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Plans for the Evening of the Avatar Above You

Posted: Oct 13th, '13, 21:42
by Urtalazas
:qsml: By looking at the avatar above you, guess what it is going to do this evening :qsml:
Maybe he/she has planned a romantic evening? Going to work all night? Plotting to take over the world? Sleeping?
The invisible guy above me is going to watch a horror movie and won't be able to sleep all night despite being a demon overlord.

Re: Plans For the Evening

Posted: Oct 13th, '13, 21:44
by Miky90
You are going to a fancy vampire/demon party

Re: Plans For the Evening

Posted: Oct 13th, '13, 21:45
by Stuart Pot
you're wants to abuse plushies

Re: Plans For the Evening

Posted: Oct 13th, '13, 21:50
by Urtalazas
You are going to walk (lurk) around the streets looking for new friends (victims).

Re: Plans For the Evening

Posted: Oct 13th, '13, 21:53
by Alexandra
You are preparing for a top secret high society initiation starting with a glass of red wine :mclaugh:

Re: Plans For the Evening

Posted: Oct 13th, '13, 21:57
by Stuart Pot
i think, you wants to write a sad poem

Re: Plans For the Evening

Posted: Oct 13th, '13, 22:01
by Sue Black
you wanna kill some humans >3

Re: Plans For the Evening

Posted: Oct 13th, '13, 22:03
by Stuart Pot
you like to swim with the fishes to forbidden places...

and... i want to kill you, sue >D muhahaw

Re: Plans For the Evening

Posted: Oct 13th, '13, 22:30
by faultyneonglow
I'm going with tormenting the souls of the damned.

Re: Plans For the Evening

Posted: Oct 13th, '13, 22:33
by Urtalazas
You will be running around collecting fallen leaves and then trying to glue them back onto the trees - you're not giving up to winter without a fight!