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We have all our Gen 19s! Which one is your favourite?
Darkness  19%  [ 38 ]
Air  11%  [ 22 ]
Earth  17%  [ 35 ]
Water  12%  [ 24 ]
Light  11%  [ 23 ]
Fire  13%  [ 26 ]
None (impossible)  18%  [ 36 ]
Total votes : 204
 Post subject: The New Knuffel Information Guide-ish thing
Posted: Jan 10th, '10, 19:13    

Knuffel Nana

Joined: Mar 28th, '11, 17:23
Posts: 169
Hugs: 15831

If you have any suggestions or questions about this thread, please post here.
If you see a mistake I've made, please let me know.
Help is greatly appreciated!

Please go here for your heavy chatting. Otherwise you are free to make comments and ask questions about Knuffel here.

Submit information using this banner to help us notice the updates or even corrections.

We will try to keep this topic up today the best we can. Thanks for the support! :qh:

This thread is about Version 3 Knuffel.
Table of contents:
1. Introduction
2. Basics (Versions, where to buy, etc.)
3. Fighting For Materials
4. Digging For Materials
5. Leveling Up
6. Releasing Knuffel And Obtaining Old Generations
7. Event Knuffel
8. Permanent Knuffel
9. Generation 1
10. Generation 2
11. Generation 3
12. Generation 4
13. Generation 5
14. Generation 6
15. Generation 7
16. Generation 8
17. Generation 9
18. Generation 10
19. Generation 11
20. Generation 12
21. Generation 13
22. Generation 14
23. Generation 15
24. Generation 16
25. Generation 17
26. Generation 18

Thank you!
VampMiyu .......... Saokymo .......... iryska
Meta ................. angeLoVe ......... HTMLTechie305
Ziaheart ............ Floofy Fox ........ Sin
Limikkin ............. nepenthe .......... JamBerry IceCream
Starlight ............ Veene ............. Masshiro
tavisharts .......... Ceres .............. sarin-19
Doki-sama .......... llMerill ............. Mayisa
Certainly Knot ..... gaara_dgl ........ Lilandra
Meows .............. Jazevina .......... Sue Black
S a t u r n i n e .. Valfreyja .......... Shironeko
Xaevan ............. Vetrovosca ....... Nekokinryoku
Ravenheart ....... artaletta .......... Korochka
lilmuse ............. Wishmonger ....... VQEturera
veene ............... Ciel-Kun ........... Secret Sun
Lady Tatsuhiko ... asseraa ............ Nefarious Rainbows
Anored .............. Icewolf01 ......... MilkCartonBunny
Angel Naomi ...... Ignea ............... zangetsugirl
Ragiac ................ Xaevan .......... JamBerry IceCream
Blazari .................amalath........... Icewolf01
AlkseeyaKC...........ml1201............. LilChaosKitten

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 Post subject: Re: New Knuffel Information
Posted: Jan 10th, '10, 19:13    

Knuffel Nana

Joined: Mar 28th, '11, 17:23
Posts: 169
Hugs: 15831

We are still in need of informations about generation 13 and up.
Thread is updated up to page 1361.

Knuffel can be bought here:


You can also access Knufftropolis by navigating to Knuffel>Knufftropolis at menu bar.

Each generation of Knuffel comes in a limited amount. Right now it's 500 and each of them costs 1900 food points.

Once all of knuffel from the same generation have been adopted, knuffel will leave the shop. However, there is also a maximal time knuffel can stay in Knufftropolis. It means if all of them won't be adopted before the leaving date (which you can check on knuffel's miniature), knuffel will disappear from the shop anyway. Don't wait with adopting till last second, or you may miss the knuffel you want! If the shop is empty, it will later be filled with the next generation.

Versions information

There are several different versions of Knuffel, the first version (sold on Gaia) was just a simple, feed-able pet that changed depending on how full it was. The next version was then linked to the accounts here on KofK. This version was able to give the owner of the Knuffel food points each time it was fed or played with. The previous two versions are no longer available for purchase, but can still be used (if they haven’t been deleted). They're no longer linked anywhere on the site, so if you want to keep yours, you have to save the link somewhere. If you lost your link, it might be possible to get to them again, please visit support forum to seek help in finding your lost knuffel.

We are now on a third version of Knuffel, this version gives the owner food points only when it has leveled up. The version also changes form depending on it’s level (rather than it’s hunger) and is also be able to dig for materials and give fight bonuses.

If you have purchased a new Knuffel from the Knufftropolis, you may find it by accessing Knuffel menu.

Other information
Other questions can be answered in the Knuffel FAQ:

There are six elements; Fire, Water, Earth, Darkness, Light, and Air.
To dig or fight for materials, you may go to the Quests Page

Energy and Happiness

Energy goes up when you feed your pet, but you can only feed it once roughly every 20 seconds. (If you try too soon, it'll tell you it's still eating and give you a countdown)
1 feeding = 1 exp
Over feeding does not give your Knuffel more exp, it only gains exp from feeding when the bar goes up.
If you try to over feed your Knuffel, it'll tell you it's not hungry.
We're still looking into this, but it seems the Energy bar goes down once every 6 minutes.

Happiness goes up when you play with your pet, but you can only play with it about once every 20 seconds. (It'll give you a count down if you try too soon)
1 toy = 1 exp
Over playing does not give your Knuffel more exp, only when the bar goes up does your knuffel get exp.
If you try to over play, your Knuffel will say it's not interested or it's tired.
We're still looking into this, but it seems the Happiness bar goes down once every 3 to 3.5 minutes.

If you feed your pet, you can play with it right away (if the happiness bar isn't full), the timer does not stop you from doing the opposite action. (Which means you can feed and play with your pet in the same 17 seconds)

Maxed Knuffel
Once a Knuffel is is at its max level, you may choose the stage you would like the knuffel to stay at. You can only choose a stage once, so think it through before making a decision.

(3) (0)

 Post subject: Re: New Knuffel Information
Posted: Jan 10th, '10, 19:15    

Knuffel Nana

Joined: Mar 28th, '11, 17:23
Posts: 169
Hugs: 15831
Fighting for material

This option is not available yet, but there's some information that is available.

Your knuffels do not fight, they just give you stats for when you fight.
The stats are not random, each knuffel type will give you the options for a specific stat bonus.

List of known Fighting Bonuses
Elemental Stats

Attack ................. Absorb ................. Defense ................. Imune
Image ........................ Image ........................ Image ........................ Image
Image ........................ Image ........................ Image ........................Image
Image ........................ Image ........................ Image ........................ Image
Image ........................ Image ........................ Image ........................ Image
Image ........................ Image ........................ Image ........................ Image
Image ........................ Image ........................ Image ........................ Image

Non-Elemental Stats

Physical Attack .................. Physical Defense .................. Readiness
Image ..................................... Image ..................................... Image

Magical Attack .................. Magical Defense .................. Evasion
Image ..................................... Image ..................................... Image

Swiftness .......................... Luck
Image ..................................... Image

Immunity Stats

Paralyze ............................ Toad .............................. Sleep
Image ..................................... Image ..................................... Image

Poison ............................ Blind ............................ Confuse
Image ..................................... Image ..................................... Image


Special Attacks

Blind ............................ Confuse ............................ Toad
Image ..................................... Image ..................................... Image

Drain .............................. Poison .............................. Sleep
Image ..................................... Image ..................................... Image

Paralyze ............................ Silence
Image ..................................... Image

(3) (0)

 Post subject: Re: New Knuffel Information
Posted: Jan 10th, '10, 19:16    

Knuffel Nana

Joined: Mar 28th, '11, 17:23
Posts: 169
Hugs: 15831
Digging for material


To dig, you go to a place called "Candy Island", but to get there (besides clicking Knuffel> Candy Island on menu) go to the Quests page and click on the "Dig For Material" banner on the left.

What can you dig up?

  • Materials for quests
  • Food Points (food points you can get at a time are... 10, 50, 200 and 1000)
  • Avatar items (available avatar items change after a time)
See This announcement for more details. (these are rare and also depend much on the same stats as for digging up materials. The higher your stat in an element, the higher your chances in that element, but, that doesn't mean you can't find something with low stats.)

This is quoted from one of Firn's posts (page 146 of this thread)
"The higher your Knuffel's level is the higher is your chance of getting items for your avatar from digging. It is like with rare material.
Food on the other hand is a "bonus" when your Knuffel does not find any material. When your Knuffel is level 100 in one element it will always find material or avatar items and no food."

"Digs left today" reset every 24 hours.
Reset happens always at midnight of server time. Server time is displayed on the right, together with your last visit's time and your local time.


Each time your Knuffel digs, its Energy and Happiness go down, so after a few times you'll have to fill its bars again in order to continue digging. (But! You can't do it RIGHT after you dig, it needs time to rest!) Your Knuffel can also only dig a few times per day. It gets higher as your Knuffel's level increases. Number of digs available is listed next to each Knuffel on Knuffel page.
****Food points appear to get you less exp than materials. Even when digging outside their element. [See this post]

Digging Inside their element
  • Energy lost: ~ 15
  • Happiness Lost: ~ 10
  • EXP gained: 1

  • Energy lost: 16-20
  • Happiness Lost: 5-9
  • EXP gained: 3-9

Digging Outside their Element
  • Energy lost: 25
  • Happiness Lost: 20
  • EXP gained: 1

  • Energy lost: 17-30
  • Happiness Lost: 15-19
  • EXP gained: 13-29

    • The element you'll locate Knuffel's points in, determines what environment will give you biggest chance of finding material.
    • The higher your Knuffel's element, the bigger % of finding material.
    • Rarity of the item does not determine the amount of exp gained.

Here is the list of places to dig by the element:
Image Dark Plains
Image High Plains
Image Knobby Woods
Image Fire Mountain
Image Tower of Light
Image Frostland Coast

Seems easy, right? Good, now let's learn about your map...

This is what you want to start with.
You use the arrow to view a list of your Knuffel (the name on it will the the Knuffel you have selected currently). You can choose between few sorting types.
Your Knuffel's stats don't refresh automatically when you feed them in another page, so if you feed them while this window is open, click the "Refresh Stats" button so the up-to-date stats show up.

Each location on your map will look something like this. It will list the element (in this case darkness), the name of the place and of course, the "Dig Here" button.

This is what your Stats panel looks like. It'll list your Knuffel's name, energy, happiness, digs left, if it's ready to dig, and it's elemental stats.

You will not find material each time you dig, but the higher your Knuffel's stats in a particular element, the more likely it'll find something in that element. (My level 15 found about 3 items compared to Kora that found 1).

(2) (0)

 Post subject: Re: New Knuffel Information
Posted: Jan 10th, '10, 19:17    

Knuffel Nana

Joined: Mar 28th, '11, 17:23
Posts: 169
Hugs: 15831
Leveling Up

Each knuffel starts out as level 1 and each knuffel has an Element.
Because it has that element, it will have a bonus to that element at level 1.
EX: Earth knuffel will start off with a 10% bonus under its Digging stats elements while the other elements for that knuffel will be at 1%.
Each time your knuffel levels up, you may pick which element to let it level up in.This will only make the element you pick go up by 1%.

After each level up, the Energy and Happiness bars will also go up (by 2 with each level), so you can feed and play with your knuffel more and let it gain more experience.
Each time your knuffel reaches levels x0, you get 1000 food points.

There are 100 levels total, every 25 levels your knuffel will evolve. Knuffel has 5 stages total.

Every 20 levels, your knuffel gets a new fight bonus.

The amount of times you may dig per day goes up by one every 5 levels.

Levels: 100
Digs per day: 25
Food points earned: 10,098 (Profit 7,598)

Experience needed to level

(I’m going to list only the amount you need to reach the level)

Level 1: 0 ---------------------------------------- Level 51: 12980
Level 2: 18 --------------------------------------- Level 52: 13495
Level 3: 42 --------------------------------------- Level 53: 14020
Level 4: 76 --------------------------------------- Level 54: 14555
Level 5: 120 -------------------------------------- Level 55: 15100
Level 6: 174 -------------------------------------- Level 56: 15655
Level 7: 238 -------------------------------------- Level 57: 16220
Level 8: 313 -------------------------------------- Level 58: 16796
Level 9: 397 -------------------------------------- Level 59: 17381
Level 10: 491 -------------------------------------- Level 60: 17976 -New Fight Bonus
Level 11: 595 ------------------------------------- Level 61: 18581
Level 12: 709 ------------------------------------- Level 62: 19196
Level 13: 834 ------------------------------------- Level 63: 19822
Level 14: 968 ------------------------------------- Level 64: 20457
Level 15: 1112 ------------------------------------ Level 65: 21102
Level 16: 1267 ------------------------------------ Level 66: 21758
Level 17: 1431 ------------------------------------ Level 67: 22423
Level 18: 1605 ------------------------------------ Level 68: 23098
Level 19: 1790 ------------------------------------ Level 69: 23784
Level 20: 1984 - Fight Bonus ---------------------- Level 70: 24479
Level 21: 2188 ------------------------------------ Level 71: 25184
Level 22: 2403 ------------------------------------ Level 72: 25900
Level 23: 2627 ------------------------------------ Level 73: 26625
Level 24: 2862 ------------------------------------ Level 74: 27361
Level 25: 3106 - New form ------------------------- Level 75:28106 - New Form
Level 26: 3361 ------------------------------------ Level 76: 28862
Level 27: 3625 ------------------------------------ Level 77: 29627
Level 28: 3900 ------------------------------------ Level 78:30403
Level 29: 4184 ------------------------------------ Level 79: 31188
Level 30: 4479 ------------------------------------ Level 80: 31984 - New Fight Bonus
Level 31: 4784------------------------------------- Level 81: 32790
Level 32: 5098 ------------------------------------ Level 82:33605
Level 33: 5423 ------------------------------------ Level 83: 34431
Level 34: 5758 ------------------------------------ Level 84: 35267
Level 35: 6102 ------------------------------------ Level 85:36112
Level 36: 6457 ------------------------------------ Level 86: 36968
Level 37: 6822 ------------------------------------ Level 87: 37834
Level 38: 7196 ------------------------------------ Level 88: 38709
Level 39: 7581 ------------------------------------ Level 89: 39595
Level 40: 7976 - New Fight Bonus----------------Level 90: 40491
Level 41: 8381 ------------------------------------ Level 91: 41397
Level 42: 8796 ------------------------------------ Level 92: 42313
Level 43: 9220 ------------------------------------ Level 93: 43238
Level 44: 9655 ------------------------------------ Level 94: 44174
Level 45:10100 ------------------------------------Level 95: 45120
Level 46: 10555 ----------------------------------- Level 96: 46076
Level 47: 11020 ----------------------------------- Level 97: 47042
Level 48: 11495 ----------------------------------- Level 98: 48018
Level 49: 11980 ----------------------------------- Level 99: 49004
Level 50: 12475 - New Form ----------------------Level 100: 50000 - Final Form & Fight ------------------------------------------------- Bonus

(4) (0)

 Post subject: Re: New Knuffel Information
Posted: Jan 10th, '10, 19:18    

Knuffel Nana

Joined: Mar 28th, '11, 17:23
Posts: 169
Hugs: 15831
Releasing Knuffel and obtaining old generations

If you're bored of your Knuffel, you can release it back to Knufftropolis. To release a Knuffel, you have to visit its page and click "X" button located in upper right corner of your Knuffel's image.


Upon releasing you'll receive a certain amount of food points :food: , depending on your Knuffel's level. Food points received = Knuffel's level*100

Before releasing a Knuffel, you'll be asked for a final confirmation of this action. Confirmation window displays all most important informations about your Knuffel.


All released Knuffel show up in Knufftropolis, where they can be adopted by all other users. Knuffel released to Knufftropolis forgets all the learned points and skills and starts from level 1, just like all other Knuffel.


However, not many people decide to part with their Knuffel babies and old generations are a very rare sight in Knufftropolis. Want to take care of old generation Knuffel without having to constantly check Knufftropolis for user-released ones? You can use your spare fairy coins :fc: to adopt them. To check old generations page, use button located at the bottom of Knufftropolis.


It takes you to the page where all old Knuffel are segregated depending on their generation.


Old Knuffel price depends on the generation you want to adopt. The older Knuffel you want, the bigger price. Prices of old generation Knuffel change each time new generation of certain element is introduced and grows by 1 :fc: with each generation.
For example, Air Generation 13, the youngest generation of air Knuffel, can be obtained from Knufftropolis for 2500 :food: . Air Generation 12 can be obtained from old generation Knuffel page for 1 :fc: , while Air Generation 1, which is the oldest air Knuffel, can be obtained for 12 :fc: . When Air Generation 13 sells out, it will be moved to old generation Knuffel page, where it will be available for 1 :fc: . Air Generation 12's price will change to 2 :fc: and Air Generation 1's price will change to 13 :fc: .

(2) (0)

 Post subject: Re: New Knuffel Information
Posted: Jan 10th, '10, 19:19    

Knuffel Nana

Joined: Mar 28th, '11, 17:23
Posts: 169
Hugs: 15831
Event Knuffel 1

Stages Complete ; Fight Bonuses Complete
These Knuffel are each 1,000 food points.


[limg]http://kofk.de/images/nk/shop/shoplx01.gif[/limg]Element: Light [Preview]
Stages: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
Fight Bonuses: [Level 20][Level 40][Level 60][Level 80][Level 100]
Availability: Dec 8th, '11-Dec 11th, '11
Status Complete


[limg]http://www.kofk.de/images/nk/shop/shoplx02.gif[/limg]Element: Light [Preview]
Stages: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
Fight Bonuses: [Level 20][Level 40][Level 60][Level 80][Level 100]
Availability: Feb 13th, '12-Feb 24th '12
Status Complete

St. Patrick's

Element: Earth [Preview]
Stages: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
Fight Bonuses: [Level 20][Level 40][Level 60][Level 80][Level 100]
Availability: Mar 17th, '12-May 6th, '12
Status Complete

Event Knuffel 2

Stages Complete ; Fight Bonuses Incomplete
These Knuffel are each 2,000 food points.


[limg]http://kofk.de/images/nk/shop/shopwx01.gif[/limg]Element: Water [Preview]
Stages: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
Fight Bonuses: [Level 40][Level 60]
Availability: Jul 18th, '13-Aug 18th, '13

Event Knuffel 3

Stages Complete ; Fight Bonuses Incomplete
These Knuffel were rewards in event quests.


[limg]http://kofk.de/knuffel_img.php?t=dx01&s=a&z=s[/limg]Element: Darkness
Stages: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
Fight Bonuses:
Availability: Special reward in the Halloween 2014 event

Event Knuffel 5

Stages Incomplete ; Fight Bonuses Complete
These Knuffels were available to purchase with event currency or offered as a level-up reward during the Summer '18 event.

Summer '18

[limg]https://i.imgur.com/RdN2UbJ.jpg[/limg]Element: Light
Stages: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
Fight Bonuses: [Level 20][Level 40][Level 60][Level 80][Level 100]
Availability: Sold out

[limg]https://i.imgur.com/HV2W6oN.jpg[/limg]Element: Light
Stages: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
Fight Bonuses: [Level 20][Level 40][Level 60][Level 80][Level 100]
Availability: Sold out

Halloween '18

This Knuffel was available to as a reward during the Halloween '18 event.

[limg][/limg]Element: Darkness
Stages: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
Fight Bonuses: [Level 20][Level 40][Level 60][Level 80][Level 100]
Availability: Available through Halloween event

(2) (0)

 Post subject: Re: New Knuffel Information
Posted: Jan 10th, '10, 19:19    

Knuffel Nana

Joined: Mar 28th, '11, 17:23
Posts: 169
Hugs: 15831
Permanent Collection Knuffel

Stages Complete ; Fight Bonuses Incomplete
Those Knuffel do not expire from Knufftropolis and will always wait for you to adopt them! You can also choose one of them for free as your starter knuffel when you visit Knufftropolis for the first time. However, free version will accompany you only for a limited time.

Element: Darkness [Preview]
Stages: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
Fight Bonuses:
Availability: Feb 23rd, '14

Element: Air [Preview]
Stages: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
Fight Bonuses:
Availability: Sep 12th, '14

Element: Earth [Preview]
Stages: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
Fight Bonuses:[Level 60][Level 80][Level 100]
Availability: Jan 16th, '14

Element: Fire [Preview]
Stages: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
Fight Bonuses:
Availability: Jun 21st, '14

Element: Light [Preview]
Stages: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
Fight Bonuses:
Availability: Aug 25th, '14

Element: Water [Preview]
Stages: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
Fight Bonuses:
Availability: May 28th, '14

(2) (0)

 Post subject: Re: New Knuffel Information
Posted: Jan 10th, '10, 19:26    

Knuffel Nana

Joined: Mar 28th, '11, 17:23
Posts: 169
Hugs: 15831
Generation 1
Sold Out

Stages Complete ; Fight Bonuses Complete
( Over all Knuffel Preview )

[limg]http://kofk.de/images/nk/shop/shopd001.gif[/limg] Element: Darkness
Stages: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
Fight Bonuses: [Level 20][Level 40][Level 60][Level 80][Level 100]
Availability: Jan 5th, '10 - Jan 23rd, '10
Status Complete

[limg]http://kofk.de/images/nk/shop/shopa001.gif[/limg] Element: Air
Stages: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
Fight Bonuses: [Level 20][Level 40][Level 60][Level 80][Level 100]
Availability: Jan 5th, '10 - Feb 9th, '10
Status Complete

[limg]http://kofk.de/images/nk/shop/shope001.gif[/limg] Element: Earth
Stages: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
Fight Bonuses: [Level 20][Level 40][Level 60][Level 80][Level 100]
Availability: Jan 5th, '10 - Jan 20th, '10
Status Complete

[limg]http://kofk.de/images/nk/shop/shopf001.gif[/limg] Element: Fire
Stages: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
Fight Bonuses: [Level 20][Level 40][Level 60][Level 80][Level100]
Availability: Jan 5th, '10 - Jan 24th, '10
Status Complete

[limg]http://kofk.de/images/nk/shop/shopl001.gif[/limg] Element: Light
Stages: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
Fight Bonuses: [Level 20][Level 40][Level 60][Level 80][Level100]
Availability: Jan 5th, '10 - Feb. 11th, '10
Status Complete

[limg]http://kofk.de/images/nk/shop/shopw001.gif[/limg] Element: Water
Stages: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
Fight Bonuses: [Level 20][Level 40][Level 60][Level 80][Level100]
Availability: Jan 5th, '10 - Feb 16, '10
Status Complete

(2) (0)

 Post subject: Re: New Knuffel Information
Posted: Jan 10th, '10, 19:26    

Knuffel Nana

Joined: Mar 28th, '11, 17:23
Posts: 169
Hugs: 15831
Generation 2
Sold Out

Stages Complete ; Fight Bonuses Complete

[limg]http://kofk.de/images/nk/shop/shopd002.gif[/limg] Element: Darkness [Preview]
Stages: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
Fight Bonuses: [Level 20][Level 40][Level 60][Level 80][Level 100]
Availability: Jan.23rd,'10 - Apr.19th,'2010
Status Complete

[limg]http://kofk.de/images/nk/shop/shopa002.gif[/limg] Element: Air [Preview]
Stages: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
Fight Bonuses: [Level 20][Level 40][Level 60][Level 80][Level 100]
Availability: Feb.10th,'10 - June 4th.'10
Status Complete

[limg]http://kofk.de/images/nk/shop/shope002.gif[/limg] Element: Earth [Preview]
Stages: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
Fight Bonuses: [Level 20][Level 40][Level 60][Level 80][Level100]
Availability: Jan 20th, '10 - Jul 1st, '10
Status Complete

[limg]http://kofk.de/images/nk/shop/shopf002.gif[/limg] Element: Fire [Preview]
Stages: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
Fight Bonuses: [Level 20][Level 40][Level 60][Level 80][Level 100]
Availability: Jan 24th, '10 - Jul 9th, '10
Status Complete

[limg]http://kofk.de/images/nk/shop/shopl002.gif[/limg] Element: Light [Preview]
Stages: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
Fight Bonuses: [Level 20][Level 40][Level 60][Level 80][Level 100]
Availability: Feb. 11th, '10 - Apr. 13th, '10
Status Complete

[limg]http://kofk.de/images/nk/shop/shopw002.gif[/limg] Element: Water [Preview]
Stages: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
Fight Bonuses: [Level 20][Level 40][Level 60][Level 80][Level 100]
Availability: Feb. 17th, '10 - June 17th, '10
Status Complete

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