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Seeing Your Own Work

Posted: Nov 16th, '15, 07:18
by Moi

I've made art for people who displayed the art in their signatures or profiles or icons.
I always get super embarrassed because my art is hideous.
I'm like "No, put that horrid thing away U,B"

Do you ever get embarrassed when people show off your art?

Re: Seeing Your Own Work

Posted: Nov 16th, '15, 16:29
by Rosamond
I doubt they think it's "hideous" since they are displaying it. :mccute:

I get embarrassed to show off my own work. If I see someone else displaying it that doesn't bother me since it means they like it enough to do so.

Re: Seeing Your Own Work

Posted: Nov 18th, '15, 00:43
by ashabellanar
yes my mom has this awful picture of a cow i drew when i was 10 that says "take me to your litre" hanging up in the back entrance way so everyone sees it

ofc i signed it obnoxiously so i can't say it's my sister's work

Re: Seeing Your Own Work

Posted: Dec 3rd, '15, 21:11
by Tocxica
I hate looking at my work after the fact. The more often I see it, the more I hate it. But, I think that's sort of par for the course. It's natural to be overly critical of your work.

Re: Seeing Your Own Work

Posted: Apr 6th, '16, 07:51
by savage_rose
I tend to be very critical of my own work. I have a hard time feeling like anything is ever truly finished.

Re: Seeing Your Own Work

Posted: Apr 15th, '16, 12:24
by Calielle
I tend to be very critical of my own work also. I don't like watching my old drawings.

Re: Seeing Your Own Work

Posted: May 3rd, '16, 05:20
by SaltPoisson
ashabellanar wrote:yes my mom has this awful picture of a cow i drew when i was 10 that says "take me to your litre" hanging up in the back entrance way so everyone sees it

ofc i signed it obnoxiously so i can't say it's my sister's work
I want that in my house. Question: is the litre a spelling mistake or a pun? Because that makes it so much more awesome.

No one displays my art because I don't draw art for people much anymore and all the art I did do no one bothered to put it up anywhere. When I do go through my old art, sometimes it's UGH I was so bad at art and sometimes it's like UGH I'll never be that good again.

Re: Seeing Your Own Work

Posted: Jun 10th, '16, 08:58
by ashabellanar
musen wrote:I want that in my house. Question: is the litre a spelling mistake or a pun? Because that makes it so much more awesome.

No one displays my art because I don't draw art for people much anymore and all the art I did do no one bothered to put it up anywhere. When I do go through my old art, sometimes it's UGH I was so bad at art and sometimes it's like UGH I'll never be that good again.
it was a pun :D it does have that going for it.
ik both those feelings. sometimes i see a particular eye that i try and replicate and i can't.
it's always awkward when you can clearly see your phases. there was a point where i was into drawing everyone in a particular pose, a bit of a saucy one, that my sister used to bug me about. now i finally see why.

Re: Seeing Your Own Work

Posted: Oct 7th, '16, 16:05
by light_sucks
Nope, I love it.

Re: Seeing Your Own Work

Posted: Oct 12th, '16, 09:46
by GoodNightFish
Aww that's so cute ^u^ I feel the same way sometimes !