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Whats your super power?
super strength  13%  [ 58 ]
super speed  24%  [ 107 ]
super food getting  63%  [ 286 ]
Total votes : 451
 Post subject: Re: what's the superpower of the avatar above you.
Posted: Dec 3rd, '22, 20:59    


Joined: Feb 1st, '14, 20:22
Posts: 249
Hugs: 6471
While you're an afterlife witch, using your powers to put restless souls at peace so they can move on.

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 Post subject: Re: what's the superpower of the avatar above you.
Posted: Dec 12th, '22, 02:54    

Carrot Cake

Joined: Aug 2nd, '15, 00:55
Posts: 1391
Hugs: 36643
Talk to demons and other supernatural monsters

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 Post subject: Re: what's the superpower of the avatar above you.
Posted: Dec 12th, '22, 11:53    


Joined: Dec 25th, '10, 19:05
Posts: 920
Hugs: 23281
Location: My personal pocket dimension
You can make roses bloom in winter.

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 Post subject: Re: what's the superpower of the avatar above you.
Posted: Dec 13th, '22, 21:48    


Joined: Dec 28th, '11, 00:22
Posts: 3949
Hugs: 68838
Mood: Chillin' Like a Villain
Location: The Shire
You can commend the blizzards

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 Post subject: Re: what's the superpower of the avatar above you.
Posted: Dec 14th, '22, 01:37    

Carrot Cake

Joined: Aug 2nd, '15, 00:55
Posts: 1391
Hugs: 36643
You're cupid ~ (make people fall in love)

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 Post subject: Re: what's the superpower of the avatar above you.
Posted: Dec 17th, '22, 08:48    


Joined: Jan 9th, '15, 17:07
Posts: 1428
Hugs: 33702
Location: In my own world above the clouds among the stars.....
You can make plants grow from anywhere.

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 Post subject: Re: what's the superpower of the avatar above you.
Posted: Dec 18th, '22, 15:56    


Joined: Dec 28th, '11, 00:22
Posts: 3949
Hugs: 68838
Mood: Chillin' Like a Villain
Location: The Shire
You create illustrations

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 Post subject: Re: what's the superpower of the avatar above you.
Posted: Dec 18th, '22, 23:15    


Joined: Aug 3rd, '09, 19:21
Posts: 28382
Hugs: 317004
Location: Japan
You can shapeshift

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Life in Japan and more at MARCH STORY

 Post subject: Re: what's the superpower of the avatar above you.
Posted: Dec 19th, '22, 03:28    

Moon Star

Joined: Oct 22nd, '11, 00:30
Posts: 11606
Hugs: 243204
Mood: Pondering on whether or not I should ponder about pondering...
Location: Good question
You can create temperatures as cold as absolute zero. Unfortunately, once you've done so, you can't turn it back...

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 Post subject: Re: what's the superpower of the avatar above you.
Posted: Dec 19th, '22, 03:41    

Rain Elfglimmer

Joined: Dec 8th, '11, 02:41
Posts: 5468
Hugs: 92900
Mood: Happy
Location: By the sea
You have the ability to calm people with your music so when they sleep you can control their dreams.

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♥ Art by Nankuii ♥

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