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Looking for 1x1 [ANNOUNCEMENT and UPDATE]

Posted: Dec 5th, '15, 01:01
by Angel-WolfBunny
Once again I updated my roleplay search in hopes of finding people to roleplay with.

:bat: About me: :bat:
- English isn't my mother tongue
- I post at least a paragraph
- I'm okay with gore and sexual themes
- It's okay to message me if I don't answer in 2 weeks
- All pairings are fine by me
- I will add :qstar: before what I want to play more at the time
- Feel free to suggest a theme that I didn't list
- I don't feel comfortable playing canon characters
- Roleplay doesn't have to be romantical

- Tokyo Ghoul
- Boku No Hero Academia/My Hero Academia :qstar:
- Supernatural
- Black Butler
- Pokemon

Developed ideas:

1. Wolves from Laketown :qstar:
The story tells the life of young werewolf that discovered one town where he doesn't need to hide, where on every full moon wolves run together with humans. In, that town it's not unusual for human/werewolf hybrid normally born what is noramlly despised by werewolf society because such children can't have children of their own.
Full of hope, young werewolf moves to the town. People of the town seem nice and cheerful even though tehnology is not as developed as the one in outside world.
Werewolf meets hybrid and falls in love. The hybrid tells him about his wish to escape the town but how it's not allowed. The two then try to craft a plan to get out.

Preferred role: Hybrid
2. Wait! How old are you?
Everyone knows that vampires age slowly. So it's not unusual to find a vampire almost 6000 years old that looks like they are 16? Wrong! Vampires are prideful creatures that get into fights over anything that could hurt their pride. That's part of the reason why they are one of rarest supernatural creatures. And that's why vampires often get someone assigned to keep them out of trouble. This old vampire got one of the most annoying creatures on the planet to keep them safe. And they keep forgetting how old vampire is thanks to their appearance!

Preferred role: Annoying supernatural creature
Other themes:
- Demon hunter and friendly demon :qstar:
- Furries
- Angel x Demon/Human
- Vampire x Human/Werewolf/Vampire
- Mermaid x Human
- Neko x Human
- Killings/Investigation
- Killer x Victim/Officer/Killer
- Dragon shifters
- Werewolf x Human mate
- Horror
- Mythology
- Soul mates
- Young vampire x Really old vampire :qstar:
- Shapeshifters
- Experiments
- Friends to soul mates
- Supernatural investigators
- High fantasy :qstar:
- Urban fantasy

Thank you for reading!

Re: Looking for someone to roleplay with 1x1

Posted: Dec 6th, '15, 23:28
by darkflametailz
would you be willing to RP assassins creed?

Re: Looking for someone to roleplay with 1x1

Posted: Dec 6th, '15, 23:33
by Angel-WolfBunny
I have played few parts of the game but I am not sure about plot. If you are okay with my rules messege me with plot and I will see.

Re: Looking for someone to roleplay with 1x1

Posted: Dec 7th, '15, 05:49
by Ironborn

Re: Looking for someone to roleplay with 1x1

Posted: Dec 7th, '15, 09:40
by Angel-WolfBunny
I would be happy to rp either of those two as long as it's with OC's.

Re: Looking for someone to roleplay with 1x1

Posted: Dec 8th, '15, 18:05
by Ironborn
That's perfectly fine. We can do whichever one you are craving more.

Re: Looking for someone to roleplay with 1x1

Posted: Dec 8th, '15, 21:36
by Angel-WolfBunny
I would really like Percy Jackson roleplay. I am still working on OC for Tokyo Ghoul.

Re: Looking for someone to roleplay with 1x1

Posted: Dec 9th, '15, 02:44
by Ironborn
Yes awesome! Do you have any plots in mind?

Re: Looking for someone to roleplay with 1x1

Posted: Dec 9th, '15, 11:18
by Angel-WolfBunny
I don't know. I came only to third book because there is no more books to buy in my country :( BUt friend from other country spoiled it for me, so I know some things.

I thought about normal life in Camp HalfBlood after Percy Jackson. But you can suggest theme if you have something in mind.

Re: Looking for someone to roleplay with 1x1

Posted: Dec 10th, '15, 01:39
by LLuvia
Hello, are you still looking?

Think it could be fun to try make a Alpha/Omega, if you'd be up for it.
I have been liking the idea of making a story like that for a while, but I haven't really been getting into it.

I kind of want it to be like that they or one of them are against the whole bonding thing, but they turn out to be mates. You know, like a soul mates of a kind. One of them could have a bad experience with a soulbond. Or be in a relationship with someone else at the point they meet, and then refuse to leave the other.

Or something else... I'd like it to be something like a soulbond or an arranged marriage that are the main reason they start meeting, and then they have to begin to like each other.

If you are not up for the soul bond thing, it could be that the omega is the child of some big company CEO, but since omega's can't own a company by law, their parents force them into a arranged marriage with someone they trust's child, or something like that.

Give me a Input. If you want it to go in some other direction, just mention that as well.