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You must:
Write two or more sentences.  29%  [ 37 ]
No short sentences.  6%  [ 8 ]
NO DEATH FATES.  24%  [ 31 ]
It's easier to read the rules first.  41%  [ 53 ]
Total votes : 129
 Post subject: Re: Fate of the Avatar Above You.....
Posted: Dec 19th, '22, 02:40    

Moon Star

Joined: Oct 22nd, '11, 00:30
Posts: 11606
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Mood: Pondering on whether or not I should ponder about pondering...
Location: Good question
You are fated to slowly freeze into a block of ice, to eventually, in a hundred years time, thaw out because of true love.

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 Post subject: Re: Fate of the Avatar Above You.....
Posted: Dec 19th, '22, 06:39    


Joined: Aug 3rd, '09, 19:21
Posts: 28382
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Location: Japan
You are going to loose your voice

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 Post subject: Re: Fate of the Avatar Above You.....
Posted: Dec 19th, '22, 22:34    


Joined: Jan 21st, '09, 03:10
Posts: 10017
Hugs: 158211
Location: Illinois, USA
Your fate is to trip with the knife in your hand. You accidentally destroy your floor. Now you are all sad because your nice hardwood floors need to be replaced.

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 Post subject: Re: Fate of the Avatar Above You.....
Posted: Dec 19th, '22, 23:12    


Joined: Dec 28th, '11, 00:22
Posts: 3949
Hugs: 68838
Mood: Chillin' Like a Villain
Location: The Shire
You are fated to prepare the best Christmas Dinner

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 Post subject: Re: Fate of the Avatar Above You.....
Posted: Dec 19th, '22, 23:27    


Joined: Aug 3rd, '09, 19:21
Posts: 28382
Hugs: 317007
Location: Japan
You are going to put the Queen under your spell

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Life in Japan and more at MARCH STORY

 Post subject: Re: Fate of the Avatar Above You.....
Posted: Dec 19th, '22, 23:57    


Joined: Jan 21st, '09, 03:10
Posts: 10017
Hugs: 158211
Location: Illinois, USA
Your fate is to win the great candy island baking contest.

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 Post subject: Re: Fate of the Avatar Above You.....
Posted: Dec 20th, '22, 00:16    


Joined: Aug 3rd, '09, 19:21
Posts: 28382
Hugs: 317007
Location: Japan
You're going to have a blast at your Christmas party

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Life in Japan and more at MARCH STORY

 Post subject: Re: Fate of the Avatar Above You.....
Posted: Dec 20th, '22, 00:19    


Joined: Jan 21st, '09, 03:10
Posts: 10017
Hugs: 158211
Location: Illinois, USA
You are not going to have a fun time at the winter festival you have been looking forward to going to all year.

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Buying Lots of Stuff!

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 Post subject: Re: Fate of the Avatar Above You.....
Posted: Dec 20th, '22, 00:37    


Joined: Aug 3rd, '09, 19:21
Posts: 28382
Hugs: 317007
Location: Japan
You're going to win this year's Christmas decoration contest

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Life in Japan and more at MARCH STORY

 Post subject: Re: Fate of the Avatar Above You.....
Posted: Dec 20th, '22, 00:42    


Joined: Dec 28th, '11, 00:22
Posts: 3949
Hugs: 68838
Mood: Chillin' Like a Villain
Location: The Shire
You are fated to enjoy sunset by yourself

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