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Re: Role-playing 101

Posted: Jul 31st, '11, 02:29
by Mikael Hart
*nods* This guide isn't the be all end all of RPing --just more of a general overview. I agree that there are plenty of RPers who prefer first person RPing or some less traditional form; in the end, we really can't say that there's only one correct method to go about it. I'll try and better rephrase this so people don't get confused about it.

Re: Role-playing 101

Posted: Oct 4th, '12, 03:26
by SerinaNight
I've never had someone mistake those two before. That's got to be annoying.


I don't think I was ever an * role-player, just because I was made to learn how to proficiently type before I was allowed on forums and such. I also read quite a few college level books when I was young, so that probably helped as well. XD

I think I mostly started picking up other forms of rp (other then paragraph 3rd person) after seeing other people do it? Not really sure. I generally go with what makes sense in context.


Random fact, I believe I'm also quite picky with role-plays. I know that one of my own personally rules is usually at least semi-literate (because I know not everyone is literate and I want people to actually join) since it would bother me to no END if people weren't at least that level in a campaign with other people of that level.


On a random note, I've also noticed that just because someone isn't literate or super good at what their doing doesn't mean they still can't have awesome characters and storylines! It's really cool when you get someone with all of the above though. :D


Random rambling over! :d

Re: Role-playing 101

Posted: Dec 17th, '12, 00:52
by Petit Poupee
I can't think of anything else to say but; Hell yes!
And thank you
I completely and wholeheartedly agree with this.
I have sadly been in too many RPs where people ignored these rules completely (I probably did too when I was a newbie) and it is rather tiring when no one reacts to your posts no matter how much you quote them or try to start a conversation with them or whatever...
But yeah, loving this guide :3

Re: Role-playing 101

Posted: Dec 18th, '14, 09:41
by MagicalPuffcorn
As a Veteran RPer? I believe that this info is rather useful to the newcomers to forum RP. Though myself? I have a different way of Forum RPing. I don't like to Code much so I prefer to keep it simple. <3 Thanks. This site seems to be on top of the ball and it's rather enjoyable.

Re: Role-playing 101

Posted: Apr 10th, '15, 14:42
by CycloneKira
I was wondering... could someone tell me what it means when someone tells you that you are a literate or semi-literate role-player? I've seen it written countless times before but never figured out what it means :/

Re: Role-playing 101

Posted: May 8th, '16, 00:04
by SaltPoisson
I guess it means how well you stick to the rules of English grammar and spelling.

Sorry for the late reply.

Re: Role-playing 101

Posted: May 12th, '16, 13:15
by Lycanthus
cool to see such a comprehensive guide to new rpers! i'm a veteran myself but i love reading about writing and roleplaying. and discussing the intricacies of them as well.
CycloneKira wrote:I was wondering... could someone tell me what it means when someone tells you that you are a literate or semi-literate role-player? I've seen it written countless times before but never figured out what it means :/
usually this refers to post length, although the definition and the average length for each changes depending on the site or community you're in. this is what i know from my personal experience, so it might not be completely accurate for all places:

semi-literate: posts consist of a few sentences to a paragraph. usually requires at least some understanding of basic grammar.

literate: 1-2 (?) paragraphs per post. has a good understanding of grammar.

advanced literate/novella: this category is a little weird because i've only recently heard of novella rp. for advanced literate, posts are typically 3 paragraphs minimum. ranges from 3-6 or more paragraphs. novella is basically the same thing in my opinion, although some places assign it as a tier above advanced literate, where the roleplayer has an excellent understanding of grammar, has an established voice, and writes anywhere from 3 paragraphs to 1000 words and beyond. to me, there's not really a distinction but like i said, definition varies from site to site!