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Re: Raine's Wild Knuffel

Posted: Dec 15th, '17, 00:15
by memoriam
I really hope so, I don't look forward to taking another assistant job, it's not exactly a dream job and they are exhausting ;/

If you can't, just do a one day break, you can workout tomorrow if you don't manage today ^^
I really should buy a yoga mat tho, I don't really own a proper mat, the one I have is for sleeping on hiking, not exercising XD

If you like, you can sign up right now, because I'm not sure how fast they are with sending the password, I got mine after a week or so after signing up, that's why I'm saying XD but starting since January sounds like a great idea! ouob

Thank you! I noticed I often give up right after Cassey starts to count the final reps or I give up, she does 2 more reps and we're done and in my mind, I'm like "wait, I wanted to continue, just a tiny break!" XD Good job with pushing yourself, keep it going! :qh:
After I was dead after that one long video, I still had one more to go... exercises while continuously holding plank... plank doens't kill my ab as much as it does my shoulders so.... I did it all on my knees and then I gave up at the last move because I couldn't go anymore XD Still kinda proud, though. o///o

Right? It's like magic, I see her and I smile. Not to mention I totally talk to her during workouts XD Like me: "No, please, no more, I need rest... QAQ" Cassey: "Don't get tired, you're not tired, keep going, you're strong!" me: "okay... ;u;"

Re: Raine's Wild Knuffel

Posted: Dec 15th, '17, 00:28
by Raine Seryn
good luck!

I might have to take a break today. :( I have a hard time workout out unless I feel secure that I won't be disturbed. But there are people fighting upstairs so I'm like... noooooope. I've been more consistent working out, but I still miss several days. It's like workout workout break workout break break workout workout. ^^; but it is better than nothing at all or once a week.

Ok! thanks for the heads up! Id be mad if I signed up an missed the first few days lol

yay! be proud! :D It sounds like you pushed yourself a lot, I'm so proud of you ;u; <333

Ahaha I don't talk to her because I am worried my brother will hear and make fun of me. XD But I understand hahhaa
she's very encouraging ;u;

Re: Raine's Wild Knuffel

Posted: Dec 15th, '17, 02:15
by Sunlight
I found a bunch of dynamic stretch exercise videos on youtube and created a playlist for them. A lot of them don't require exercise mats. I hope they're helpful for you. I'm slowly organizing them into shortest to longest, because I'm weird like that. ... Qt1ubAObJy

Re: Raine's Wild Knuffel

Posted: Dec 15th, '17, 21:09
by Raine Seryn
Ah! Thank you! ;u; that's so sweet <33 I'll definitely check them out later today. I have some work to do and errands to run but at like 5 my bf has a holiday party at work so I'll be by myself for a while. ^^

Re: Raine's Wild Knuffel

Posted: Dec 15th, '17, 22:02
by memoriam
@Raine: Yeah, first weeks look like that, don't worry :qlol: It takes some time to develop the habit of just exercising every day (if you even aim for that, I began doing that without realizing, my goal was 3 times a week, then I looked in my calendar and went "lol, well, that's even better" XD)
And I feel you with feeling secure. Whenever my grandma randomly walks in, I just totally go into my shell and stop exercising (and she can stick around for a while, especially with the rats being the novelty and she's all about coming to our room and just looking at them and cooing, even though she has no guts to actually touch them... ;>_>), when that happens I just want to yell at her and throw her out ^^;
Maybe if people are fighting upstairs, exercising (or just stretching) would help keep your thoughts away from what's happening up there?

Yeah, I was pretty unhappy to say the least XD

I think I did, I do feel the lactic acid in some places :qsob: But it's good pain, good pain QwQ (So glad today was just stretching)

Well, because it is funny when you talk to a video XD If you ever happen to do it and your brother laughs at you, laugh with him (and tell him to try the exercises, he'll start crying :mcsquee: )
She is, isn't she! :qh:

@Zia: Wow, that's a lot of stretching videos! :qno:

Re: Raine's Wild Knuffel

Posted: Dec 24th, '17, 12:16
by Raine Seryn
Sorry for disappearing! life got busy haha. holidays.

I haven't been able to keep up a good work out schedule. But so far it's been 2-3 times a week and that's better than I expected of myself so I'm happy.

LOL for some reason I like feeling sore. I keep poking at the sore spots or stretching them to feel it more. XD
I did a little core workout the other day and my whole torso was sore for 2 days hahaha.

Re: Raine's Wild Knuffel

Posted: Dec 24th, '17, 15:26
by memoriam
2-3 times is good! As long as you do it regularly, you're doing great ^^

Haha, that's the good pain then! :qlol:
My butt died the other day, I've been feeling it for about 2-3 days after, so mean XD But if it hurts, at least I know I was doing something, and hopefully I did it correctly, lol

Happy Holidays!!! :qstar: :qstar: :qstar:

Today we're having a family dinner. Polish tradition is we have the dinner on Xmas Eve, then we unpack the presents and then on first and second day we visit other family members. Or friends. That said, my mom has been bummed for the past few days and I hope she won't be angry too much. Anger is her coping mechanism for some reason x.x

Re: Raine's Wild Knuffel

Posted: Dec 27th, '17, 15:04
by Sunlight
Yeah, that took me a long time. It was pure stubbornness that kept me from stopping midway.

When I did pilates my brother was super into it because he thought it looked really silly. So he'd do it super silly and make me laugh. It was hard to exercise around him.

I hope your mom's feeling better. I can definitely relate.

Re: Raine's Wild Knuffel

Posted: Dec 28th, '17, 19:13
by memoriam
Lol, but did he actually do it? XD Pilates isn't that easy, if he did it for real, he should know XD

Well, she went from bummed out to angry, so.... Not really better. I was pretty embarrassed about how she acted (yet again, and it's not a one time thing during one night, mind you). I was actually pissed a little bit, because she really can't behave. But I let it go and enjoyed the holidays this year.

Re: Raine's Wild Knuffel

Posted: Dec 29th, '17, 05:46
by Raine Seryn
I just got a sec finally to peek at that stretching playlist and OMG!! THERE'S SO MANY!?! HAHAHA *dies* it's a bit overwhelming lmao XD but a very nice resource to have for sure hahahaha thank you again!