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Re: Most annoying song(s) EVER!

Posted: Jun 12th, '09, 02:49
by panda_girl11
I find most of Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana songs annoying, but I will say that there are a couple of songs that I don't think are to bad. I mean there are some parts to the songs that I think need to be canceled out so it's not annoying. So overall I'd say it's a 30% to 100% to how much her songs are annoying in my opinion.

Re: Most annoying song(s) EVER!

Posted: Jun 13th, '09, 01:38
by panda_girl11
@fanime13: yikes the sound of nails on chalkboards sounds like it would drive people insane, and the sound of that is not really enjoyable to the ear.

Re: Most annoying song(s) EVER!

Posted: Jun 14th, '09, 10:29
by Kinomihana
Think Miley Cyrus. There. Answer. :qstr:
Also, I find Bowling for Soup - High School Never Ends stays in my head for years. It's an ok song, but it's so annyoing if you get me :qd:

Re: Most annoying song(s) EVER!

Posted: Jun 14th, '09, 12:44
by Mika-chan
lol the most annoying song for me is U.G.L.Y by Daphne and Celeste

Re: Most annoying song(s) EVER!

Posted: Jun 16th, '09, 19:21
by panda_girl11
Be My Escape - Relient K. For some reason I like the song but in another way, it kind of gets annoying and old to listen to. I guess that's probably my fault for listening it about 100 times in one day XD.

Re: Most annoying song(s) EVER!

Posted: Jun 19th, '09, 02:52
by panda_girl11
Sticks and Stones - Aly & AJ

Re: Most annoying song(s) EVER!

Posted: Jun 23rd, '09, 22:29
by panda_girl11
Popular - Wicked
Sooo cheesy and annoying

Re: Most annoying song(s) EVER!

Posted: Jun 26th, '09, 02:44
by panda_girl11
Just read that Michael Jackson died at the age 50 and no one knows for sure how he died. For me Michael Jackson is not one of the singers I listen to at all. I've only heard one song from him and that ABC and that's it. So not a huge huge fan of his.

Re: Most annoying song(s) EVER!

Posted: Jun 28th, '09, 20:22
by Ciel-Kun
Just Dance-Lady Gaga I don't hate the song or anything, it's just they kept playing it for too long

Re: Most annoying song(s) EVER!

Posted: Jun 30th, '09, 12:57
by Aylin
There's one german song I hate... it's called "Durch den Monsum" and the german band is called "Tokio Hotel" (and yes... it's written tok-i-o :mcmeh: that's a crime...)
They played this song a long, long time when the band became known...

There's another german song... it's called "Schnappi" or something like that... that was cruel too... such a baby-song...

As you can see... I usually dislike german songs more than english songs! :mctongue: