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 Post subject: Why was my Wild Knuffel rejected?
Posted: Mar 9th, '12, 19:24    


Joined: Apr 14th, '07, 00:58
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    If you have been linked to this thread when your Knuffel got rejected, PLEASE USE IT!
    It is unnerving for both you and me if the same Knuffel gets rejected over and over again.
    People will be willing, and most of all more able to help you out if you show them pictures of your Knuffel!
    Please do NOT send me, or any admin or moderator PMs about rejected Knuffel! Users can help you here!

    If your Knuffel got rejected and you were named a reason why and were directed to this thread, but you just re-submit your Knuffel without fixing the problem, your Knuffel will be rejected again without any notification!
    I feel kind of bad about this, but I am really frustrated with people submitting Knuffel with the same mistake up to 10 times and never making the effort of asking for help here if they apparently do not understand the problem.

    - Why was it rejected?

    Even though I hoped I had explained pretty detailed what the requirements for Wild Knuffel are in the Wild Knuffel announcement here, a lot of users try to submit Wild Knuffel that don't meet the requirement and, even when given a short explanation in the rejection PM they get, have additional questions.

    As I really cannot answer each PM I get about this and explain to each of you again why your Knuffel was rejected, as this is way too time-consuming, I am putting together a list here where I will explain all possible reasons for a rejection as good as as I can.

    If you, after reading this, still do not understand why your Knuffel was rejected, I am afraid I cannot explain it any better, but maybe you can post your Knuffel here and other users will find the time to help you by explaining why your Knuffel was rejected or by giving you tips on how to improve your Knuffel so it won't get rejected again.

    So, here we go.

    List of requirements:

    Post 2
    1. Own designs
    2. No reuse
    3. Artistic standards

    Post 3
    4. Proportions
    6. Transparent BG

    Post 4
    5. Clear-cut
    6. Evolution

    Post 5
    7. Other standards
    8. Quality Over Quantity


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 Post subject: Re: Why was my Wild Knuffel rejected?
Posted: Mar 9th, '12, 19:24    


Joined: Apr 14th, '07, 00:58
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    1. Own Design

    Your Wild Knuffel must be your own design:
    → This means, you are not allowed to steal other artist's work and submit it as your own.
    → You are not allowed to steal other artists design, re-draw it, and submit it as your own.
    → You are not allowed to use copyrighted material: This means you cannot draw a character from a movie, book, anime, manga, game, or any other media, or any other avatar community. This also means that you cannot use pieces of clothing on your avatar that any game/manga/etc character uses.
    → You are not allowed to use any part of official Knuffel, or other user's wild Knuffel, and modify it to make it your own.

    2. No Re-use

    You are only allowed to submit a Wild Knuffel once
    → This means you are not only not allowed to submit the same Knuffel twice, but also not an altered version of it, by adding or changing single clothes, by editing colors or making any other minor modification.
    (Of course you are allowed to use your own base and re-use your base as often as you like.)

    3. Artistic Standards

    Your Wild Knuffel must follow some basic artistic standards
    → It has to consist of colored, filled areas, on a clean transparent background.
    → You cannot submit scribbles
    → You cannot submit sketches
    → You cannot submit uncolored Knuffel
    → You cannot submit Knuffel in a sketchy drawing- or coloring style


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 Post subject: Re: Why was my Wild Knuffel recected?
Posted: Mar 9th, '12, 20:30    


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    4. Proportions

    Your Knuffel must fill out the 300 x 377 pixel proportionally!
    →The base of your Knuffel must leave a margin around all sides. It should not end right at the end of the image, but should also not leave an significant amount of space or a significant amount of space unfilled:



    Your Knuffel's base including hair (hair can go further to the sides) in the first stage should fill out about this area, not much less and not much more. The areas around the marked square should only be filled during further evolutions:


    - I advice everyone against using non-chibi bases, as they will be rejected in 95% of all cases because they cannot fill out the image in proportion.

    - If you need more space for things like big wings or other aspects of your Knuffel during its evolution you may use up all the space, up to the edge! However, the base=body should always leave a margin around all sides, which is neither too small nor too big (see images). This includes merging to all sides, which means your base should neither be too thin, nor too thick, nor too short or too long.

    - Do not just "cut off" things at the edge of the image if they do not fit into the image!

    - Do not move your base around! A common mistake is that people want to add huge items, for example big hats, to the Knuffel in later stages and then just move the base to the button to have more space. This is a big NO! Your base should stay in the exact same position through all evolutions!

    5. Transparent Background

    Your Knuffel must be placed on a transparent Background
    → I really do not know how to explain this any better, but users still keep submitting Knuffel on backgrounds that are not transparent.
    Transparent does NOT mean white.
    → Don't add any frames around the image.
    → Don't add any background image or random parts of backgrounds to your Knuffel! No mountains, no windows, no curtains, no floor, no shadows on a non-existing floor, nothing! You are drawings Knuffel, not interior design or landscapes!

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 Post subject: Re: Why was my Wild Knuffel rejected?
Posted: Mar 9th, '12, 23:48    


Joined: Apr 14th, '07, 00:58
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    5. Clear-cut

    Your Knuffel must be clear cut:
    → Your Knuffel must be placed on a clean, transparent background
    → No pieces of the background must be attached to the Knuffel (no background elements: no grass, no windows, no shadows, no stars, no rain, no trees, no furniture, nothing unless it is something STRONGLY connected to the evolution of the Knuffel!)
    → No white pixel
    → No white borders around Knuffel
    → No border around the whole image
    → No smudges
    → No random pixel or smudges anywhere in the background
    → No other strange unknown objects in your background or around your Knuffel
    → No "glows" around your Knuffel/any part of it

    PLEASE view your Knuffel on a background with a different color than white before submitting it! If the pixel attached to it are white, you will not see them on a white background!

    6. Evolution

    Your Knuffel must evolve! You have to submit 5 unique, significantly different, gradually evolving stages.
    → Evolving means your Knuffel gradually changes and becomes an "upgraded" new version of itself
    → Striking, clearly visible major changes per stage
    → You should aim for least 3 big changes per stage (wings, animal ears, tails, new pieces of clothing etc.).
    It is strongly recommended to add more big changes the higher the stage, as additional details get less noticeable the more complex a Knuffel gets.
    If the changes are minor things, like "adding gloves" or "necklaces" etc, there should be MORE and also additional bigger changes per stage.
    Do not add small changes only to a stage.
    → No just adding a few clothes/accessories for every stage (and most of all: Not taking them off again! Your Knuffel must make a progress in evolving. Adding clothes, and then taking them off again or relocating them is no evolution and does not count as any change at all! The same goes for adding body parts like wings, then taking them off again, or letting hair grow, and then chopping it off again. All these things are reverting the evolution again.
    → No suddenly changing clothes into completely different clothes. "Evolve" the clothing too!
    → (New Rule) No naked first stages! It happens more and more often that people try to avoid thinking of proper evolutions by just starting with a naked base with just hair in their first stage. This is no longer allowed. Your Knuffel needs clothes in the first stage, otherwise having no clothes in first stage and clothes in the second stage will count as "dress up" and not as evolution and therefore will not count as any change at all.

    Not a rule, but a tip: Make sure your Knuffel starts out as simple as possible. The more things you add to the first stage, the more difficult it will be to make significant evolutions in the further stages.

    → No sudden transformations into something completely different
    → No hatching
    → No growth
    → No "dressing up" (for example Knuffel starts naked or in underwear and all it does is put on more clothes per stage)

    Keep in mind that "evolution" is the key word. Make your Knuffel evolve. It is not a plant that grows from a seed, not an animal that hatches from an egg, not a magical girl that transforms into something different in the blink of an eye, and not some random dude that changes his clothes to go out with his girlfriend.


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 Post subject: Re: Why was my Wild Knuffel rejected?
Posted: Mar 10th, '12, 00:00    


Joined: Apr 14th, '07, 00:58
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    7. Other Standards

    There are some other rare cases in which your Knuffel might not be accepted, mainly involving it's compatibility with Kingdom Of Knuffel's image.
    → Your Knuffel should not contain explicit sexual content, which should already be pretty clear from Kingdom Of Knuffel's rules.
    → Extreme gore should not be part of your Knuffel. This is mainly a matter of personal taste, but I think hardly any users wishes to adopt a cute little Knuffel only to discover that at stage 5 it's bowel is hanging out of its stomach.
    → Extreme violence and other offensive content.


    8. Quality over Quantity

    Poor quality is not a reason for which Knuffel will be rejected (as for me it is impossible to tell whether a Knuffel was just rushed or whether the artist lacks skills or practice), but I would like to remind people, especially the ones who create multiple Knuffel in a short amount of time, that putting more effort into one Knuffel instead of trying to create multiple ones will get everyone better results: Other users might be more willing to adopt 1 good Knuffel than 3 mediocre ones.

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 Post subject: Re: Why was my Wild Knuffel rejected?
Posted: Mar 10th, '12, 00:07    


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Eylis wrote:Just a question: I'm creating a Knuffel with a friend that doesn't play Knuffel, which means that I create the idea and I discuss it with him, and he draw the Knuffel for me. We do it together, even if the graphic part is his. This can count against the "own art" rule, because I'm nor directly drawing the Knuffel?

Technically yes, practically it is hard to even know something like this unless you tell me.

(though should I ever find someone's Knuffel on any random art gallery like for example DeciantArt listed as "commission" to someone, in other words, should I ever find out that anyone actually payed someone to make a Knuffel for them, I will instantly and permanently ban that user. You decide whether the risk is worth it.)

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 Post subject: Re: Why was my Wild Knuffel rejected?
Posted: Mar 10th, '12, 00:11    


Joined: Feb 23rd, '12, 20:43
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Erm, I have a question... I'm currently making an female version of the one I created. Will that be accepted? Since I am planning to create them in a theme, release both a girl and a boy..

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I haz a shop! Clickies!
Mind feeding them? Thank you~

 Post subject: Re: Why was my Wild Knuffel rejected?
Posted: Mar 10th, '12, 00:15    


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Wiltherel wrote:Erm, I have a question... I'm currently making an female version of the one I created. Will that be accepted? Since I am planning to create them in a theme, release both a girl and a boy..

Depends on how much they look alike.

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 Post subject: Re: Why was my Wild Knuffel rejected?
Posted: Mar 10th, '12, 00:25    


Joined: Nov 24th, '11, 19:43
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Well, I'm not paying him, we simply are working together because I'm good at creating ideas and he is good at drawing them... but if this isn't allowed I don't want to be banned... So I have to ask him to stop drawing it, is it right? :qsob:

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 Post subject: Re: Why was my Wild Knuffel rejected?
Posted: Mar 10th, '12, 00:25    


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I have a question I made a knuffel and I wonder let say 6 months later I would like to add it again to the wild knuffel can I do that? Or is it one time thing ?

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