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Re: Kat's Crumpet Collective

Posted: Sep 10th, '19, 03:46
by light_sucks
Wow, that is a super long post. lol.

I have one living grandparent left. My maternal grandfather. Though he is getting very old and rickety. I'm not really sure how much longer he has left. We're not very close at all but I will be sad when he dies.

It's sad that people die. I like it a lot better when old people die than young people. I feel like old people have generally gotten to experience more of life than the young.

I've lost people to cancer too. It sucks.

I don't believe in any religions. I feel that there is something after dying it would be some form of reincarnation. But if that's not what happens then I think it's probably just stopping existing.

I actually kind of find comfort in the thought of there not being an afterlife. If there's nothing then there won't be any more pain or sorrow. That would be very nice.

Re: Kat's Crumpet Collective

Posted: Sep 11th, '19, 22:57
by Moi

Yeah, I guess it was a thread killer 8u
Maybe I need to add tldr 8u

I sometimes think it'd be okay to just cease to exist when we die.
I mean, I'd be dead. What do I care 8u
But heaven also always sounded boring to me.
According to what people say, nothing I enjoy would be there u8
There was an episode of this show where heaven was custom made for each character.
Their favorite things all existed there.
THAT would be worth dying for 8u

Re: Kat's Crumpet Collective

Posted: Sep 15th, '19, 05:42
by MissNikki
Oh no! All the crumpet images are broken. :mccry: :mccry:

Re: Kat's Crumpet Collective

Posted: Sep 15th, '19, 10:10
by Kitalpha Hart
Prolly cuz tinypic got shut down from lack of use

Re: Kat's Crumpet Collective

Posted: Sep 16th, '19, 21:32
by Moi

It's gone completely 8u?

I remember having stuff uploaded there and it somehow switched my images.
Like the image I had turned into an image from someone else o_O

Re: Kat's Crumpet Collective

Posted: Sep 17th, '19, 04:31
by Kitalpha Hart
Yeah, and of course their mom site photobucket recommended moving over to there

The image change thing was also a problem, I remember that

Re: Kat's Crumpet Collective

Posted: Sep 17th, '19, 21:19
by Moi

Photobucket is a whole mess. I miss how it used to be.
I use Imgur 8u

But it's dumb sometimes too because I'll click on my images, and it will say I don't have any. If I click it again, it takes me to my images.

Re: Kat's Crumpet Collective

Posted: Sep 17th, '19, 21:52
by Kitalpha Hart
I don't have an account on imgur so whatever I post on there goes wherever non account ones go to lol

Re: Kat's Crumpet Collective

Posted: Sep 19th, '19, 20:28
by Moi

I made an account a while ago. It was when Photobucket decided to start being a douche 8u

Re: Kat's Crumpet Collective

Posted: Sep 19th, '19, 20:39
by Death Candy
Hey what's happening? Well besides the tinypic issue.