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Re: Kat's Crumpet Collective

Posted: Oct 3rd, '19, 01:37
by Moi

Hey 8u
I was wondering if you were doing okay.

TLDR - he's in a halfway house for 5 months and the justice system sucks u8

No, he has to stay at a halfway house for five months and then he needs to find a place.
He's only been out a short time and already has a job and a car.
He said most of the other people there haven't done anything yet, so the people were surprised he had already gotten a job and a car.
He still has to be on parole for 5 years. Which I don't get.
He got 6 years and did four in prison, but he still has 5 years of parole.
I would think it'd be 2 years of parole because it would equal his six years.
That's how my mom's is working.

They're making it hard for him. Like I know he's a felon, but their system is built to try and make people fail and go back to prison xD

I've had so many family members go to prison.
Some of them changed and some didn't.
I know just because someone goes to prison it doesn't make them garbage.
My parents are some of the most amazing people I've ever met and I'd regret never meeting them.
But some people will only see felons - bad people.

My dumbass cousin got 30+ years for drugs. My dad said he was doing heroin.
And it's sad because his life wasn't great and this is the path he was led to.
I never talked much to him, but I've been thinking about writing him.
I don't know what I'd say, though.
I have a handful of good memories.
He's the reason I ever watched "Nightmare Before Christmas".

Re: Kat's Crumpet Collective

Posted: Oct 9th, '19, 03:41
by light_sucks
I am mostly alive. I'm so exhausted these past couple of days. And today I'm nauseous. I hope that I don't have a bug or anything.

That sucks bro.
I bet it's because he's Mexican. People of color always getting harder sentences than white people.

Does he have to pay rent at the halfway house? If not, this might be a blessing in disguise so he can build up a little bit of savings. It's good to have a cushion just in case.

Lots of people who get addicted to drugs and/or alcohol have hard times. That's one of the reasons why they get addicted.

Re: Kat's Crumpet Collective

Posted: Oct 9th, '19, 12:48
by Kitalpha Hart
I hope we are all alive

Re: Kat's Crumpet Collective

Posted: Oct 10th, '19, 04:50
by light_sucks
Good job on being alive!

I'm still tired. It sucks.

Re: Kat's Crumpet Collective

Posted: Oct 10th, '19, 10:35
by Lady River
I'm alive just busy/internet sucks

Re: Kat's Crumpet Collective

Posted: Oct 11th, '19, 22:21
by Moi

Aww ;;
I got nauseous the other day, but it was because I got motion sickness playing Fallout New Vegas xD
I LOVE that game so much but I can't play it >~>
I could play it on console because I wasn't right in front of the screen, I guess.

You know what's funny? You can search for prison inmates online and you can go by their age, race, name and number. My dad was listed as white. I was like "But he's not white?" and I told him and he said "They just categorize you by how you look." and I was like "Dad, you don't look white o__O"

Yeah, he doesn't have to pay to be there, but he'll be there until February and then he has to have a place to live.
This morning he called my mom and asked her to bring him a jacket at work.
He didn't have one and he was wet because it got cold and rained over night.
So my mom bought him a new one and took it to him.

I've learned that. And it's not just things like cocaine and heroin and alcohol - it can be anything.
And people say "Well, just take the drugs away and it'll fix them!" which isn't true.
People, like me and my family, will turn to another addiction. Because the problem hasn't been solved. There's still something causing the addiction.

Sorry for a heavy cloud over the thread 8u

We got a cold front and rain 8D

Re: Kat's Crumpet Collective

Posted: Oct 12th, '19, 04:23
by Lady River
It rained so much yesterday, which is awesome

Re: Kat's Crumpet Collective

Posted: Oct 12th, '19, 05:00
by Moi

It rained a good bit here, but not all day 8U
I prefer cloudy, cold days without the rain.

Re: Kat's Crumpet Collective

Posted: Oct 12th, '19, 05:49
by Kitalpha Hart
It may or may not rain tomorrow morning
It's predicted to do so

Re: Kat's Crumpet Collective

Posted: Oct 12th, '19, 20:29
by Moi

This weather makes me so excited >x3

I literally like it just so I can wear warm clothes and snuggle up and get warm.
I'm usually way too hot to enjoy those things.

Only reason I hate this time of year is raking.
I LOVE fall, but I hate raking.
I hate raking more than mowing xD