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Re: Ye olde megacontest ♥ WINNERS POSTED

Posted: Dec 11th, '18, 00:33
by Chrizine
Okay, that's usually the opposite around me :D
People on trains tend to be super irritated because there are always delays and stuff and people missing their connecting trains etc...
On the plane everything goes smoothly usually, people are more relaxed, there's just some waiting that's not all that pleasant involved.

Re: Ye olde megacontest ♥ WINNERS POSTED

Posted: Dec 11th, '18, 00:37
by Akili Li
... huh. Very different experiences!
I did notice there was more of a fuss and bustle at trains in the EU, but I thought that might have just been happenstance. I guess it's a regular thing!

Re: Ye olde megacontest ♥ WINNERS POSTED

Posted: Dec 11th, '18, 00:48
by Chrizine
It might be! I don't know about other EU countries, but in Germany there is usually some fuss around trains.

Re: Ye olde megacontest ♥ WINNERS POSTED

Posted: Dec 11th, '18, 00:49
by Akili Li
(I love it when you're online and talking, Chrizine. I get so much more done in terms of doughnuts! How are you coming with your goal?)

Re: Ye olde megacontest ♥ WINNERS POSTED

Posted: Dec 11th, '18, 11:21
by Chrizine
Same for me :)
Pity I had to go to bed earlier yesterday.
I didn't even check how far I got... Let me see - 184/207 :)

Re: Ye olde megacontest ♥ WINNERS POSTED

Posted: Dec 12th, '18, 14:43
by jacobgrey
Super interesting travel talk!
I love trains, I travel by them pretty much all the time. I can sit and get work done so long as I don't make the mistake of travelling at rush hour, my train to home and to London is usually fairly okay. And I love watching people. Our trains recently got wifi enabled so now I can also watch videos and listen to podcasts on the train without having to download them first, so I've been doing extra studying :D
On the other hand, I get travel sick in cars and I get worried sick about dying in planes haha. It never gets any better, no matter how many planes I go on. And if I look at a screen either on a plane or a car, my travel sickness gets much worse and I end up with a migraine to boot.
So trains win for me :D Although our train fares are going up AGAIN in January... no idea how many years in a row this is now. When we moved to this house only a couple of years ago my journeys were £2 cheaper. Hate to think how much more expensive it will be now. Especially if I'm travelling every day, that's really adding up to a lot.

Re: Ye olde megacontest ♥ WINNERS POSTED

Posted: Dec 12th, '18, 18:45
by Chrizine
My local commuting trains are like that too, completely fine when you don't happen to get into the worst rush hour. When you do it's a nightmare though :D
I actually like the train ride in the morning, I can have a relaxed breakfast and read some news or a book, or crochet, play a bit on my 3ds... Whatever I feel like.
I find cars the least pleasant for long journeys, I can't read in them either or I'll get sick. And you can't stand up and stretch your legs in between when you feel like it...
I have no problem with screens or reading on planes though. Funny how different that is for you!

Re: Ye olde megacontest ♥ WINNERS POSTED

Posted: Dec 12th, '18, 19:37
by jacobgrey
I'm fairly lucky in ours because normally my home stop and my get-on-to-come-home stop are both right towards the beginning of the train's journey, so I always get a seat. It just means not being able to spread out. And I normally feel super guilty because I almost always carry so much stuff that I need an extra seat for my bags XD

Re: Ye olde megacontest ♥ WINNERS POSTED

Posted: Dec 13th, '18, 11:29
by Chrizine
For me it's the same for my home stop, that's right at the beginning of the train's journey, but I have to switch trains at some points and on the second train I often have to stand during rush hour. In the other direction the trains are usually empty or also just starting, but there are so many people entering at the same stop as me that when it's really full I still don't get a seat sometimes.

Re: Ye olde megacontest ♥ WINNERS POSTED

Posted: Dec 17th, '18, 11:28
by Akili Li
You are making me think that perhaps my love of train travel is only holding up because I've never done it during peak travel times.....