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To Kill A Mockingbird

Posted: Oct 25th, '13, 19:10
by Strawberry
I've just started reading To Kill A Mockingbird. Has anyone read it? I've heard it's pretty famous... so, what do you think about it? I've only read a few pages so far. The language is a bit advanced for me (English isn't my first language) but I like challenges! :mcwink:

Re: To Kill A Mockingbird

Posted: Oct 25th, '13, 19:40
by Twilightday
i had to ead to kill a mocking bird for my english class too. i'd rank it at the same level as huckleberry finn in terms of plot.

Re: To Kill A Mockingbird

Posted: Oct 25th, '13, 19:54
by Strawberry
It's possible that I've read Huckleberry Finn but if so I don't remember what I thought of it. Maybe I didn't finish it? :mcblush: So, since I'm not that familiar with Huckleberry Finn... how's that plot?

Re: To Kill A Mockingbird

Posted: Oct 25th, '13, 20:27
by SuperZombiePotatoe
I read it in my english class about 3/4 years ago, but english us my native language so that wasn't a problem!

Anyway, I thought it quite a lovely book. It starts a bit slow, but as you get into it, it really grabs you. Atleast, this was the opinion of my entire class :mccute:

Re: To Kill A Mockingbird

Posted: Oct 25th, '13, 20:31
by Strawberry
That sounds good. I was thinking that it would probably become better as I read more, the beginning feels a bit slow... hearing what you think about it makes me excited to keep on reading! "mchappy"

Re: To Kill A Mockingbird

Posted: Oct 25th, '13, 20:39
by SuperZombiePotatoe
I tell you, it will be worth it. The message is beautiful, it's one of my favorite books now!

Re: To Kill A Mockingbird

Posted: Oct 25th, '13, 23:32
by Mir
Oh, I remember reading it in 8th grade xD
It was quite the book, actually owo; I rather enjoyed it for a school assigned novel. The best part of it, I remember, was the message >u< I still remember it after so many years, haha. Good luck reading it! Let us know what you think when you're done <:

Re: To Kill A Mockingbird

Posted: Oct 26th, '13, 09:45
by Strawberry
Reading what you guys thinks about it makes me so excited about reading it! I can't wait! :mclaugh:

Re: To Kill A Mockingbird

Posted: Dec 2nd, '13, 00:51
by chasen
I read the book in 8th grade English. Great classic.

Re: To Kill A Mockingbird

Posted: Dec 3rd, '13, 01:52
by Lestrade
I love that book... not many authors write children so realistically. The film version with Gregory Peck as Atticus is fantastic also.