duplex, though xD

Re: ł nan's one of many places to hang ł

Posted: Mar 26th, '20, 07:47
by Nankuii
Oh. Oh wow. Well if his gallbladder was causing him troubles and now its removed, he's fine now I hope?

Re: ł nan's one of many places to hang ł

Posted: Mar 26th, '20, 20:46
by Moi

He actually had a lot of blood in his abdomen.
At some point, he had been bleeding internally.
They removed his gallbladder because it had a stone in it, but it's not what put him in the hospital.
They removed it because it'd just bring him back in eventually.

We don't know how the blood got there.
The doctor said there was no wound - just blood.

He does seem better. He already went back to work. But his belly is much smaller now, which is good.
There's no telling how long that blood had been there o__O